Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  • Hon. Jess M. Irwin, Jr.             Opinion No. M- 944
    Texas Rehabilitation Commission     Re:   May the Texas Rehabllita-
    1301 West 38th Street                     tion Commission deposit
    Austin, Texas 78705                       finds received from local
    agencies under a federal
    establishment grant in a
    Dear Mr.   rwin:                          local depositor: .~
    In your letter requesting an opinion from this office,
    you submit the following facts:
    'The Texas Rehabilitation Commission Is
    authorized to sponsor various local rehabllita-
    tlon agencies for the purpose of obtaining Federal
    funds to be used for initial staffing, equipping,
    or remodeling or expansion of buildings used as
    rehabilitation facilities. Generally, the local
    rehabilitation agency applying through the Com-
    mission for grant funds will be a state school,
    hospital, Goodwill Industries, or similar organlza-
    tion. Grant funds are provided by the U. S. Depart-
    ment of Health, Education and Welfare on an 80$-
    20% basis with 20$ of the funds being provided by
    the local agency.
    "Durlnc FY 70-71 the Commission had establlsh-
    ment grant implementation in the amount of $987,214.
    If all grant funds are fully utilized this will re-
    sult In 20$, or $197,442 being contributed by the
    local agencies. Grant funds are expended on the
    basis of monthly reports from the grantee, there-
    fore, the use of the funds Is spread over the entire
    fiscal year or longer. Thus, there is a possibility
    of earning a considerable sum of interest if deposit
    of the funds from the local agencies is authorized
    to be deposited In local depositories. The sole
    purpose of placing such funds in local depositories
    is to earn Interest to be used in the rehabilitation
    program of the Commission."
    Hon. Jess Irwin, page 2         (M-944)
    In addition, you have also advised us that grant funds provided
    to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission by the United States
    Department of Health, Education and Welfare are deposited In the
    State Treasury. With regard to these facts you ask the following
    "May the Texas Rehabilitation Commission
    deposit funds received from local agencies
    under a Federal establishment grant in a local
    Section 6 of Artfle XVI of the Constitution of Texas,
    as adopted by the electorate in 1956, provides, In part, as follows:
    "(b) State agencies charged with the
    responsibility of providing services to those
    who are blind, crippled, or otherwise physically
    or mentally handicapped may accept money from
    private or federal sources, designated by the
    private or federal source as money to be used
    in and establishing and equipping facilities
    for assisting those who are blind, crippled,
    or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped
    in becoming gainfully employed, in rehabilitating
    and restoring the handicapped, and in providing
    other services determined by the state agency to
    be essential for the better care and treatment of
    the handicapped. Money accepted under this sub-
    section 1s state money. State agencies may spend
    money accepted under this subsection, and no other
    money, for‘specific programs and projects to be
    conducted by local level or other priv&te, non-
    sectarian associations, groups, and nonprofit
    organizations, in establishing and equioplng
    facilities for assisting those who are blind,
    crippled, or otherwise physically or mentally
    handicapped in becoming gainfully employed, in
    rehabilitating and restoring the handicapped, and
    in providing other services determined by the
    state agency to be essential for the better care
    or treatment of the handicapped.
    "The state agencies may deposit money ac-
    cepted under this subsection either in the state
    treasury or in other secure depositories. . . .(l
    (Emphasis ours)
    Hon. Jess Irwin, page 3        (M-944)
    This constitutional provision authorizes state
    agencies charged with responslbillty for providing services
    to those physically or mentally handicapped to spend money
    accepted under the provlslons of Section 6 of Article XVI
    for specific grograms and projects. Such programs may be
    conducted by   . . . local level or other private, non-
    secta$ian associations, groups, and nonprofit organizations
    in providing services determined by the state agency
    to'bd essential for the better care or treatment of the hand-
    icapped. Attorney General's Opinion M-91 (1967).
    Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of Article
    XVI of the Texas Constitution, the Texas Rehabilitation Com-
    mission was created by the Legislature In 1969 by the enact-
    ment of Senate Bill 110, Acts 6lst Legislature, Regular
    Session, chapter 40, page 103 (Article 26751 . Vernon's Civil
    Statutes). Sec. 10 of this Article 267~1 reads as follows:
    "Sec. 10. The state treasurer is hereby
    authorized to receive all monies appropriated
    by Congress and allotted to Texas for carrying
    out the purposes of this Act or agreements,
    arranaements. or olans authorized therebv; and
    to make disbursements therefrom upon the-certifi-
    cation of the Commissioner. All ubllc monies
    available to the agency shall be eoosited, ad-
    ministered, and disbursed in the same manner and
    under the same conditions and requirements as
    provided by law for other public funds in the
    state treasury. The State Auditor shall regularly
    audit all accounts established by the Commission
    In local depositories, to assure that non- ubllc
    funds made available to the CommissionTTi.i&-
    -or     bequest, by local organizations desiring
    to participate in projects for the handicapped
    authorized In Subsection (b) of Section 6 of
    Article XVI of the Texas Constitution, or by
    endowment, are expended in a manner consistent
    with the purposes of this Act, and the Commission
    shall comply with such reporting procedures as
    the State Auditor might prescribe for the Com-
    mission's acceptance, hoi;ding,investment and
    use of non-public funds.   (Emphasis ours)
    'Under the express provisions of Section 6(b) of Article
    XVI money received by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission f$om
    private and federal sources is declared to be "state money.    In
    Hon. Jess Irwin, page 4          (M-944)
    the case of Lower Colorado River Authority v. Chemical Dank &
    Trust Co., 
    185 S.W.2d 4bl
    (Tex.Clv.App. 1945) ffi    d 144 T
    n        S.W.2d 48 (1945), It was held that fu8ndsz:Tlected zii
    deposited by the Lower Colorado River Authority, an agency of the
    State, to be used only for a public purpose and subject to expendi-
    ture by the authority only for such purpose were without doubt
    public funds. On the basis of the holding in this case, It Is our
    opinion that money received by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission
    from local governmental agencies and other State agencies for the
    purpose authorized by Section 6(b), Article XVI of the Texas Con-
    stitution, and Article 26752 also would be 'state money." Also
    under this Section, the TextisRehabilitation Commission has the
    option of depositing such money in the State Treasury or some other
    secure depository.
    The provisions of Sec. 10, Article 26751 , classifies
    funds available to the Texas Rehabllitatlon Commission as public
    and non-public funds. In construing the provisions of this Sec-
    tion 10 and taking into consideration the express provisions of
    Section 6, Article XVI of the Texas Constitution, we conclude
    that money available to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission which
    is deposited in the State Treasury shall be handled, administered
    and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the "State
    Depository Act" (Articles 2525-2529d, Vernon's Civil Statutes.)
    We also hold that money which the agency places in a local deposi-
    tory Is subject to a regular audit by the State Auditor. Moreover,
    the agency is selecting a local depository for funds available to
    It must comply with the provisions of Article 2529c, Vernon's Civil
    Statutes, which provides, In part, as follows:
    "Section 1. The selection and qualification
    of depositories for the deposit of public funds
    of all agencies and political subdivisions of the
    state shall be In accord with the laws now In
    effect and hereinafter enacted pertaining thereto.
    "Sec.2.   . . .
    "A bank shall not be disqualified from bidding
    and becoming the depository for any agency or oolitical
    subdivision of the state by reason of having one or
    more officers, directors or stockholders of said bank
    who individually or collectively own or have a bene-
    ficial Interest in not more than 10 percent of the
    bank's outstanding capital stock, and at the same
    Hon. Jess Irwin, page 5             (M-944)
    time serves as a member of the board, commission,
    or other body charged by law with the duty of
    selecting the depository of such state agency
    or political subdivision; provided, however, that
    said bank must be selected as the depository by a
    majority vote of the members of the board, commls-
    sion, or other body of such agency or political
    subdivision and no member thereof who is an officer,
    director or stockholder of the bank shall vote or
    participate In the proceedings. . . .'
    You are advised, in answer to your question, that the
    Texas Rehabilitation Commission is authorized to deposit funds
    received from local agencies under a federal establishment grant
    in a local depository.
    The Texas Rehabilitation Commission Is au-
    thorized to deposit funds received from local
    agencies under a federal establishment
    a local depository. Art. XVI, Sec. 6(by:a::xin
    Const., Art. 26751 , Sec. l,G+V.C .S.
    Very truly your;;,
    Prepared by Ivan R. Williams, Jr.
    Assistant Attorney General
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    Ed Esquivel
    Austin C. Dray, Jr.
    Jack Goodman
    Ray McGregor
    First Assistant
    Executive Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-944

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017