- . E RNEY GENE 0FTEXAS May 25, 1966 Honorable Thomas C. Omen Opinion No. c-691 Texas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers Re: Whether the use of Austin, .Texas certain engineering titles and similar engineering deslgna- tions by persons not licensed to practice engineering In Texas, violates the Texas En- Dear Colonel Green: glneering Practice Act. In your letter seeking an official opinion from this office, you have set forth that: 'Since August 30, 1965, when the Texas Engineering Practice Act went into effect, it has come to the attention of the Board that unlicensed persons as employees of business firms are calling themselves 'sales engineers,' 'moving engineers,' 'safety engineers,' 'tax engineers, ’ and other similar engineering titles. These titles are being used on stationery, build- ing directorlea, telephone directories, business cards, advertIsementsWand other means of communi- cation to the public. In connection with the foregoing statement, you have requested the opinion of this office upon the question of: .whether~or not We of the engineer- ing titles and terms stated above and other similar engineering designations by persons not licensed to practice in Texas constitutes violation of the Texas Engineering Practice Act." Section 1.1 of Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Texas Englneerlng Practice Act, provides in part that: .. Hon. Thomas C. tIreen, page 2 (c-691) ,t .ln order that the state and members of the’tibllc may be able to identify those duly authorlzed to practice engineering In this state . . .onlr licensed and renistered vereone shall practice; offer or attempq to practice englneer- lng or call themselves or be otherwise designated as any kind of an ‘engineer’ or In any manner make use of the term ‘engineer’ as a professional, business or commercial ldentlficatlon,..tltle,name., representation, claim or asset. . . :. (51phaeie add40 1 Se&Ion 1.2 of Article 3271a provldee in part that: ‘j %om and after the effective date of this Act, unless duly llcenred and registered In ac- cordance with the provisions of this Act, no per- eon in this state shall: I, . . . “(2) Directly or indirectly, .employ. use, cause to be used or We use of any of the follow- in terms or any combi,natione,variations ,orab- lji4Fmr one th4reof 88 a;profeeeional, business or commercial ldentlflcatlon, title, name, representa- tlon, claim, asset or means of advantage or benefit: ~profeeelonal engineer, ’ ‘licensed en- ;y*: registered n engineer,’ ‘registered profee- elonal engineer,’ ‘llcenred prof’eesalo~l engineer,’ ‘engineered J ’ “(3) Directly or Indirectly, employ, We, caus$ to be used or make u8e of any letter, ab- breviation, word, symbol, slogan, sign or any combinations or variations thereof, which ln any manner whatsoever tend8 or 3.0 likely to cnate any impression with the public or any mmber thereof that any person 1s qualified W authorized to practice engineering unless such person la duly licensed, reglatered under and praotlcing,,ln ac- cordance with the provisions of thir Act. (Bmphaeie added) \ Section 20 of Article 327la provides th&k?ertaln p4r*om84hall be ex8mptfrom the provisions of the TexaB En- glnnrln( Praotlce Act, but,euch examptlon carrleo with it the proviso that ouch persons: -3333- . ,. Hon. Thomas C. Oreen, page 3 (C-691) I .are not represented or held out to the public as duly licensed and registered by the Board tflengage in the practice of engineer- ing. . . . Also, In Subsections (g), (h), and (1) of Sect&m 20 of Article 3271a is found the language that: " *This exemption includes the use of job titles and personnel classifications by such persons not In connection with any offer of engineering services to the public, provid- ing that no name, title, or words are used which tend to convey the Impression that an unlicensed person $5 offering engineering services to the public. In construing the above provisions, It would be im- portant to note certain language found In Section 1.1 of'Article 3271a which provides that: "In recognition of the vital impact which the rapid advance of knowledge of the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences as applied in the practice of engineering is having upon the lives, property, economy and security of our people and the national defense, it is the Intent of the Legislature, in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, that the privilege of practicing engineering be entrusted only to those persons duly licensed, registered and practicing under the provisions of this Act and that there be strict compliance with and enforcement of all the provisions of this Act D . .and all the pro- visions of this Act shall be liberally construed and applied to carry out such legislative intent. . . . In view of the foregoing provisions of Article 327la of the Texas Engineering Practice Act, we are of the opinion that It is a violation of Article 3271a for an Individual, not licensed or registered by the Texas State Board of Registration for Pro- fessional Engineers to practice engineering in the State of Texas, to use, in connection with his name, such designations as "sales engineer", 'moving engineer," "safety engineer," 'tax engineer" or other similar designations making use of the word “engineer,” or some derivative thereof, when used on stationery, building directories, telephone directories, business cards, advertisements or other means of communication to the public. -3324- Hon. Thomas C. Green, page 4 (c-691) SUMMARY The use by an individual, in connection withy his name, of such designations as 'sales engineer," "moving engineer," "safety engineer,' "tax engineer," or other similar designations making use of the~word "engineer," or some derivative thereof, is a vlola- tion of Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, when used on stationery, building directories, telephone directories, business cards, advertisements or other means of communication to the public, unless such individual has first been licensed or registered to practice engineering In the State of Texas by the Texas State Board of Registration for Professional Rnglneers. Very truly your8, PB:mkh APPROVED: OPINXCN CONNITTEH W. V. CIappert,Chairman John Ranks Wax4.0Oblrdo John Reevea J. C. Davie APPROV8DNORTNNATl'ORNNY QNNNRAL B??: T. 8. Uright -3325-
Document Info
Docket Number: C-691
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1966
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017