Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  • Hon. J. W. Edgar                     Opinion No. M- 800
    Commissioner of Education
    Texas Education Agency               Re:   Several questions relating
    201 East 11th Street                       to compensation of personnel
    Austin, Texas 78701                        under the Foundation School
    Program, Article 2922-14,
    Vernon's Civil Statutes, and
    Dear Dr. Edgar:                            related statutes.
    We quote from your letter requesting an opinion from
    this office in part as followsr
    "In Article IV (Salary Schedules) of Senate
    Bill 116, 51st Legislature, R.S., 1949, as last
    amended by Section 1 of House Bill 240, Acts 61st
    Legislature, R.S., 1969, at page 2638, Sections
    3 and,4 provide as follows:
    "The total cost of professional salaries al-
    lowable for purposes of this (Foundation Program)
    Act shall be determined by the.applicatSon of the
    salary schedule to the total number of approved
    professional units, provided that such professional
    units are serviced by approved professional position
    "Section 4:
    "The annual (minimum) salary of personnel au-
    thorized for employment under 'the . . . Foundation
    School Program for the school year 1971-72 and for
    each year thereafter shall be the monthly base
    salary, plus (grade step) increments, as prescribed
    in the 'Texas State Public Education Compensation
    Plan' In subsection (l), multiplied by the number
    of months prescribed in the position description
    for each respective position.
    "Subsection (2) furnishes description, re-
    quired preparation and education, pay grade and
    the number of months payment authorized for each
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 2        (M-800)
    position under the TSPE Compensation Plan. Such
    stipulations are teachers with Bachelor or Master's
    degrees are as follows:
    "Pay Grade    Number     Class Title       Description of        Required Prepara-
    Months                       Position              tion and Education
    7            10     Teacher, B.A.    Teach at grade level    Degree, no defic-
    or in teaching field    iency in profes-
    for which prepared,     slonal education
    under general super-    or in teaching
    vision only.            field. Fully cer-
    8            10     Teacher, M.A.    Teach at grade level    Master's degree.
    or in teaching field    Certified.
    for which prepared,
    under general super-
    vision only.
    'From Its enactment in 1949 until presently,
    the Foundation School Program's formula for the
    allocation of classroom teacher units has never
    defined or specified the duties of a classroom
    teacher unit, See Article III of Senate Bill
    116, Acts 51st Legislature, R.S., 1949, and as
    last amended in Section 2A of House Bill 
    240, supra
    . Thus, since the inception of the Pro-
    gram Act, a number of school districts have
    listed on their Foundation Program rosters, in
    reporting the utilization of allocations for
    classroom teacher units, locally assigned per-
    sonnel (fully qualified and oertified to teach)
    who are performing administrative positions,
    such as assistants to the superintendent, per-
    sonnel administrators, business manager, and/or
    purchasing director.
    "Most districts following such practice em-
    ploy 'excess' teachers, viz., teachers In excess
    of the number allotted the district under the
    Program formula; who are paid from local funds.
    In those districts not employing 'excess' teachers,
    the number of persons utilized in administrative
    positions and listed on the Foundation Program
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, Page 3         (M-800)
    roster plus the classroom teacher units actually
    assigned to teaching on the campuses does not ex-
    ceed their classroom teacher units allotted.
    . . .
    "(1) Do the position descriptions assigned
    for the class designated 'teacher' in the . . .
    Public Education Compensation Plan preclude school
    districts from placing certified administrative
    staff personnel on the Foundation Program roster
    in the utilization of Its classroom teacher units
    "If the answer to(l) is In the negative, and
    the practice above described legally may continue,
    beginning 1971-72: (2) Should the practice be
    limited to those school districts that employ at
    least as many 'excess' teachers as the number of
    administrative personnel that are placed on the
    Foundation Program roster In the utilizing of its
    classroom teacher unit allotment?
    "Subsection (1) of Section 4 as appears in
    Section 1 of House Bill 240 at page 2639 is a
    statutory chart providing for and entitled:
    Salary By Steps Above Base. It stipulates that
    'Each individual will move to the step in this
    schedule immediately above the monthly rate
    received in 1970-71 and shall advance there-
    after one (1) additional step with each added
    year of experience until the maximum is attained.'
    "This salary-grade-step provision prese,nts
    problems in the position: Pay Grade lo-Instruc-
    tlonal Officer I (serve as part-time principal
    on campus with 19 or fewer teachers); and position:
    Pay Grade 14-Administrative Officer V (serve as
    superintendent of system of 3000 ADA or less).
    "Re Pay Grade 10 problem: For the current
    1970-71 school year, part-time principals for
    salary purposes are divided Into two categories:
    Part-time principals (designated as head teachers)
    --who serve one campus with'3 to 6 classroom
    teacher units; and second,--who serve in an
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 4        (M-800)
    accredited 12-grade high school district with
    fewer than 9 classroom teacher units. See sub-
    section (6)~ on page 2637, Acts 61st Legislature,
    R,S. In 1970-71, such (head teachers) part-time
    principal units are allotted a Foundation Program
    salary of 1.08 times the monthly salary he would
    receive as a classroom teacher multiplied by 10
    (months). See Item HEAD TEACHERS on page 2636,
    "In 1970-71, the cited law further provides
    that all other Part-Time Principals shall receive
    1.15 of the monthly teacher salary multiplied by
    "In 1971-72, however, the Compensation Plan
    does away with the categories (head-teacher part-
    time principals.) It provides for part-time and
    full-time principals on Pay Grades based on the
    number of 'teachers' on the school campus where
    they serve. Question (3).
