Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1964 )

  • *-Rhn       oEsx-L
    August 11, 1964
    Honorable James E. Barlow       Opinion No. c-291
    Criminal District Attorney
    Bexar County Courthouse         Re: What procedure is to be fol-
    San Antonio, Texas                  lowed in setting the county
    tax rate in Bexar County when
    the County Judge is incapaci-
    tated and unable to attend the
    regular session of the Commls-
    Dear Mr. Barlow:                    sioners Court.
    You have requested an official opinion from this office
    inregard to the question of:,
    When a county judge or other member of the
    commissioners Court of's county is unable:to.
    attend the regular sessions of commls,sioners~
    due to illness for the purpose of setting the
    county tax rate, may the court meet in his hospi-
    tal room or Is there some process by which,a.tem-.
    porary judge or commissionermay be appointed in
    his stead?"
    In connection with your question of whether the Commis-
    sioners Court could meet in the hospital room of an Ill Commls-
    sioner or County Judge, the provisionsof,Artlcle 2348, Vernon's
    Civil Statutes, provides in part that:.
    "The regular terms of the CommissionersCourt
    shall be commenced.@ be held at the courthouse.
    . . .I( (Emphasisadded).
    In addition, Article I, Section 13,        of the Constitution
    of.Texas provides in part that;
    '1.. . All courts shall be open, . . .I1
    Attorney General's Opinion No. O-1477     (19391,   states
    @'ArticleI, 'Section13 of the Constitution of
    Texasprovides that all courts shall be open. It
    Is our opinion that when the people of Texas adopted
    the Constitution,they were demanding that the
    honorableJames E. Barlow, page 2    (c-291)
    courts remain 'openat all times in order that.the
    public might be heard on all questions affecting
    their property. It thereforebecame the duty of
    the Legislatureto pass Article 2348, Vernon's
    Annotated Civil Statutes, in order that the public
    would know when and where the CommissionersCourt
    would meet. Article 2348, Vernon's Annotated
    Civil Statutes, provides when the regular term of
    the CommissionersCourt shall meet, and that the
    meeting shall be at the courthouse."
    In Tarrant Countv v. Smith (Tex.Civ.App.1935, 'error
    81 S.W.2d 537
    , the Court stated that the Commissioners
    '1.. . meet as a court and transact the
    'countybusinessJn onen session Such require-
    ment Is not formal." It is sub&.ntlal. both that
    the members may have the benefit of the knowledge
    See also,~Swain v. Montaomeq, (Tex,Civ.App.1941, error ref,
    w.o.m.1, 1% S.W.2d 695.
    In view of the foregoing,we are of the opinion that
    forthe CommissionersCourt during its regular term, to hold
    its meetings, or a portion thereof, in the hospital room of an
    Ill Commissioneror County Judge would~not comply with the pro-
    visions of Article 2348, and would, in fact, be in violation
    thereof. In addition,we are of the opinion that a meeting of
    the CommissionersCourt in the hospital room of an ill Commls-
    sioner or County Judge would not meet the requirementsof Arti-
    cle I, Section 13, of the Constitutionof Texas that all COUrtS
    Before passing upon the question of whether a tempor-
    ary County Judge may be appointed to act for the ill County
    Judge at the upcoming regular term of the CommissionersCourt
    at which the county tax will be levied, the provisions of certain
    statutesshould be noted. Article 2354, Vernon's Civil Statutes,
    IWO county
    _ tax
    . shall be levied
    - .   except
    --    at a I
    regular term of tne court, m  wnen a 1 members u
    said court are nresent." (Emphasisa(:ded).
    Honorable James B. Barlow, page 3   (C-291)
    In the case of Free v. Scarborough,70 Tex. 672, 
    8 S.W. 490
    (1888)   the Court in construingArticle 1517, such stat-
    ute containing the identical language found in the present Ar-
    ticle 2354,   stated:
    . . ., Unquestionably,the legislaturehad
    the power to make this rule. The limitation admits
    of no construction. The meanin,gis clear; courts
    cannot alter it or dispense with it. A tax levied
    at a called session of the court, pr without the
    presence of the fuli membershin is not levied ac-
    cording to law. .. . .I( (Emphasisadded).
    See also, Broocks v. State (Tex..ciV.ADD~  19311, 
