Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1962 )

  •                           0             GENERAL
    OF      EXAS
    August 24, 1962
    Honorable Burney Walker                  Oplnlbn No. WW-1424
    Criminal District Attorney      .
    Waco, Texas                              Re:   Whether the Stllwell
    Memorial Residence 1s
    exempt from ad valorem
    taxes under the stated
    Dear Mr.   Walker:                             facts
    You have requested an opinion from this office   as to wheth-
    er or not Stllwell  Memorial Residence,  which Is to be operated by
    the Texas Retired Teachers Residence Corporation,    Is exempt from
    ad valorem taxes.
    In connection with, your letter     you have attached      Exhibit
    A, which 1s copied as follows:
    “Stllwell  Memorial Is a residence designed
    Tor retirement    living and providing sheltered
    care for retrred member8 of the teaching pro-
    fession of the State of Texas.      It 1s lncor-
    porated under the Non-profit     Corporation Act
    of the State of Texas for charitable      and edu-
    cational   purposes.
    “The Stllwell  Memoilal Resldenoe for re-
    tired teachers,    hereinafter   referred to as the
    Realdenoe, is a project      of the Texas Retired
    Teachers Association     who formed a Residence
    Corporatlon for the purpose of creating this
    Residence for the sheltered      care of Its senior
    citizens.     The Corporation Is entitled   the
    Texas Retired Teachers Residence Corporation,
    the President of which is Henry L. Poster, Sr.,
    Box 767, Longview, Texas.
    "The very foundation of the Residence has
    been based upon oonizlbutlons  from teachers
    and others throughbut the State of 'Pexas.
    . ..‘
    Honorable   Burney Walker,   Page 2                 Opinion No. Ww-1424
    Moreover, the site 1s being donated for the
    Residence through the Chamber of Commerce of
    the City of Waco. The Federal Housing Ad-
    ministration    has given an Indication  that
    they will approve a 100 er cent loan In the
    amount of approximately $ 914,000.00 under
    Section 231 of the Federal Housing Act which
    provides for housing for the elderly on a non-
    profit   basis.   The 144,640 square feet of land
    has been valued at $72,300.00 which is a con-
    “Various types of accomodatlons are pro-
    vided In an effort    to meet the retirement
    needs of a cross-section    of our senior
    “The Bylaws provide for an admlsslon.Sce
    of $250 .oo . However, the Bylaws also pro-
    vide that the Trustees shall~ admit eligible
    appllcahts   to the Residence on such terms
    as the circumstances     of any particular  ap-
    plicant may in their judgment warrant.
    Each case Is handled on-an individual
    basis and charity cases will be accepted.
    No one wlll be denied admlsslon because
    OS financial   inability   to pay the cost.
    “The Bylaws provide for a deposit of
    $250.00 to be held In a separate account
    for health purposes for the lndlv1dual
    with the residue to apply on the funeral
    expenses of said resident.   The balance
    18 the property of the estate of the reei-
    “Last illnesses    and death8 OS the mem-
    bers will be paid for by the Residence.
    Should the lnltl6il    $250.00 health deposit
    be available,    this will be applied.    How-
    ever, from a practical     standpoint,  the
    Residence will have to absorb much of this
    expense.    This Js particularly    true of
    those residents     who have minimum or no ln-
    comes and the charitable      cases where the
    4250.00 deposit was waived.
    “Those who are financially able to pay
    all,thelr   cost are expected to do so on a
    basis to be determined by the type of
    .   .
    Honorable Burney Walker, Page 3                    Opinion No. W-1424
    accomodatlons they desire and the Admissions
    Committee of the Board of Directors.     Bach
    case will be a matter of lndlvldual~evalua-
    tlon,  negotiation,   and mutual agreement*and
    will be considered.on    the basis of Its own
    "The Dlrector&%ave   proJected a budget
    which establlshe~   rates for a minimum of
    $140.00 for slngllFg to a few select accomo-
    dations for doubti! at $260.00 a month.
    "Provision8   will be made for those teach-
    ers who have the minimum retirement       Income
    of $100.00 a month of which there are a
    substantial    number in the upper age brackets
    where the need Is the greatest.        These flg-
    urea Include mea&s, administrative       staff,
    medical and interim nursing care as lndl-
    cated, and a rout&e sustaining health ser-
    vice.   A small Infirmary area is provided
    for those who will require interim bed
    care e Whlle~thls type of community living
    for senior citizens     Is not appropriate     for
    every individual,     there are large numbers
    of teachers who, because of low salary pay-
    ments and Inadequate retirement programs of
    the past, desperately      need this type of en-
