March 10, 1971 Eon:Clifford P-11 Opinion No. H- 806 CauntyAttorney Grayson- County Courthouse Re: huthority of a city and/or Sherman,Texas a'county to provide for ambulance services,and Dear Mr. Powell: related questions. I Your recent letter requesting the opinion of this officeconcerningthe referenced matter poses the following questions 3 "(1) Does the City of Sherman have the legal and constitutionalprerogatibe to declare that the city ambulance service as set out in the attached ordinincetto be a franchise? "(lA) If the City has such power, can .,;.the franchise area be extended to pass the City limits and into the area of the City's extraterritorialjurisdiction? "(2).If the City can declare sucl~ambulance service4to be a franchise, is the County entitled to contractwith other private ambulance services (any or all of them) to service areas of the county'sresponsibilityhot serviced by the City of Sherman? l(2?4 If the County is not so emp c wer ed -. 'to make suc hprivate qmtracts, must the County either participate financiallywith the-City-ofSherman or operate its own public ambulance service? -3912- Hon. cliffora Powell, page 2 (M-806) ~"(3) Is the County entitled to submit to solicit bids from the private industryto provide such services aad if so, to what extent must such successfulbidder be able to furnish such services (Le., must such a successfulprivate bidder have ambulancesavailable in a central locationwithin the county or could'suchanibulanoes be kept within . points in the county and still satisfy the County's .duty,if any, to provide such services)?* Texas courts have held that, under the authority of hrticles 1011,.10&S,ana 1175, Vernon's Civil'Statutes,the State has delegatedto municipalitiesthe police,power'and the comomitant right to -atact the health, safety, moxals, and generalwelfare of their citisensbyregulations thatarereason- able ahd necessary for that purpose, subject to limitationsim- posed by the Constitutionand statutes enacted by the Lsgislature, 12 Tex.J'ur.2d409, CoastitutionalLaw; Sec. 64; 40 Tex.Jur.2d12, Dunicipal-Corpoxaticas, Sea. 321; SeeI V. Dulte, 10 8.W.2d 694 (Tex.Com.App. 1928); Jmbardo v. DallaL, 124 Tax. Xr
73 S.W.2d 475(1934)7 and citv of Dallas v..Smith, 130 Te%. 225,
107 S.W. 2a872 (1937). Article 4434, V&non's civil Statutes, prwiaes as ‘follows: *The municipal authoritiesof toims and cities, ana camissionets courts of the counties wherein such tams and cities a?zesituated,amy cm-operatewith 8ach other in msking such imprwe- meats connected with 8aid towns, cit~es~,sadccunties as said authoritiesand couHs may deem neew8sax-y to imprwe the public healtb kna togmsmte efficient sanitary rsgulations;and, by mutual agreement, theylaayprwide forth OOM~UC``~ Of 8aid ha- prwemsnts and the paymsnttherefor.* Relevant portions.of the ordinanosmentioned in your first question alid attached to your letter (Ordinance Ro. 2793, pa8Sed by.the City council of the city df shermn oa october 20, 1970) are a8 follows* : ] -3913- Hon. Clifford Powell, page 3 (M-806) “SECTION 1. That there be and'there is here- by created a service to the people to be called.the Shermsn Ambulance Service, which service shall be . Fire Department. operated within the . %EcTicH 2. That.the said ambulance eervice shall be available to the citizens of the City of Sherman, in accordancewith the terms of this orai- nance, jand to the citisens of,GravsonCountv, nro- vided a rruitablecontract for service in the Countv is annrwed bv the Citv Council of the Citv of Sherman and the Countv CommissionersCourt. i : / ;. l . ... . *’ . *sDCTIcm'5. Tbe business of providing ambu- lance service both'emsrgencyand transfer; is here . 1 tiavdeclared 'tobe a busin&s~effected (-1, Qith ' . the .publi.k'interest and public utility and no.'person:, 8hall opkrate said business ‘withinthe corporateol:.- .?' extraterritoriallimits of the Citv of Sherman, except on a mission with a patient through the area, except'~ upon tbe issuance ofa certificate of public convey- ati& and n8cessity by the City Council 0,f the City of shemsn, mmss. . . .* (Emphasisadded.) The City of Sherman is a home rule city; its &din&es must con- form to this charter. *Every 8wereignty has an inherent power to enact laws for sanitary purposes and protection of the health of the public." 