Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  • . --a.        .
    THE       ATPBRNEY             GENERAL
    OF   TEXAS
    March 5, 1971
    Hon. Ward W. Markley                           Opinion No. M-*802
    County Attorney
    Jasper County Courthouse                    Ret Selection of a depository
    Jasper,         Texas   75951                   for county funds.
    bear Mr. Markley:
    Your           request   for an opinion aska the following two
    "I respectfilly request an opinion on
    whether or not the Comm$ssloners'Court can
    further conelder the .deelgnatlonof a -County
    Depoiiltory,ata special meeting after a De-
    pository was selected at the regular meeting
    InFebruary, and on that same date the regular
    meeting was adjourned."
    Whether Item 2 of the bid of the First
    State Bank of Jasper Invalidated the bid of
    that bank.
    You state In your requeet that the CommlsslonersCourt
    at its regular meeting on February 8, 1971, opened bids for
    'designationof a county depoeltory and that two blda were received.
    After a dlscusalon, a motion was made, seconded, and adopted to
    accept the bid of the First State Bank of Jasper, and the regular
    meeting was adjourned. Subsequently,the CommlaslonersCourt called
    a special meeting for the purpose of reconsidering the bids and
    notice was Issued of thls,meetlng.
    Articles 2544, 2545 and ~46, Vernon'8 Civil Statutes,
    provide in part:
    "Art. 2544. The CommlselonersCourt of
    each county Is hereby authorized and required
    at the February Regular Term thereof next
    .. .
    Hon. Ward W. Markley, page 2     (M-802)
    following each general election to enter Into
    a contract with any banking corporation,associa-
    tion or individual banker In such county for the
    depositing of the public funds of such county in
    such bank or banks. Notice that such contracts
    will be made by the CommissionersCourt shall be
    published by and over the name of the County
    Judge, once each week for at least twenty (20)
    days before the commencement of such term In
    Bbme newspaper published In said county; . . .
    "Art. 2545. Any banking corporation,assocla-
    tlon or Individual banker In such county desiring
    to be designated as county depository shalltmake
    and deliver to the County Judge an application ap-
    plying for such funds and said application shall
    state the amount of paid up capital stock and
    permanent surplus of said bank and there shall
    be furnlshed~with sald~appllcatlona statement
    showing the ,flnanclalcondition of said bank
    at the date of said 'applicationwhich shall be
    delivered to the County Judge on or before the
    first day of the term of the CommissionersCourt
    at which the selection of the depositories 1s to
    be made . . .
    "Art. 2546, It shall be the duty of the Com-
    missioners Court at ten o'clock a.m. on the first
    day of each term at which banks are to be selected
    as county depositories, to consider all applications
    filed with the County Judge, cause such applications
    to be entered upon the minutes of the Court and to
    select those applicants that are acceptable and who
    offer the most favorable terms and conditions for
    the handling of such funds and having power to reject
    those whose management or condition, in the opinion
    of the Court, does not warrant!,placingof county
    funds In their possession. . .
    The statutes above quoted grant to the commissioners
    court the authority to select county depositories and specifies
    the procedures and prerequisites to such selection.
    General's Opinions M-107 (1967),
    V-1166 (1951), WW-33 (1957) and
    Farmers Guaranty State Bank, 289
    lion.Ward W. Markley, page 3     (M-802)
    error ref.); Hurle v. Citizens National Bank, 
    229 S.W. 663
    (Tex.Clv.App.1921: n.w.h )* Coffee v. Borger State Bank, 
    38 S.W.2d 187
    is&, n.w.h.J,
    In Attorney General's Opinion 
    M-33, supra
    , It was
    "The purpose of the procedures prescribed
    by the statutes relating to the selectionof a
    county depository Is to secure to the county a
    safe, responsible depository for Its funds with
    a return of Interest for the use thereof. ~Tlme
    Is not of the essence in the accomplishmentof
    these ends; therefore, they should not be
    sacrificed to thenstrict compliancewith the
    time requirements of these statutes,"
    It was further held that It was wl.thlnthe discretion
    of the commissioners court to defer the selection of the de-
    pository to a day other than the ftist day of the February Term.
    ecky 'v. City of Yoakum, 35 S,W.2d..492(Tex.Clv.
    App. 1931~)      52 S W 26 240 (Tex.Comm.App.1932), it was con-
    tended that the deslgAa;lon of a city depository was void because
    the designation was made during the month of June Instead of July
    as required by Article 2559, and the notice of intention was given
    by letter rather than publication. In upholding the designation
    of the city depositdry the court there stated at 
    35 S.W.2d 498
    "Article 2559 provides no penalty and Imposes
    no forfeiture in case of a non-compliancewith its
    literal provisioner There la no declaration In the
    act that, If the designation of a depository Is
    made at a time other than at a regular meeting In
    July of each year, as stated In the act, such
    designation should be void. . . . (T)he provisions
    of the statute declaring . . . the time for making
    such designation . . . is directory only and not
    mandatory . . . . (W)hen a formality is not abso-
    lutely necessary for the observance of justice,
    but, Is introduced to facilitate Its observance,
    Its omission, unless there Is an anfulling clause
    In the law, will not annul the act.
    Hon. Ward   W.   Markley, page 4     (M-802)
    It was held In Attorney ffeneral'sOpinion Number O-3837
    (1941) that a contract between the bank and the county constltut-
    lng the selection of a depository cannot be terminatedat will
    by either party to the contract; therefore the bank selected as
    a depository remains the county depository during the term of the
    In Attorney General's Opinion v-1166 (1951), It was
    concluded that,
    "In selecting a depository for county
    funds, the commissioners'court may exercise
    its discretion in determining which appll-
    cants 'offerthe most favorable terms and
    conditions for the handling of such funds,'
    and Its action Is not subject to review un-
    less an abuse of discretion Is shown . . . .'