    41 S.W.2d 714
    Attorney-G23neral% ooznion No, 0-.5X74-71943):  Attornev Generai%
    Opinion,NO. O-1477 (194O)f and A&key      General's Qpihion No.
    O-2726 (1940).
    As toeyour question of.whether there is some process'by
    which a'temporaryCounty,Judgemaybe~ appointed to act in behalf
    of an ill Commissioneror County Judge. Attorney General% Opinion
    No. O-5374 (1943);dealt with this que,stionin connectionwith a~
    County Judge who had been.temporarilyincapacitatedby'illness..
    This opinion discussed the various.aonstltutionalan& statutory
    provisions.dealing with the selection.electionsor appointmentof
    Special County Judges, but concluded Chatr
    “As heretofore stated the selection or appoint-
    ment of a special county,judge Is.proper only upon
    the conditions specifYed in the Constitutionand
    It has been suggested,in connection  with the holding
    in Attorney.General'sOpinion No..O,-5374(1943)~ that the enact-
    ment of Article 1970-301f.Vernon's Civil Statuies,,,in 1963 .which
    created *he County Civil 8ourt at Law of Bexar County, prov1des then
    statutoryauthority~forthe Judge of.the County Civil Court at Law
    of Bexar County to:attend the meetings of the CommissionersCourt
    of Bexar County in place of the County Judge, upon the certifica-
    tion by the County Judge that he is unable to attend such meeting
    ~(pursuantto the provisions of Section 15 of Article 197%3Olf)..
    Section 15 of Article 1970-301f provides that:
    Honorable James B. Sarlow, page 4    (C-291)
    “The Judge of the County Civil Court at Law
    of Bexar County, Texas, .uponproper certification,
    of the County Judge of Bexar Country,,
    Texas, because
    of conflictingduties,gr absence or inabilitv to
    a&, or upon the failure or refusal of such County
    Judge to act for any reason or cause, shall also Abe
    authorized and empowered to act for and in the~place
    and stead of said County Judge in any probate pro-
    ceeding or matter,,rd mav also Derform for the County,
    JLldse of Bexar Coun v. Texas. anv and all other min&g-
    .terialacts reauired bv the laws of this State of said
    Countv Judne of Bexar Countv. Texas and upon any sudh
    certification,the Judge of said Co&y Civil Court at
    Law of Bexar County,.Texas, shall give preference and
    priority to all,such actions, matters and proceedings
    so certified,and any and all such acts thus performed
    by the Judge of said County Civil Court at Law of
    Bexar County, Texas, shall be valid and binding upon
    all parties to such actions,matters and proceedings
    the same as if performedby the County Judge of Bexar
    County, Texas. , . .I’ (Emphasisadded).
    Insofar as Section-15of Article 1970-30lf appears to
    authorize the Judge of the County Civil Court at Law of Bexar
    County to perform any and allministerial pactsof the County Judge
    of Bexar County Attorney General’s Opinion No. C-2726 (1940)
    dealt with a si?uationwhere the County Judge refused to attend a
    meeting ~ofthe CommissionersCourt to consider levying taxes. In
    such opinion it was held that the County Judge could be prosecu ed
    pursuant to the provisionsof Article 397, Vernon8s Penal Code,5
    or could be compelled by mandamus to attend a regular meeting of
    the.CommissionersCourt at which the business or question of levy-
    ing a county tax was to be acted upon: The basis’for the holding
    in the opinion, that a writ of mandamus could issue against the
    A/ Article 397,   Vernon’s Penal Code, provides that:
    88Shouldany member of the commissioners court of
    any county willfully fail or refuse to attend any
    regular meeting or term of said court at which the
    business or question of levying a county tax for any
    purpose is to be acted on,,he shall be fined not less
    than two hundred nor more than five hundred dollars.”
    Honorable James E. Barlow, page 5    (Cc2911
    County Judge, was that a writ of mandamus would lie against a
    public officer to compel the performanceof a ministerial duty
    imposed by law and not involving an exercise of judgment or dls-
    cretion which such public officer has failed or refused to per-
    While the foregoing lends Itself to the conclusion that
    the attendanceof the County Judgeat a meeting of the Comission-
    ers Court at which a county tax Is to be levied is merely minis-
