Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1963 )

  •        .-
    Col. Homer Garrison, Jr.         Opinion No. C-191
    Texas Department of Public       Re:   Whether a motor vehicle
    Safety                              traneportlng 011 field
    Box 4087, North Austin Station         equipment from one lease
    Austin, Texas                          to another leaa?, wherein
    a public highway is
    crossed at right angle8
    Is operating over a public
    highway and related
    Dear Cal. Garrison:
    In your recent Setter you,requeated an opinion of this
    office on the following questions:
    "(1) I8 a motor vehicle transporting 011
    field equipment from one lease to another lease
    wherein a public highway is croesed at right
    angles considered to be operating over 8 public
    "(2) In view of the descriptive phrase
    'Irrespective of whether in the course of such
    transportation a highway between two (2) or
    more incorporated cities, towns or villages 18
    traversed' doe8 House Blll #31 seek to regulate
    as a motor carrier or a specialized motor carrier
    a motor vehicle which croa8es a highway at right
    angles to and from private property while trans-
    porting property for hire?"
    Houee Bill No. 31, Act8   th Leg., 1963, ch. 359, P.
    929 (codified a8 glib Sec. lc7 provides In part a8 follows:
    'Sec. lc. The term6 'Motor Carrier' and
    ~Speclallzed Motor Carrier,' as u,8edin Sec. 1
    of thla Act, shall apply to and Include all for
    hire tranaportatlon of 011 field equipment, a8
    defined In eubdlvlelon (I) of Section 1 of this
    Act, over the public highway8 of this State out-
    8ide the corporate limit8 of Cltle8 or towns,
    irrespective of whether in the course of such
    transportation a highway between two (2) or more
    Col. Homer Garrison, Jr., Page 2, .(C-191 )
    Incorporated cities, towns or villages is
    We can flnSf.
    no Texas cases defining the term "over the
    public hlfhways nor can we find any case8 In Texas defining
    the word over." However, in Illlnola Central Railway Company
    v. City of ChiCaRO, 141 Ill. 'jBm82),    30 N .E . 1044, the
    Court said at page 1046:
    . . .The two words toverl and 1acros81 may be
    used Interchangeably, and as having the same mean-
    ing. ,Webster thus define8 the word 'across:' 'From
    side to side; athwart; crosswise; quite over.' He
    defines the word 'over' as follow8: 'Above, or
    higher than, In place or position, with the Idea
    of covering; across; from side to 8lde of; upon
    the surface of.'. , .'
    Also in White v. Bevler Coal Co., 364 MO. 313'(1953),
    261 S.W.2d 81
    , 84, the Court used the following language:
    .Webster's New International Dictionary,
    2d Ed5.i.;tells us that the word lover' Indicate8
    lpaasage either above the substance or thing, or
    on the surface of it, and beyond; speclf.: across;
    from one side to the other of; to or at a place
    beyond;* * *,I and the word lacro88' mean8 'From
    one side to the oppoelte side of.'. . ."
    Article glib, Sec. l(d), Vernon's Civil Statutes, pro-
    vides a8 fOllOW8:
    "The term 'public highway' means every
    street, road or highway in this State."
    Putting the definition of "over" with the term "public
    highway" a8 defined by the Act, we must conclude that a motor
    vehicle transporting 011 field equipment from one lease to
    another lease, where a public highway is crossed at right-
    angles, would be considered as operating over a public highway.
    We point out that had the Legislature desired to exempt
    such travel it could have so provided, a8 it did In Article
    6675a-2, Vernon's Civil Statutes which provides:
    . . .mrovlded, that where a public highway
    .    .   L
    col. Homer Garrison, Jr., Page 3, (C-191 )
    separates lands under the dominion or control of
    the owner, the operation of such a motor vehicle
    by such owner; his agent or employee, across 8Uch
    highway shall not constitute a use of such motor
    vehicle upon a public highway of this State."
    Inasmuch a8 no such provision appear8 In Rouse Bill No. 31, we
    believe that the Leglalature Intended none.
    In answer to your second question, it is the opinion of
    thla office that the Legislature Intended to regulate all
    transportation of '011field equipment for compensation or hire
    except that 8peclflcally exempted by paragraphs 2 and 3, Sec.
    lc of Article ~gllb, Vernon's Civil Statutea, which provide as
    "Sec. lc . . ,
    "The provisions of this Section lc shall
    not apply to or Include vehicle8 used exclusively
    in the Stringing Of pipe for pipellne8, nor Shall
    this Section lc apply to or Include the transporta-.
    tlon of water, drilling mud, petroleum and petroleum
    prOdUCt8 in bulk, in tank trucks, when such sub-
    stances are used In connectlon.wlth the servicing
    of 011 and gas wells, unless In the course of such
    transportation a highway between two (2) or more
    Incorporated cities, tOwII8or village6 18 traversed.
    "Nothing In thl8 Section lc shall In anywise
    repeal, alter, amend or affect any of the pro-
    vision8 of Chapter 290, Acts, Reg. Sea. Forty-
    seventh Legislature (being Sections la and lb of
    thls Act and now codified a8 Sections la and lb
    of Article glib, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)."
    It Is, therefore our opinion that Article glib, Section
    lc (House Bill No. 3lj doe8 seek to regulate a8 a motor
    carrier or specialized motor carrier any motor vehicle which
    croasea a Nghway at right angles to and from private property
    tranaportlng,property for compensation or hire provided that
    the transportation'18 of 011 field equipment and 18 not
    covered by the exemptions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of
    Section lc, Article glib, Vernon's Civil Statutes.
    .   .   .
    col. Homer Garrison, Jr.,   Pam   4,   (c-191   )
    1. A motor vehicle transporting 011 field
    equipment from one lease to another leaae when
    a public highway 18 crossed at right-angles 18
    considered to be operating "over a public hlgh-
    2. Transportation of oil field equipment
    for hire by a motor carrier or specialized motor
    carrier which crosaea a public highway at rlght-
    angle8 to and from private property fall8 within
    the definition of the term 'motor carrier" and
    "speclallzed motor carrier" and the operator of
    such equipment would require authority from the
    Railroad Commls8lon unless exempt under the
    provIsIon of Article glib, Vernon's Civil
    Very truly yours,
    ney General of Texas
    I   n
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    Gordon Zuber
    Arthur Sandlln
    V. F. !l'aylor
    BY: Stanton Stone

Document Info

Docket Number: C-191

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1963

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017