    "For 1971-72 must those part-time principals
    who served as 'head teachers' in 1970-71 and who
    continue to serve as part-time principals (on
    campuses with the from 3 to 6 classroom teacher
    units, or an accredited high school district
    with fewer than 9 teacher units) be placed in
    the Pay Grade 10 step immediately above the
    monthly rate received in 1970-71?
    . . .
    "Re Pay Grade 14 problem: For the current
    1970-71 school year, superintendents in districts
    with 600 or less ADA (average daily attendance)
    have a minimum Foundation Program salary computed
    at 1.30 of the monthly teacher salary multiplied
    by 12. Superintendentsin districts of 601 to
    5000 ADA have such salaries determined at 1.50
    of the monthly teacher salary multiplied by 12.
    See page 2636, Acts 61st Legislature, R.S.
    Question (4):
    "For 1971-72, must superintendents who in
    1970-71 were superintendents in districts of
    600 ADA or less and who continue to serve as
    superintendents in such size districts be placed
    in that step in Pay Grade 14 immediately above
    the monthly rate received in 1970-i'l?
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 5          (M-800)
    .   .   .
    "As heretofore noted in Subsection (2), the
    Compensation Plan provides for Pay Grade status
    of part-time and full-time principals based upon
    the number of 'teachers' on the campus where they
    serve. As provided in the Foundation School Pro-
    gram law, principal units are allocated on a
    district-wide basis according to the number of
    approved classroom teacher units allotted to the
    district. See Section 16.18, Texas Education
    Code. Question (5):
    "Does the word 'teachers' as used In the
    Compensation Plan for Pay Grade placement of part-
    time principals (Instructional Officer I and In-
    structional Officer II) mean Foundation School
    Program formula classroom teacher units only--
    or may 'teachers' be construed to mean all teachers
    that are under the supervision of the campus part-
    time principal: including vocational, special
    education, 'excess' teachers, and teachers paid
    from Federal funds?
    . . .
    We will answer your questions in the order in which
    they are submitted.
    Our consideration of the meaning of the term Itteacher"
    with reference to "classroom teacher professional units", as those
    terms are used in the now existing school laws requires that we
    consider in pari materia the provisions of,
    a) House Bill 240, Acts 61st Legislature,
    Regular Session, 1969, chapter 872, page 2634,
    and more particularly the provisions of Section
    2A of said Bill at pa e 2645 wherein they com-
    prehend Subsection (17 of Section 1 of Article
    2922-13, as re-enacted by the 61st Legislature
    and as codified by Vernon; and
    b) Section 16.13 of the Texas Education
    Code, as enacted by the same Regular Session of
    the 61st Legislature.
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 6             (M-800)
    The provisions of House Bill 240 must be given preference where
    they may conflict with the Code.1
    In comparing the provisions of Section 2A of House Bill
    240 with those of Section 16.13 of the Texas Education Code, It
    is obvious that some of their respective provisions which pertain
    to the allocation of classroom teacher professional units to school
    districts are in conflict. However, neither Section 2A of House
    Bill 240 nor Sections 16.07 and 16,13 of the Texas Education Code
    in any manner define or otherwise specify the duties of a 'class-
    room teacher."
    In view of the language cgntained in "Description of
    Positions, Assigned to Class Title, as set forth in Subsection
    (2) of Section 4 of Section 1 of House Bill 240 (Article 2922-14,
    Sec. Q(2), V.C.S.), we have concluded that the word 'Teacher,
    B.A." and 'Teacher, M.A.", as those position designations and
    such "Class Title" are used in the quoted Pay Grades Numbers 7
    and 8 (H.B. 240, page 2641) should be construed to mean class
    room teachers only. The "Description of Positions Assigned to
    Class Title" applicable to these two classes, reads:
    "Class          Description of Positions
    Title          Assigned to Class Title
    "Teacher,       Teach at grade level or
    B.A.           in teaching field for which
    prepared, under general
    supervision only
    "Teacher,       Teach at grade level or in
    M.A.           teaching field for which
    prepared, under g$neral
    supervision only.
    1 Both the provisions of Section 1 of H.B. 240 and of thkwT;;;s
    Education Code became effective on September 1, 1969.
    Section 5 of the Code provides, "If any act passed at the same'
    session of the legislature conflicts wi$h any provision of the
    Texas Education Code, the act prevails.   Section 2 of the Code
    repealed prior Article 2922-13, as enacted in 1949; an Article
    of similar content, bearing the same number, was re-enacted by
    the same session of the 61st Legislature.
    Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 7            (M-800)
    These two statutory provisions must be construed in pari
    materia with Sections 16.07 and 16.13, Texas Education Code,
    wherein teacher classifications are set out to effectuate the
    Foundation School Program. The term "classroom teachers" is
    used in Section 16.07 as distinguished from the other professional
    positions or units listed In that Section. The 'classroom teacher
    professional units" shall be determined and teachers alloted in
    the manner prescribed by Section 16.13.
    Our opinion is that the practice of certain school
    districts described in connection with Question No. 1 ma not
    legally continue beginning with the school year 1971-7T!-sECkfS
    Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, defines 'teacher" as follows:
    "Teacher--one who teaches or instructs;
    especially, one whose business,,oroccupation
    Is to teach others; preceptor.
    In view of our answer to your first question, we are not
    required to answer your second question.
    Ouranswer to your third question, based upon the
    position classification schedule set forth in House Bill 240,
    at pages 2640-2644, is that for the school year 1971-72 those
    "part-time principals" who served as "head teachers' (on campuses
    with from 3-6 classroom teacher units, or an accredited high
    school district with fewer than 9 teacher units) during the school
    year 1970-71 and will continue to serve in such size districts
    during 1971-72 should be classified In Pay Grade 10 at the step
    immediately above the monthly rate received during 1970-71.
    In answer to your fourth question, our opinion Is that
    superintendents who in 1970-71 were superintendents in districts
    of 600 ADA or less and who will continue to serve as superintendents
    in such size districts during 1971-72 should be classified in Pay
    Grade 14 at the step Immediately above the monthly rate received
    during 1970-71.
    Article 2922-14, Vernon's Civil Statutes, as amended in
    1967 (Acts 60th Leg., Reg.Sess., ch. 721, page 1849) was repealed
    by Section 2(a) of the Texas Education Code which was enacted by
    the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, in 1969, to be effective
    Dr. J. w. Edgar, page 8         (M-800)
    September 1, 1969. The provisions of this repealed Article
    2922-14, contained in Its Section 1, subsection 6, relating
    to the compensation of princi&al: were carried forward into
    Section 16.37 of the Code. However, the same Regular Session
    of the 61st Legislature also re-enacted a new Article bearing
    the same number Article 2922-14 (as codified by Vernon, same
    being Section 1 of H.B. 240, ch. 872, p. 2634). This new Article
    2922-14, in Its Section 4, subsections (1) and (2) (shown in
    H.B. 240 at p. 2639-2644) also makes certain provisions relating
    to salaries and classification of part-time principals.
    Any conflicts between this new Article 2922-14 (H.B.
    240) and the Texas Education Code (H.B. 534) both having been
    enacted at the same regular session of the 61st Legislature,
    are to be resolved by giving preference to the provisions of
    Article 2922-14. This is because Section 5 of the Code (H.B.
    534) so provides as follows:
    "If any act passed at the same session of
    the legislature conflicts with any provision
    of the Texas Education Code, the act prevails."
    Our answer to your fifth question is that "teachers,"
    as used InClass Title of Instructional Officer I and Instructional
    Officer II as shown in House Bill 240 at page 2642 of the Session
    Laws of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 196gfincludes not
    only classroom teacher units but also vocational, special education,
    'excess" teachers and teachers paid from federal funds.
    For the school year 1971-72 school districts
    are not authorized to place certified administrative
    staff personnel on the foundation program roster in
    the utilization of its classroom teacher units al-
    lotments unless such personnel meet the definition
    of 'classroom teacher' as formulated under the au-
    thority of Article 2922-14, Set, 4(2), Vernon's
    Civil Statutes (H.B. 240, Acts 61st Leg., R.S.,
    1969) and Sections 16.07 and 16.13 of the Texas
    Education Code.
    For the school year 1971-72, those "part-
    time" principals who served as "head teachers"
    (on campuses with from 3-6 classroom teacher
    units, or an accredited high school district
    *Codified by Vernon as Article 2922-14, Section 4(2), as enacted
    by this H.B. 240.
    Dr. J. W, Edgar, page 9         (M-800)
    with fewer than 9 teacher units) during the
    school year 1970-71 and will continue to serve
    in such size districts during 1971-72 should be
    classified in Pay Grade 10 at the step immediately
    above the monthly rate received during 1970-71.
    Superintendents who in 1970-71 were superin-
    tendents in districts of 600 ADA or less and who
    will continue to serve as superintendents in such
    size districts during 1971-72 should be classified
    in Pay Grade 14 at the step immediately above the
    monthly rate received during 1970-71.
    "Teachers" as used in Class Title of Instruc-
    tional Officer I and Instructional Officer II as
    shown in House Bill 240 at page 2642 of the Session
    Laws (61st Leg., R.S. 1969) includes not only class-
    room teacher units but also vocational, special
    education, 'excess" teachers and teachers paid
    from federal funds.
    Attorn&   General of Texas
    Prepared by Ivan R. Williams, Jr.
    Assistant Attorney General
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    James McCoy
    Dick Chote
    Camm Lary
    Rex White
    Staff Legal Assistant
    Executive Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-800

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017