Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1965 )

  •                                      Acsomutic:s Con-
    is authorixcd
    to loan or grant
    funds for the.pur-
    pose of conatruct$on,
    repalr or tiprove-
    ment of alrporta,on
    Dear sir:.    :                      .li?ased
    .      Jand;.~:'
    .,Y& ?mve.r~ested.aa op%QzLon:conce&'wh&&
    the Texas Aerotiutics Couir@sskn may loan or grant
    Zunds for the purpose of constructloi?, repair or tiprovc-
    sent of aIrport on leased land, and If so, under what
    cinditions,If any. ~QU potit out that the Texas
    lidroaautlcsCo~sslon   baa ipz6.n'authoriried
    12 .snd.H.&.'43of.the 59th:``is'a``..to,Iq````.-``~:
    mcaey-to lbas. ~eommunltle*
    cfor %:ij:coasl+i+orx,``r.epaAr
    .or-improvementof airports';'~':.
    ii. 43 (Acts 54th Leg, 19G5, 'Ch. 196; $.'3;7)
    mends Article 466-6, Vernon% Texas'Clvll Statutes, by
    add%ng a new subditisiotitoread as follows:
    "Subd%vlsl& i0 1 When Lnthe'discretior~
    of the Comission the public Interest will
    best be served; and the governmental funCtlOn
    of the State or its political subdivisions
    relattiveTaoae~onautica'kll best be discha+!d,
    it,may grant or leap fucds, appropriated.to
    ..itfor that purpose by the Legislature, to any
    incorporatedcity, town or village in.thls
    State for the establishment,coiwttictlon,:
    reconstmc~tion,enla*gemqt   or repairof air-
    ports; airstripa or air navigational facilities;
    Tne eneral appropr:.ation
    b5li (1I.a.12, Acts 59th
    kg. lge5
    -7 .appropriated
    Sunds for such purposes.
    ObviouslyrSubdl,vlsion.lO contempltitesthat The l&M.    ~:
    upon whlch~these"tistsllations are to be made.8hal.lbe:,~:.,
    owned.by the munlcipaUtg,&.le~ed by :ltSo?? ~amInImum_:;:.::
    oS.twentyyears:     .' .: .' .,. .,.. . I .. ,'    :'.
    The basic questionwhich'must be answered in .. .'
    connectionwith these~statutesis nhether the'.use    of
    public Sunds for the improveine@t  of:pr%vatelyowned             ..
    'land (which is'merely leased'tc?   .the.mmI.c%pa``) :_,.
    .constitutesa grant oS~.pub&ic>   'funds.& Wed%``%vMilxi~the'~,'
    iaeanbg.of’Sect~ons’50;  .5X or 52 or Ax+%cle III or T -'.'
    Section-6 of Article XVX of the..Constltutlon  of Texas.
    : The pertinentportions.oS these.constitutional~provlsions
    8re as Sollows:
    "Sec..50.  The L&gislature shall.haveno
    power to give or lend, 'orto authorise~the
    giving qr lendin& of the credit OS the State
    in.aid OS, or to any tierson,associationor
    corporation,.,whethermunicipal tir:other,or'
    to p,ledge.thecredit of the State in any
    manner whatsoever; for the payment of the
    liabilities,present,or prospective,of any
    indivIdua1,association of indivtduals,-
    .         municipal or other corporation.whatsoever."
    "SeC. 51. The Le&slature shell have
    no -powerto make any.grant or authorize the
    m&Ing of any grant of public moneys to any
    ,,.                       ,-
    ljonorableJames N. L&l~:m, pkge 3 (C-5l.!L
    "Sec. 52. The Le$ciaturi sbz~13.   have XI
    power to a~?.lhn:?be any county, city, tox;~or
    other political oorporat%o.nor cubd:lvi::ion
    of the State to Lend l'tscr;:G:;if;
    or to grant
    p?blic money or thing of value in asd of, or
    to 2ny inAlvlduzsh as!3o!dr;tir.o3
    or co?'poratlo;l
    whatsoever,.. . .
    "Sec. 6. No appropr$.atziozfor private‘or
    lndP.%dual purposes shal3 be m&de. . . .(I
    The questionwhether Sectlo& 50.and 51 OS Article XII
    absolutely prohibit the gtianting.oSState Sunds to'munl-:-;:
    clpal corporations gives.us no trouble because ithas:be,en '.
    settled that said.provislbn$:,do.no~.bar  the'granting o,S'~:i.