    vironment.     It wi.$l provide friends,    com-
    panionship,    and sheltered   care for many.)df
    those who have lived alone all their adult
    "The Incomes of thls.'group are such that
    in a non-proflt    situation   a number can af-
    ford to pay &i! all their care.         Of partl-
    cular importance to th&s project        are those
    who cannot afford;,to     pay.  Because of the
    mlnlmums for teadkier retirement or old
    age assistance,    ~'lt Is not anticipated   that
    there will be any requlrements:Lfor full
    charity;   I.e.,, 100 per cent.     However, sub-
    stantial  dlffCnnces      will have to be made
    up from the other residents,       from the aub-
    sldy of the Home, and from continuing cam-
    paigns among teachers for supplementation
    of the Residence -:'not an individual.
    "The tieachers+f    the State of Texas have
    made contrlbutibha    to help underMete the
    .           ,
    Honorable   Burney Walker,   Page 4               Opinion No. WW-1424
    cost of thle facility   and will continue to
    contribute   to Its support..  Without this
    lnltlal   subsidy and continuing assistance,
    the Residence cannot afford to operate as
    a number will be unable to pay the full
    cost for their care.
    “The entire three acres will be devoted
    to this cause of retirement living at a
    minimum of cost. ”
    You have given us further Information that the Waco Cham-
    ber of Commerce donated @pproxlmately three acres of land to
    this corporation   on which a building,   or buildings,    will be con-
    structed for the operation    of this ,corporatlon.     The tract of
    land atthls    time Is vacant property.     The deed was signed and
    delivered   by the Chamber of Commerce to the Texas Retired Teach-
    ers Residence Corporation on May 3, 1962.
    We are In agreement with your conclusions   as set forth In
    your letter   that Stllwell, according to Exhibit A, Is to be oper-
    ated In much the same manner as Morningside Manor, Inc. of San
    Antonio, which was the subject matter of Opinion No. WW-1277
    heretofore   rendered by this department.   You are advised that In
    compliance with Opinion No. WW-1277, this corporation,     when It
    becomes operative,   will meet the requirements of a purely public
    charity,   and will be exempt from ad valorem taxes.
    As atated by you, the only question remaining is whether
    or not Stllwell   Is, at this Instant,  exempt from ad valorem tax-
    At the present time this property Is not being used as a
    iklc    charity or for charitable   purposes and Is subject to ad
    valorem taxes, so long a8 It Is just a vacant piece of land not
    being put to any use.
    In compliance with the rule laid down In Hedgecroft v.
    City of Houstbn, 
    150 Tex. 654
    244 S.W.2d 632
    , this property
    would become exempt for taxes as of January lot next after it
    Is put to use by the Texas Retired Teachers Residence Corpora-
    tion.    It Is our opinion that the property Is taxable as of Janu-
    ary 1st. of each year, and since It was not owned by the corpora-
    tion on January 1, 1962, then It Is subject to taxes for this
    year.    If It Is still  a vacant piece of property on January 1,
    1963 and not being used, then It will be taxable for the year
    1963, and so long thereafter,    as It Is not ptit to a beneficial
    use.    Ae soon as the exempt corporation  start8 construction     on
    the land, then It will become exempt from taxes beginning on the
    following   January 1st.
    Quoting from the opinion of the Heduecroft         
    case, supra
    ,   at
    page 636, the court had the following to say:
    I’   s
    Honorable Burney Walker,   Page 5                Opininn No. VW-1424
    “Petitloner~s   acts on and before Janu-
    ary 1, 1949, an alleged in the petition,
    the substance of which has been set out at
    the beginning of this opinion,     were part
    of the necessary preparation     and remodeling
    of the building for operation a8 a hospital
    and clinic.     The work proceeded until it was
    completed on May 13, 1949, and since that
    time the hospital    and cllnEc have been oper%..
    ated as a public charity.      The facts alleged
    show, In our opinion,    an actual and direct
    use of the property on and prior to January 1,
    1949, for the charitable     puppose.”
    Under the stated facts,   Stllwell Memorial Resl-
    dence , to be operated by Texas Retired Teachers Resl-
    dence ‘Corporation,  will qualify as a purely public
    charity,  and the property In question will be exempt
    from ad valorem taxes beginning on the January 1st
    after construction   Is started,  and the property la
    being used by the.corparatlon.
    Youra very t&y,
    Morgan Nesbltt, Chairman
    L. P. Lollar
    Fred D. Ward
    Robert Rowland
    By: Leonard Pasamore

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-1424

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1962

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017