Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  • October20, 1971 Honorable Bob Armstrong Opinion No. M-975 Conunlssloner Qeneral Land Office Re: May the several reserve Austin, Texas '78701 accounts wlthln a Division of the Veterans' Land Fund -beconsolidatedIn a single account so long as accurate accounting proceduresare followed to track those funds necessary to be deposited to the credit of the siverar botid issues outstandingwithin that Dear Mr. Armstrong: Division? You recently requested the oplnlon.of this office with regard to the following question: "May the several reserve accounts,wlthln a Division of the Veterans' Land Fund be con- solidated In a single account so longsas accurate accounting proceduresare followed to track those funds necessary to be deposited to,the credlt'of the several bond issues outstandingwithin that Division?" In answering this question, we would first .llketo estab- lish the relationshipwhich the several reserve accounts wlth- in a Dlvlslon of the Veterans' Land Fund have to the Fund Itself. Article III, Section 49b of the Texas Constitution,as amended In 1967, speaks to the existence of and makes pro- vision for the operation of the Veterans' Land Fund; it reads In part: "By virtue of prior Amendments to this Constitution,there has been created a govern- mental agency of the State of Texas performing governmentalduties which has been designated the Veterans' Land Board. SaMBoard shall con- tinue to function for the purposes specified In -4757- Honorable Bob Armstrong, page 2 (M-975) all of the prior ConstitutionalAmendments except as modified herein. . . II . . . "The Veterans' Land Board may provide for Issue and sell not to exceed Four Hundred Mllilon Dollars ($400,000,000)In bonds or obligationsof the State of Texas for the pose of creating a fund to be known --.-x8= as Veterans'-LandFund, Two Hundred Million Dollars ~g200.000.000)of which have heretoforebeen issued and soid... 11 . . . "All moneys comprising a part of said Fund and not expended for the purposes herein provided shall be a part of said Fund until there are sufficientmoneys therein to retire fully all of the bonds heretofore or-hereafter Issued and sold by said Board, . . . II . . ." (Emphasisadded). The Veterans' Land Fund referred to above contains wlthln It four (4) separate or division funds, designated. by your Board as "DivisionA","DlvislonB", "DivisionC" and "DivisionD" . These various divisions were created by specific provision contained In the various bond resolutions as adopted by the Veterans1 Land Board and relate to the four amendments to this section of the Constitution. The following language contained in the 1967 amendment to Article III,,Sectlon@b, speaks to these divisionsas: II consistingof the moneys attributable ( to the boids issued and sold pursuant to a single Constitutionalauthorizationand the lands pur- chased therewith). . ." Within these various Divisions there have been created "ReserveFunds" for each of the bond Issues which make up the various Divisions (I.e. State of Texas Veterans' Land Bonds, Series 1949, 1950, and 195OA, make up Division A of the Veterans' Land Fund) and the resolutionsauthorizingeach of these Issues specificallystates the purpose for which these -475a- Honorable Bob Armstrong, p,age3 (M- 975) Reserve Funds are to be used. The question which you have asked concerns the manage- nientof these funds and whether or not the moneys which make up the several reserve acoounts wlthln a Division can be deposited In a single depository account so long.as accurate bookkeepingand accountihg practicesare maintain&d to insure that each designated "reserveaccount" Is credited with the required sum. The management of these funds Is without question vetited In the Veterans' Land Board by Article 5421m, Vernon's Civil Statutes, Its Section 2(A) reads as follows: "The duties of the Veterans' Land Board as created by Article III. Section 49-b of the constitutionas amended. shall be to auth- orize and execute negotiable bonas as provided by law; to provide by resolution for the use of'the Veterans' Land Fund In such manner as to effectuate the Intent of the constitution and of th' law; to fix the Interest rates as. prescribede by law; to provide for the forfeiture of contracts of sale and purchase and the resale of forfeited land: to conduct such lnvestlgatlons as It may deem necessary; and to formulate-such - policies. rules and remla%lons as may be necessary, not in conflict with the provisionsof the law. to Insure the proper administrationof the law and to carry out the Intent and purposes thereof." ‘(Emphasisadded). The sum of those funds which make up a Division within the Veterans' Land Fund should be segregatedand remain separate and apart from all other moneys and propertiesIn the Fund but this same limitation would not necessarily apply to the "reserve accounts" within the Dlvlslon. We find no prohibitionIn the Constitution 'the statutes or the resolutionsauthorizing the various o\its&andlrigbolid issues of the Veterans' Land Board which requires that 'Elie ..' moneys In the variousreserve accounts be physlcalIytiggregated from the other moneys within the Dlvlslon so long as said funds are clearly traceable and the required amount of reserves contemplatedby the various bond resolutionsIs maintained. The bookkeepingand accounting proceduresused In discharging -4759- Honorable Bob Armstrong, page 4 (M-975) the Board's responslbllltlesIn these matters are clearly ones of judgment and should it be found to be the better practice-thenumerous reserve accounts within a Division , may be consolidated. SUMMARY The several reserve accounts within a division of the Veterans' Land Fund may be consolidatedIn a single depositoryaccount so long as accurate accountingand bookkeeping proceduresare followed to Insure that'the required reserves for each bond Issue are maln- talned and are Identifiableas contemplatedby the various bond resolutions V/A? truly yours. General of Texas Preparedby Robert B. Davis Assistant Attorney Qeneral APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman Mel Corley Joseph H. Sharpley Roger Tyler James Quick SAM MCDANIEL STAFF LEGAL ASSISTANT ALFRED WALKER EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT NOLA WHITE FIRST ASSISTANT -4760-

Document Info

Docket Number: M-975

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017