28 Tex.Jur.2d 9, Dealth, Sec. 1. . .*Hunicipalitie8have the right, under the police power, to protect the health; 8afety, morals, and general welfare of their citisens by regulations that are -reasonableandnecessary for the purpose. A city has comprehensivepower in this respect, and the power is not narrowly circumscribedby'precedent." 40 Tex.Jur.2a 13.,Municipal Corporations,Sec. 322. I . . .*. ... Hon. Clifford Pawell, page 4 (M-806) "In the interest of public health a municipalitymay regulate any occupation,trade, or profession . . .* 40 Tex.Ju. 2d 67, Municipal Corporations,Sec. 388. However, "A municipal corporations'jurisdictionor zls confined to the territory of its clitus,ana, unless ex- empoweredby the constitutionor a statute it may not exercise authoritybeyond its corporatelimits.* 39 Tex.Jur.2d 640, Municipal Corporations,Sec. 310. Ses, also,
55 A.L.R. 1182and 14 A.L.R.Zd 103 (annotationsdealing with extension of police power of municipal corporationbeyond territoriallimits). In the case of Citv of ?unarillov. Griasa~Southwest j4OrtUarV.Inc, 406 S.w.2d 230 (Te%.Ci~.App.1966, error ref. n.r.e.), the c&t held that the city of Amarillo coda validly. pass an oraim03 regulatingambulanoe 8&viceupon the streets ofthatcity,andreguire, inter alia, the issuance of a city permit ana of a cert.ificateof convenienceand necessity as a prerequisitefooperating anaalhlanae 8erViCe. InhnvOf the foregoing,and in ansWer+OyaUr first question,we are of the opinion that'the City.of Sherman has the legal prerogativeto pa813the Ordinancp attached to your letter (and partially quoted hereinabove),mbject to our answer, in the following paragraph; to your querrtionlA, . Qudstion lJ4involves the extraterritorialjurisdiction of the City of Sherman, and the applicationof the terms of the Grainancetothatarea. Pursuant to the terms of Article 4434,. supoa, the prwieion8 of Section 2 of the Grdinance relating to thefutni8hing of aabulance8ervicetOthe Citi8ens of GraySon County, eubject to.the execution of a'con8ensualcon-act between .the City of Sherman and ~rayson County, are legal. However, the authorities cited in 39 Tex.Iur.Zd 640,
quoted supra, clearly show that the underscoredportion oe Sec- tion 5 of the Ordiniuxe, :hezeimbove quoted, 18 void and of no effect. .-~ Your second guestion involves the power of Grayeon County to contract with private arbulance services to furnish -391s Eon. Clifford mwell, page 5 (M-806) such services to t.hose,parts of the County not encompassedwithin the jurisdictionof the City of Sherman. Article 441Sf, Vernon-8 Civil Statutes, prwides, in part, that: ; * . The CaamDissioners Court of any County shall have the authority to appropriateand expend money from the general revenues of its County for and in behalf of public health and sanitationwithin its County." : . . ,A’ttorney &&eral'e Opinion No. C-772 (1966) helrtthat, plrsuant to Article 441Sf, supia, a county could operate’and msi+ain an ambulanck service; and that it could cooperatewith a Mty within the county in the operation of that service. Attortiey General's Opinion No. M-365 (1969)held that to&s, cities,~'counties, and hospital districts have authority .,,..to expexid.mone'y to prwiae ambulance service.whenthere.hss been 'a determinationby such gwernmantal dgency that 8uch bervice will be in fiktheranceof the public health and general welfare of its citizens. That Opinion also held that such authority to provide ambulance service extending to entering into contraotswith a private agency to provide the service, subject to-the.prwisions of Section 52 of Article III of the Constituticnof Texas. See, .alro,Attorney General's Opinion No. C-759.(1966) and NO. M-231 (1968). In view of