    In Attorney General's Opinion WW-33, the following ruling
    was made:
    "The County Commissioners'Court may law-
    fully consider and accept the application of a
    Bank as a County Depository where the application
    did not contain a statement showing the financial
    condition of the bank but the President orally
    supplied such Information and subsequentlyaub-
    mltted It in proper written form on the date the
    applicationswere opened and consideredby the
    In Citizens State Bank of Roby v. MoCaln, 
    274 S.W.2d 184
    (Tex.Clv.App.1955) It       h Id that h     there was no ap-
    proval by the commlsslo~ers!%rteof secur~t``~ furnished by a
    bank followed by an order designating the bank as county de-
    pository, there was no final designation or selection of the
    bank as the county depository. See also Llnz v. Eastland County,
    39 S.W.2d 599
    (Tex. Comm. App. 1931).
    In view of the foregoing, you are advised that If the
    commissionerscourt has made a selection of a bank as county de-
    pository and has approved securities furnished by the bank, such
    .   .
    .*    .
    Hon. Ward W. Markley, page 5      (M-802)
    selection may not be retracted by the commlsslonerec-t.:. On
    the other hand, If the commlsslonerscourt has not approved
    securities furnished by the bank, the selection on February 8,
    1971, Is not final and the commissionerscourt may postpone the
    selection of a depositoryuntil the date set by the court for
    the purpose of reconsideringthe bids In question., In the event
    the commissioners court did not make a final selection on February 8,
    1971, then you are advised that It is within the discretion of
    the commissionerscourt to determine which applicant offers the
    most favorable terms and conditions for handling county funds.
    In answer to your question concerning the validity of the
    bids submitted by the two banks making application, it Is our
    opinion that both the bids of the Flrst.StateBank of Jasper,
    Texas, and the First National Bank of Jasper, Texas, are valid ap-
    plicationa for depository for Jasper County funds for the biennium
    1971-72.. The legal notice given by the c~mmlsslonerscourt stated,
    ."in awarding the contract the Commission&~'
    Court will consider the rate of interest the
    county will redelve on all accounts other than
    checking accounts and the amount of Interest the
    county will begcharged on any short term obll-
    gations the -county,maywish to Incur. Also, any
    addltlonal services offered by the.bank will beg
    Both applicationsstate the rates of Interest each bank
    agrees to pay on time deposits. In addition, each bid furnishes
    additional Informationconcerning the amoupt of Interest the county
    will be charged on obligationsthe county may wlsh.to Incur.
    Neither bid, however, states in the appllcatldn the amount of paid
    up capital stock and permanent surplus of the bank, nor does the
    application contain a statement of the financial conditionsof the
    bank at the date of said application,all of which Is required In
    Article 2545. However, since no question Is raised on this matter,
    we assume that such Informationwas furnished the commissioners
    court by some other Instrument. In any event, such information
    may be ,supplledorally.and subsequentlysubmitted In proper written
    form. Attorney General's.OplnlonWw-33 (1957).
    The only question raised concerning the validity of the
    applications relates to Item 2 of the application by the First
    State Bank of Jasper, Texas. Item 2 reads as follows:
    “2.  In the event the County finds It neces-
    sary to borrow funds, we agree to pu@zhaseyour
    lawfully Issued General Obllgatlon Time Warrants
    at an Interest rate according to the following
    schedule in a total amount up to $125,000.00
    and maturities not to exceed 5 years from date
    of Issue:
    -,   .
    Hon. Ward W. Markiey, page 6         (M-802)
    vFor Time Warrants which mature during the
    life of this contract: a total charge for Interest
    of 1 penny per Warrant.
    "For Time Warrants which mature at a date
    beyond the maturity of this contract: so long as
    The First State Bank, Jasper, Texas, remains as
    the exclusive Depository of all County funds,
    under this contract or subsequentcontracts, a
    total charge for Interest of 1 penny per Warrant
    will be made; should The First State Bank, Jasper,
    Texas, not remain as the exclusive Depository of
    all County funds, then lnterest.wlllbe charged
    only from the date which the exclusive Depository
    Agreement Is terminated to maturity of the Warrant
    at a simple Interest rate of 1.94s per annum.”
    It Is seen that Item 2 above quoted Is merely lnforma-
    tlon as to the amount of Interest which will be charged the county
    In the event It Issues ffeneralObligationTime Warrants. There-
    fore, Item 2 constitutes part of the Informationrequested.ln the
    legal notice uoted. This office concluded in Attorney General’s
    2 (1951) as follows8
    Opinion v-1.1.6
    "In selecting a depository for county funds,
    the commissioners’court may exercise Its discretion
    In determining which applicants 'offer the most
    favorable terms and conditions for the handling of
    such funds,’ and Its action 1s not subject to re-
    view unless an abuse of discretion Is shown."-
    The two bids Involved In your request are
    valid applications for the county depository and
    It was within the discretion of the commissioners
    court to determine which applicant offers the most
    favorable terms and conditions for handling county
    If the commissioners court has made a selec-
    tion of a bank as county depository and the bank
    has qualified, such selection may not be retracted
    by the commissioners court. If a depository
    selection by the commissionerscourt Is not
    -I         c
    .       .   .
    Hon. Ward W. Markley, page 7        (M-802)
    final, such selection may be postponed for the
    reason that such selection need not be m&de on
    the first day of the February Term of the Com-
    missioners Court.
    Prepared by John Reeves
    Assistant Attorney General
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    William J. Craig
    Gordon Cass
    Roland Allen
    Ben Harrison
    Staff Legal Assistant
    Executive Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-802

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017