    terial, and whibthe   provisionsof Section 15 of Article 1970-
    301f authorize the Judge of the County Cjvil Court at Law of Bexar
    County to perform any and all mlnlsterlal acts of the County Judge
    of Bexar County upon certain specifiedconditions, it does not
    necessarily follow that the requirementsof Article 239, that all
    members of the CommissionersCourt must be present when the county
    tax is levied, have been met if the Judge of the County Civil
    Court at kW of Bexar County merely attends the meeting of the Com-
    mitisionersCourt,~at whloh the county tax ,lslevied, for the County
    Judge of Bexar County.
    Artlcla V, Section ~8,   of the Constitution of Texas pro-
    vides 3.n~
    part thatr
    “9 . . ThenCounty’Commissionersso chosen,
    The foregoing constitutionaL revision clearly desig-
    nates who shall constitutethe ~member&fp of the Commissioners
    Court.  Iscprcvis$cn contained therein allaws or prov%des for the
    County Judge‘8 memberstip on such coyTt to be delegated to another
    ‘party. The ‘Constitutionbating ,prescrLbedthe membership of the
    courk, 1t dollows
    thereto ce,nstand. ?,2Te~Gkr.2
    SUC?Ibeing the case, the provisi
    “NC   CQWt~   tax sh
    have not bean :cmqi;ledwith unless the County Jtidge~Zlspresent at
    the meei3n.aof the Ccmmisskmers C&X%, when the .iWlntytax is
    lev-~16a.“. It $3 therefore our opltion that the requirementscf
    Article 354 could n& be met by the .Jud.ge  nf the County Ci~3-l
    Court at Law of BexairCounty, pursuant to ~Seetion12 of Article
    1970-301f,attending ~themee’tmg of the ComPssicners CVUrt, at
    which the county tax lo lev%ed, in place uf the County Judge ,of
    Bexar County.
    Honorable James E. Barlow, page~6 (C-291j
    The question~hasalso been posed as to whether an
    ,arrangementwherebyan ill'County Judge could be transportedby
    ambulance to the basement area of the.CountyCourthouse, at which
    place the remaining,membersof the CommissionersCourt, along
    with the County Judge, would meet to levy the county tax, would
    comply with the requirementsof Article 2348, Article 2354, and
    Article I, Section 13; of.the Constitutionof Texas.
    We find.'nostatutory orconstitutional provision making
    it mandatory that the meeting of the.CommissionercCourt, at which
    the county tax is levied, be held entirely at the same location
    within the Courthouse,orthat the individualmembers of the Com-
    missionersCourt attend'theentire meeting, but all of such mem-
    bers must be present when the vote is taken levying~the,county tax
    in order to comply with-the:provislons.of.
    Article 23,s.
    As to the question of whether such an arrkgement corn6
    plies with Section 13 of.:ArticleI,,ofthe Constitution of Texas,
    we are of the opinion that if the basement area where the meeting
    is to be held,is open to the public at the time of such meeting,
    and the.public.isaware of.where such'meeting. is being conducted,
    the constitutionalrequirementshave been met.,
    ,~ SUMMARY
    .: ,'
    The mee.i%g o.f:theCommissione.rs.'Co*.``at'~h~ch
    the county tax is levied can not be held~.iiithehos-
    pital room of an ill County Judge or Commissioner.
    .,. i
    The.Judge,'k&he Co&y-Cjvil~Court at Law of
    'BexarCounty, acting pursuant.toSection 15 of Article
    '1970-301fj' can nat:meet.theerequirementsset,.
    forth in
    Article 23.54by..meeting with the.Commis.si,oners
    in place of the County Judge of Bexar,County at the
    meeting wha.re~.thecotity tax is levied.
    An arrangementwhereby the meeting of.the Commis-
    sioners Court, at which the county tsxis levied, is
    .held in.the..basementarea of the County Courthouse,
    with all members of the.Conrmis``oners,~Courtpresent,
    complies with the provisionsof hrticle 2348 and Arti-
    cle 2354. Such arrangementwould alsa comply with the
    provisions'of~Sectlon13 of Article I of the Constltu-
    tion of Texas;~if kuch meeting area is open to the
    . .   .
    _   ~-
    Honorable James E. Barlow, page 7   (C-2gii
    public and the public is aware Qf where such meeting
    IS being conducted.
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General
    W. 0. Shultg, ChaUman
    Gebrge Gray
    Hawthorne Phillips
    John Reeves
    Paul Phy
    BY:   Stantog Stone

Document Info

Docket Number: C-291

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1964

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017