Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1964 )

  •                 THE'ATTOF&NEY                       GENERAL
    OF     TEAxAS
    &ber         30,, &a        1:
    _,~ ,. ,~
    Honorable   Joe Reeweber                 C&Ion       ‘No. C-340
    County Attorney                     ,,      ~    c
    Harrle County                        Re: .Whether the interferenoe
    Houston, Texas                       with riparlan: rights of access
    by oonlstructlon of a highway
    bridge with a fender ayatem in
    a navigable sIzeam constitutes
    a te+klmg of prop,erty within the
    mean$ng 0S Article    I, Sec. 17,
    Dear Mr. Reaweber:                   Coaetitution    of Texaa.~
    You have requested     an opinion        fllom this   offiob   on the
    following   matter:
    Whether the lnterferenoe    with rlparlan rights of
    access by conptruction    of a highway bridge with a
    fender system in a ntivlgable ntrsam uonstltutes     a
    taking of property within the meaning of Article       I,
    Sectfon 17, Constitution    of ‘Ihxas.
    Your opinion request and cubsequent aorrespondence haa
    shown that the State Highway Department has constructed       a
    rolling   lift   bridge (draw bridge) with’s fender ayatem in
    Clear Creek, a navigable stream. ”‘19re Sender systim ccnmiats
    of pilings     whloh are conneated by heavy timber8 and la entirely
    free of the bridge aonatruatlon.      Thle~ 6yetem keeps ships In
    the dredged part oft the channel, keeping them~%n a straight
    passage and keeping them from beaohing or hlttlag      the bridge
    piers.    The diagram you enclosed with your oorre~pondence also
    shows that blinking lights are attached IXJ the fender spatem.
    The north fender system uhlah doe8 ‘mot toaeh the shoreline,
    aeema to be the fender that IS the baai       OS this OplnlOn re-
    quest, In that it might deny amem! to tlu water oompletely or
    aubstantlally,mstr~ct        aooees~af      tbe .riper%u      owner who 0-s
    the land next to, the right ,of way of State Highway 146.   Ib
    thirr case Umfender   system war wJwl&y oonrtrwted   within the
    bed of the stream.
    In Btotz v. E&d,      116 Tax. s;, ,peti
    ,s.w..&a8 (19It6),the
    SupremeCourt h ld fiat        it *rr) wlWout dUpu9e~that the State
    owna the bed 6f’navigtible rtr&&aii%eU                   IS N&e waters which
    flow therein and are to be oomkvoUad                     &&umd    of by the
    State for ,thebeet %ntereet of ,Bha                     . klge   Cureton 8tated:
    Honorable Joe Resweber, page 2, Opinion No. C-340
    . .  .  The waters are in trust for the public:
    First, for navigation purposes, which concerns all
    the public and is ordinarily regarded as a superior
    right; second, the riljarianwaters of the stream
    are held in trust by the state for the ~riparian
    owners along its margins; . . .I’
    ,:,,:’       .-,,<1
    :.yI   “,, ,.~‘``
    The Supreme iourt ‘in ‘an earlier opinion Se1man.i   i.vv,
    W o.lfe
    27 Tex. 68
    (x363),   held’.thatnav’igablestrea& within the’ “‘
    State are public.highwaysand are exclusively subject to the
    controlsof the ‘Sttite.,’
    ,‘, , ^;;
    ‘The,Must i:n-,.~C~c~agoi::R..,E.
    :& G. Ry. Co. v. Tarrant Co.
    Water Control,,,eto..,,12,3 ,Teki 432, 
    73 S.W.2d 55
    (1934) at page
    70 stated:
    .~,   ,,,.,’
    “Dfi7 The authorities also appear to be uniform
    that:.&ons@uential damagesi ineLdenE to ;!
    navigation improvements must be borne by Vhe party
    affected, and not by the government. . . .”
    The s’ame Count ,in‘~BxazosRiver Auth.orityv..City of Gra-
    163 Tex. 167
    ,, 354 S&W .2d 99 (1961),:held at page’131’:
    “The petitioner repeats that th,isIs :a”dase of ‘,
    damnum absque injuria. A number of authorities are
    cited as supporting!th1.sposition. ,There Is in the
    law rela~ting.,to,
    waters~a~class ,ofcases which hold.
    that,certain.:injuries, to land caused,by artificial
    changes in the channelof a stream.i.naid :ofnaviga-
    tion.orthe .eonstruqtion of revetment works designed~
    to prevent .eroslon bytwater are noncompensable. The
    true basis of the holdings ofthe.naviga;ion cases
    seems to restin the police power.~ i : .
    ,_    ,:’ ‘,..:
    The UnLted StatesSupreme Court”in Scranton v. Whe,eler ,’
    179 U.S. l&l (1900);:~concernimg~  a pier constructed by the
    governme,ntin a-,canal,stated:;.
    ‘~ ‘,      -, .,
    “If the ripa,rla,n,
    owner dannot enjoy access :to
    navigability,be,,cause ‘of.the ,improvement:
    4f haviga- : :’
    tion by the eonatructlbn,,:away..fromthe;.shoreline of
    works in a public navigable river or water,:and if
    such right of access ceases alone for that reason
    to be of value, thereis,.@,     within the::mea,ning
    the Cons,tit&ioq,a ta~klngof,pr$vate property ;for
    public .use.ibut?:onXv a -,.e,orrse~uentia1:.:,i~.l~rv’
    to a’    ,,
    Honorable Joe Resweber, page 3, Opinion RQ. C-340
    public'--an injury resulting incidentally from the
    exercise of a governmental power for the benefit of
    the general public, and from which no duty arises
    to make or secure compensation to the riparian
    owner." (Underlining added.)
    2 Nichols on Eminent Domain, (3rd Ed.) on page 251 states:
    II. . . The United States or a state ma,yeven con-
    struct works in aid of navigation in the bed of a
    navigable watercourse which wholly cuts off access
    from the riparian land to the water without any
    obligation to make compensation arising. . . .
    'The reason for the immunity of the public author-
    ities from liability to make compensation, when pri-
    vate property is invaded or valuable riparian rights
    destroyed by the construction of works in aid,;of
    navigation, is not based upon the fact that such in-
    jury is not severe enough to constitute a taking,
    but that it is an exercise of the public easement,
    and a use by the public of the public domain. There
    are no private rights in navigable watersthat are
    not held subject to the public easement or which
    conflict with or encroach upon the rights of the
    public in respect to navigation."
    See also 65 C.J.S. 157, Navigable Waters, Sec. 67~.
    Based upon the above authorities, it is our opinion that
    the State can construct a highway bridge with a fender system
    in a navigable stream on the submerged land and that a landowner
    has no such right under the Constitution that would entitle him
    to be compensated for any loss of access from his upland to the
    body of water in question, resulting from the erection and
    maintenance of the fender system by the State of Texas, in order
    to improve the navigation of a public naviga,blewaterway.
    The interference with riparian rights of access
    by construction of a highway bridge with a fender
    system in a navigable stream, which is in aid of
    navigation, is not a taking of property within the
    meaning of Article I, Sec. 17, Constitution of Texas.
    Honorable Joe Resweber, page 4, Opinion No. C-340
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General of Texas
    Assistant'Attorney General
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    Arthur Sandlin
    Milton Richardson
    Bill Osborn
    Pat Bailey
    By: Roger Tyler

Document Info

Docket Number: C-340

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1964

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017