Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  • .
    Hon. John A. Menefee                 opitiion’   NO.   M-870
    County Attorney
    Upton County Courthouse              Re: Liability of a county for
    Rankiti,Texas 79778                      a medical bill of an in-
    residence is located in
    the county of his lncar-
    ceration and in the local
    county hospital district-,
    but who was treated out-
    side the county and in
    Dear Mr. Menefee:                        another hospital district.
    Your recent letter requesting the opinion of this office
    concerning the referencedmatter states, in part, as follows:
    *I herewith request an opinion as to the
    liability of Upton County for the medical bill
    and expenses'ofan indigent prison& whose resi-
    dence is in a hospital district in Upton County
    created under the provision of House Bill Number
    816,60th Legislature,Re lar Session (Vernon's
    Ann.CXv.St. Article b&g&&Y in accordancewith
    Article 9, Section 9 of the Con,stitutionof,the
    State of Texas. This indigent'prlsoner~ was
    treated and cared for In a hospital not located
    In Upton County, Texas.
    "The facts and background of the matter are
    as follows:. . .
    "Now in view of the foregoing,please answer
    the following questions:
    "1. Is Upton County~llablefor the bill
    for medical treatment and hospital care of the
    Indigent prisoner, Francis William Dalgleish?
    "In the event the answer to the foregoing
    Is yes, please answer this question:
    Hon. John A. Menefee, page 2                (M-870)
    n2. Can the County place in Its budget an
    item 'for medical care and hospltallzatlonof
    slck,prlsonersin county Jails' and levy a tax
    “3. In the event the answer to the question
    number one (1) is no, does the liability for the
    'medicalbill lie with the McCamey County Hospital
    Your letter relates that the area of Upton County I:
    coextensive   with the area of two hospital districts, the McCar
    County Hospital District and the Rankin County Hospital Dlstr:
    each of these districts comprise a portion of Upton County.
    Your letter, also, in regards to the factual sltuat
    states that the indigent prisoner was taken by the Sheriff of
    Upton County, who had him in his custody, to a doctor for an
    examination,and that
    .*. . the doctor informed the sheriff that
    the prisoner was suffering from a blockage of the
    kidneys and that if he was not immediatelyremoved
    to a hospital having proper facilities, this man
    would moat likely die in his cell. The doctor
    informed the sheriff that the Rankin County
    Hospital District did not have the facilities
    and would not admit him or accept hlm as a
    patient. In the meantime. . .(t)he sheriff        .
    then called (another)doctor. . . and he was
    Informed that the McCamey County Hospital Dis-
    trict did not have the facilitiesin the hospital
    to treat this patient and that he would not be
    able to admit him because of the lack of facilities
    there for the proper treatment. Whereupon, the
    sheriff made inquiries and was Lnformed that the
    Ode&a Medical Center Hospital In Odessa, Texas
    (located in Eotor County) had the facilitiesand
    would accept him. The sheriff of Upton County
    secured an order from the County Judge of Upton
    County to transfer the prisoner to the Odessa
    Medical Center Hospital in Odessa.'
    You further state that the medical bill Incurred
    indigent prlisonerat the Odessa hospital was approximately
    Hon. John A..Menefee,page   3             (M-870)
    At the time of his arrest, the Indigentprisoner was
    a resident of McCamey in Upton County, and of the McCamey County
    Hospital Mstrict. When arrested, he was taken to the Upton County
    Jail, located in Rankin, Texas, and within the Rankin County Hos-
    pital District. His illness was contractedwhile incarceratedin the
    County Jail.
    Section 9 of Article IX of the Constitutionof Texas, as
    enacted‘in1962, provides, in part, that:
    "The Legislaturemay by law provide for the
    creation, establishment,maintenanceand operation
    of hospital districts. . ., providing that any
    district so created shall assume full responsibility
    for providing medical and hospital care for its
    needy Inhabitants. . .; providing that after its
    creation no:other'munic~pallt        P litI 1    b
    aivision     shall have the powerYt?lety taxe3 s" '
    '~a or
    Issue bonds or other obllgatlonsfor hospital pur-
    posesor for providing medical care within the
    boundaries of the district; . ;"' (Emphasisadded.)
    Your letter states that the indigent prisoner was a
    resident of the McCamey County Hospital District. This District
    was created by Acts 60th Legislature,Re lar Session, 1967,
    Chapter 183,Page 384 (which Is Article &"494s note, Vernon's Civil
    Statutes). The Act creating the Hospital District provzdes, in     '.
    part, as follows:
    Article 1037, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure
    "Each county shall be liable for all expense
    Incurred on account of prisoners confined in jail
    k t d          d       t prlscners brought
    ~ome~no``e~c``~y'f~rxc``fe keeping, or on
    Hon. John A. Menefee, page 4              (M-870)
    habeas corpus or change of venue; In which cases
    the county from which the prisoner is brought
    shall be liable for the expense of his safe
    keeping." (Emphasisadded.)
    Article 1040, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,provides,
    In part, that:
    "For the safe keeping, support and maln-
    tenance of prisoners confined in Jail or under
    guard, the sheriff shall be allowed the following
    . . .