    estateSunds.to municipal corporations for use in overn-,
    Shelby County v ‘Alf;~WilS?t!Pe$~-,
    ``$%%!&@4).            l+urthe-rk A +-              i
    'Vernonls Civil Statutes, a part of'the knicipal A&port's
    act, states.in,part:.
    "Tne.acqul$ition:oZ;'```` land:or,interest
    therein pursuant to thls ;rct,, ths ~. ; : c.onstruc-:
    tion . ~;,i .maintenance ;.-.. and policing of.``.':
    alrports":k.~; are 'hereby~ declared to~be.publlc
    'andgovernmental Sun&ions, . . ..;"
    and in Attorne Qeneral!.sOpinion ko.,C-202, dated
    August 11, 1961 tithis-office held that'sectlon 51.LOS
    .ArticleIII   of the Constitution of Texas wouid not be:
    violated byethe proposed amendment.to Article  46c-6, :
    Vernon's Civil Statutes;,so as to authorize thegrant OS
    funds to fncoroorated cities Sorthe constructionof air-
    Ports and navigational Saciiitlea. This opin&k was based
    .tipon City of Corsicana vi Wren, 
    159 Tex. 202
    , 317 S .W.2d,
    ,516,520.(1958) which sustained the constitutionality
    of Article 46d-i5, quoted in ,pastabove, and.held that ..
    the'ovMership'~and operation of an airport is a governmental
    However% the above mentioned opinion and court
    decisions do not involve the.question presented by your
    request; that Is, the use of public funds for the lmprove-
    ..mentof privately owned'land, It is.clear that Ji.B.43
    '.   '.
    Ronorable 3ames N. Lundlum,~page 4 (C-,fXl~)
    quoted above contemplatesthe possible use of pub!.ic
    funds to improve land belonging to %ndividua!.s,
    or corpo-,-     other than niunicipaiCorRorations. At
    the    C.??Ld Of                   t.hc              tW2ili’y-               :J.!````)j``   0::   the
    land will become the property of the ~o?:lier
    of t?!efeeI
    In our opilnion,the tc-:i;m
    of the Ic~se has nothing to do
    with the questlon'ofthe authority of t:hnState or
    municlpal5.tyto use I>ublicfunds to improve the larld.
    The statutoryprovision now requiring a twenty-year lease
    may be emended at any time to rcqwire a one->:ear o:*'
    two-year leas'. 2.X1    CVei!t, t1a-x
    :in:l           qgest;t~n1:;I;l:e
    The clear and unambiguous lr:ngu?zein the above
    quoted constitutionalprovi:3.ons, In our'opini~n,rend-ers
    .'invalld.theabove.quotedstatutory provIsIons to thc.extent
    that they authorize the expe~diture.of.8tate.o~.mur&cipal
    funds t6construk.t imp-rovements-on prlvat~ly.ow~ed,'lar,d,
    Commission.is.not autho.r$z,ed,,
    -(&.J-!;li;-.<               :         ~:,    :   ~      I   ,‘...             .~:       :: i ;., .., ,. : :.. 1        :
    .. If.-&-icQw$lity owns ~thefee tftle.to%he .1&d,
    as distinguish& from the mere leasehold interest in
    it, the prohibitions~of the above quoted.constitutionaX
    provisionswould not apply.
    .“.         .~Y.         .‘~                                 ~2..
    .43’(Act+59th I&., 1$&5, $h:~:$;-'~;
    pi 397) and H.R. 12 The General Appropriation
    Bill- Acts
    -___-,        59th Leg.I are unconstitutionalto
    .~_ _- __
    the extent.tl   hat they provide for the grant of ~'
    public money~and tomthe extent.that they ap-.~.
    .propriate.   Ijubl$c'money to Improve leased land,
    -and; therefore, the Texas'Aeronautics Com-
    : mission is not authorized to loan or grant
    ``funds for the purpose.of,.tionstrutiti.on, repair
    or improvem.ent    of airports on~leased land.
    .Yo&s very .truly~,                                        ...
    . Attorney Gen,eralof Texas
    :....   -.?,   .,’   ‘, , j..,

Document Info

Docket Number: C-511

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1965

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017