Arti&4418f, supra, and the foregoing Cipinionsof the Attorney General, your second question is answered in the affirmative. As this question has been answered in the af- firmative, question 2A is not applicable. your third question involves the applicabilityof Article 2368a(2);Vernon's Civil Statutes. .That Article provides, in pertinent part, as~followsr *No county, acting through its Commissioners Court, and no city in thisstate shall hereafter make any contract calling for or reguiring the ex- penditure of payment;o;ff,oThousand Dollars ..,,.- ‘3916, Bon. Clifford Powell, page 6 (M-806) ($2,000.00) a more out of any fund or funds of any city or county or subdivisionof any county aeating or imposing an obligationor liability of any nature or characterupon such county or any subdivisionof such county, or upon such city, without first sub- mitting such proposed contract to competitivebids . Provided, that in case of public calamity. ;h&e it becomes necessary to act at once to ap- propriatemoney to relieve the necessity of the citizens,or to preserve the property of such county, subdivision,or city, or when it is necessarv to preserve or nrotect the nublic health of the citi- sens of such countv or city . . ** thjs Drwisi.on shall not annlv . . .-(rtnphasis added.1 In Construingthe underscoredportion of Article 2368a(2),supra, the Ccmmission of Appeals, in an opinion adopted by the Supreme court of Texas, held that a county could validly expend funds to protect the public health without the necessity of requiring the competitivebids otherwiserequired by that Article, .andthat the public health exception to the competitivebid requirementwas operative at all times, whether or not there was a "case of public calamity'. )ioffmanv. Citv of Mt. Pleasant,
126 Tex. 632, 69 S.W.Z# 193 (1936). You are advised, in answer to that portion of your third question relating to the necessity of competitivebidding for ambulance services, that it is the opinion of this office that such services are encompassedwithin the purview of the public health exception to Article .2368a(2),supra, and are, therefore, services~for which the Grayson County Commissioners Court may contractwithout the necessity of receiving competi- tive bids therefor. As for that portion of your third question relating to the extent to which a successfulbidder must be able to furnish such services,we have concluded that this is a factual determinationupon which this office cannot pass,.and that such determinationis properly left to the judgment and discretion of the Grayson County Can\miSSionerSCourt. -3917- Bon. Clifford Powell,,page 7 (M-806) SUMMARY (1) The City of Sherman, subject to the pro- visions of its Home Rule Charter, has the legal prerogativeto estabiish,by ordinance,a municipal ambulance service within its fire department,pur- suant to its constitutionalpowers to prwide for 'and protect the public health of its citizens. Such ordinance may also provide that no person shell oper- ate an ambulance service within the municipalbounda- ries, except on missions with a patient through that area, unless such person first obtains a certificate of public coxdnience and necessity'from'themunici- : pa1ity. (2) Pursuant to Article 4434. Vernon's Civil Statutes, a city and a county *y coopsrate and jointly contract to establish a city-countyambu- lance service; however, the operating area of a city ambulance service cannot be extratarritorially exteridedbeyond the boundaries of a city without the consent of the county or other governing body affected. (3) Pursuant to Article 4418f, Vernon's Civil S$etutes, a county is entitled to establish a county ambulance service, for all or part of a county, and td contract with private ambulance services to psr- form such services, provided such expendituresto, private parties a0 not contraveneSection 52 of Article III of the Constitutionof Texas. (4) Pursuant to the public health exceptiq of Article 236Sa(2),Vernon's Civil Statutes,.a county is not required to follow competitivebidding pro- cedures in establishinga county ambulance service. Very truly yours, CRAWFORD C. MARTIN Attorney General of Texas ,+y: NOLA WHITE First Assistant -3918- Eon. Clifford Powell, page 8 (M-806) Prepared by Austin C. Bray, Jr. Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman Sam Jones Max Flusthe 8. J. Aronson David Longoria &BADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ALFREDWALKER Executive Assistant . . -3919-
Document Info
Docket Number: M-806
Judges: Crawford Martin
Filed Date: 7/2/1971
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017