    "3. For necessarymedical bill and reason-
    able extra cosipansatlon
    for attention to a
    The foregoingArt&es 1037 and 1040 are found in Chapter 104 of
    the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,whioh Chapter Is styled
    "Costs Paid by Counties."
    Several prior Opinions of this Office have held that a.
    county Is liable for the necessaryand reasonable medical expenses
    lncurred:bya prisoner during sickness, and that the proper amount
    of'the charges for such medical treatment'lsto be determinedby
    the commissioners'courtand paid by the county.              Attorney
    General's Opinions Nos. c-538 (lg65), ww-1509 (19%;; i%j4    (19%.
    and O-4708 (1942). None of these or any other Opinion of this Offlc!
    or any decision of any appellate court of this State of which we are
    aware, has consideredthe liability of.a county for Its indigent
    rlsoners where a hospital district comprising ~thewhole or a part
    e county and having the powers under consideration,exists.
    Attorney General's Opinion No. M-171 (1967) held that a
    hospital district, created pursuant to Section 9 of Article IX of
    the Constitutionof Texas, 
    quoted supra
    , has the full responslbilltY
    for providingmedical and hospital care for indigent residentsof
    such district and that, when the hospital district cannot adequately
    1 barge its responslbilltyto such Indigent inhabitantbecause of
    a i:ck of sufficienthospital facllltles, it may send the indigent
    Hen, John   A.   Menefee, page 5       :     (M-870)
    to-a hospital outside the district -andlegally pay for such.out-
    Attorney General's Opinion No, C-334 (1964) held that
    a hospital district oreated pursuant to the foregoing constitu-
    tional provision assumes the responsibilityfor medical care of
    Indigentswithin Its district that'was theretoforeimposed on
    the county commissionerscourt pursuant to Articles 2351 and 4438,
    Vernon's Civil Statutes.
    Attorney General's Opinion No, c-646 (1966) held that
    Section 9 of Article II of the Constitutionof Texas does not
    permit a county in which a hospital district Is created pursuant
    thereto to expend tax monies for med.loaland hospital services.
    We are of the opinion that, under the circumstancesset
    forth in your letter, the prov@$ons of Articles 1037 and 1040 of
    the Texas Code of Criminal 
    Procedure, supra
    , relating to the
    llabllltyof a county for medical bills of prisoners,must yield
    to the express broad Zanguage of Section 9 of Article IX of the '
    Constitutionof Texas which is undersoored,supra, and to the
    underscoredlangua e of the Act oreatlng the McCamey County
    Hospital District 7Article 4494q,,note,Vernon's Civil Statutes,
    mpra).   The language covers lndlgents and needy Inhabitants,
    whether or not they are prlsoneys.
    While a county may, by statute,be given authority In
    certain areas, this authority may, by constitutionalprovision,
    be delegatedto another entity. See Attorney General's Opinion
    NO. c-334 
    (1964), supra
    Accordingly,you are advised that, under the particular
    circumstancesset forth in your letter, the McCamey County Hospital
    District,the district of the residence of the indigent prisoner,
    1s liable for the medical bills incurred in his treatment, not-
    withstandingthe fact that he was a prisoner In the custody of
    the county sheriff, and further notwithstandingthe fact that he
    was treated outside the boundaries of that Hospital District.
    AttorneyGeneral's Opinion No. M+171 
    (1967), supra
    As your first question has been answered in the negative,
    we do not deem It necessary to consider your second question.
    Your third question 1s answered in the'affirmatlve.
    Hon.'John A. Menefee, page 6       t     ,,.-' :   (M-870)
    Under the facts presented, and pursuant to
    Section 9 of Article IX-of the Constitutionof
    Texas, the hospital dlstrlct.of'whlchan indigent
    prisoner held by the Sheriff of the county is's
    resident Is liable for the medical bills Incurred
    In treating the prisoner,when that hospital dls-
    trlct did not have adequate facilities for treat-
    ing him, and the treatment had to be administered
    In a hospital without the boundaraes of the hospital
    Under the facts presented, the provisions of
    Articles 1037 and 1040 of the Texas Code of Criminal
    Procedurerelating"to ccunty responsibilityfor the
    med~cal~bllisof prisonersmust yield to the broad
    .~language of the foregoing constitutionalprovision,
    and of the.Act creating the.hospitaldistrict (Article
    449&q note, .Vernoti's~Ci.vil
    Statutes) that was enacted
    .pursuantto 'suchconstltutlonalprovision. 'Its
    language IS comprehensiveenough to -include;.all
    needy and indigent-Inhabitantressdents,whether. . '.
    'or not they are prisoners..
    .         .
    neral of Texas
    Austin C. Bray, Jr.
    APPROVED:.           -.
    Kerns Taylor, ChaIrman
    W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    Jim Swearlngen
    John Hanks
    Fisher Tyler                            .,.
    Sam McDaniel
    Hon. John A. Menefee; p+ge,,7~
    StaPf Legal Assistant
    Executive Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-870

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017