Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1963 )

  •    c    .
    Mr. Jules Damiani, Jr e         Opinion No. C-27
    Criminal Metrict Attorney
    Galve~stonCounty                Re:   Whether the Moody House is
    Galveston, Texas                      exempt from the payment of
    ad valorem taxes under the
    Dear Mr. Damiani:                     stated facts.
    You have requested our opinion a8 to whether or not
    the property set out in your statement of facts Is exempt
    from ad valorem taxes. The following facts are copied from
    your letter:
    “The property originally known as the
    Buccaneer Hotel, including the Buccaneer
    Cabanas and Pool was acquired by The
    Methodist Homes for Older People, a
    charitable corporation Incorporated
    under the laws of the State of Texas,
    on the 29th day of December, 1961, as
    a gift from The Moody Fogdation, and
    commenced operating it as a home for.
    older people on the 1st day of Januaryp
    1962 q
    “The Methodist Homes for Older People
    was required to take title to the property
    subject to any and all leases and rental
    contracts then in existence. There were
    three (3) outstanding leases for store or
    office space that are still in effect and
    from which the pres&it owner receives a
    small rental D All of the rent8 received
    ftiomthese three (3) tenants Is by action
    of the Board, befng plaoed In a special
    ‘Health Care Trust Fund’ and is used
    solely for health and welfare care of
    residents of Moody’ Abuse 0
    “One of the rental units la oocupled
    as a barber shop which Is being operated
    almost entirely for the convenience of
    the residents of Moody House. The other
    Mr. Jules Damianl, Jr., Page 2 (No. C-27)
    rental units are a small gift shop and
    the OalveStOn MerchaantsAssociation, all
    of which have leases that were In effect
    at the time the property was acquired and
    as above stated, the .present owner was
    ~requlred to accept the title subject to
    these leases. The total reAta1 received
    from these units amounts to only $375.00
    per month.
    "This property la malntalAed aAd operated
    as a home for older people and offers full
    custodial and Aurslng care. Some of the
    present residents are Aot ln a financial
    posltlon to pay for their entlre care and
    maintenance which Is being subsidized from
    other fuAda. Moody House IA 1962, paid an
    average of approximately $l,OOO.OO per
    reslderatas subsldlzatlon. It will con-
    tinue to be the policy to accept residents
    at Moody House who will require some sub-
    sldlzatlon for thelr care and support.
    "Moody House has been licensed by the
    State Health Department for a nursing
    'home and this-service Is now being offered
    with ffve (5) nurses being provided. The
    care being offered to PesideAts of Noody
    House includes lodging, meals, medical
    and ``rsl~g service.
    'The Nethodlst Homes for Older People
    1s incorporated under the Texas Nonptioflt
    Corporation Act for charitable and benevo-
    lent purposes, Moody .House,operated by
    said corporation, la a project of The Texas
    Conference of The Methodlst Church, and 1s
    operated by an admiAlstratOr aAd staff under
    the supervlslon of aA Executive Steering
    Committee appointed by the Board of Dlrec-
    tors of sald corporatloA aad approved by
    the Annual C6AfereAce of The Methodlst
    "The AdmlAlStPRtOr and SteerlAg Commltt&e
    have attempted to determflaewhat It will cost
    : to operate Moody House. The charges being
    made to resldelntsare expected to underwrite
    the cost of furnlshlng the residents' living
    quarteras all meala, a complete staff lncludlng
    Mr. Jules Damianl, Jr., Page 3 (No. C-27)
    an administrator, a full time Director of
    Social Activities, a resident doctor, a
    sufficient nursing staff which Includes
    registered nurse8 and licensed vocational
    “There la AO admission fee or a fixed
    amount for admission to Moody House. In
    each case the matter of the amount to be
    paid by the resident Is negotiated and a
    mutual agreement as to the amount to be
    paid by the Individual Is determined from
    his needs and ability to pay. It Is not
    expeoted that every person will underwrite
    the cost of his or her care, and It Is not
    expected that any person will be In such
    financial circumstances as to require full
    financial aid D All funds received from
    residents, rentals or otherwise, will be
    used for the care and maintenance of the
    residents, and that such funds will be
    from time to time supplemented by The
    Methodist Church.
    ‘With ‘referenceto paragraph three,
    you will note that there are vaPlous units
    rented o.utIn the Moody House to private
    lndlvlduals. Vernonts Annotated Civil Sta-
    tutes, Article 7150 aAd The Constitution
    of the State of Texas, Article 8--section 2,
    holds that to be an Institute of purely
    public charity no that its property may     i
    be exempt for taxation, the fnstftutlon
    must be one whose property la used wholly
    and exclusively for charitable purposes.
    In BPOE L.ode WoQ.151 vs City of Houston,
    44 SW2nd 48!, there Is a holding that where
    lndlvldual COACefB3fOA~ were leased Out t0
    lndfvfduala and were not used solely for
    the beneflt of the organlzatlon, -that said
    organlzatlon.would not be exempt from taxa-
    tion. It Is the wrlterqs opinion that the
    Moody House lu baslcally a charitable lnstl-
    tutlon, ‘howeverp under the holding herein
    before cited it would appear by leasing fOP
    a fee Its premises to lndfvfduals other than
    the resedents of the Institution and the
    allowance of the public to patronize and
    use these facllltles would result In the
    ruling that the Moody House was not a
    Mr. Jules Dsmlanl, Jr., Page 4 (No. C-27)
    charitable organization and Is Aot exempt
    from taxation. Your 0plAibn la Pespect-
    fully Pequested."
    Under the facts stated, it appears that thd organization
    owning this property described has complied with theeAeCessaPy
    law and facts to make it a charitable fnatltution, aAd the pro-
    perty would be exempt from ad valorem taies were it not for the
    fact that certain parts of the property are being leased to
    tenants as stated IA your request. This matter has been dls-
    cussed at length IA opinions heretofore rendered by this depart-
    ment, being OPIAIOAS Nos. WW-12 7 dated March 16, 1962, W-1424
    dated August 24, 1962, and WY-1127aated August 30, 1962, copies
    of which are enclosed herewith.
    In Morris v. Lone Star.Cha ter No. 6, Royal Arch
    Masons, 68 Fe   em   f, s w 519 d87     th f t      h  tha
    thebuilding &own ;s thi l&on&     Tej&e w:s ttei ~y'~lain~lff
    and other Masonic organizations to h6ld their meetings but that
    a part of the building was rented to'different pePsons, and
    plaintiff received a monthly rental for each of sald rooms
    rented amounting In the aggregate to about $15O,OO per month
    for all of the rooms in the ffrst and second stories In the
    The Court IA Its ?plnlon had the following to say:
    D D D The burden of .showlngthat an
    exempt.loAfrom taxatlon exists9 rests upon
    the party who olafma It, o'D D and when the
    constrmctlon of~the law Is doubtful, the
    doubt will be resolved In favor of:the state,
    and against the exemption, D + * Applying
    these rmles, we conclude that the buildlAg
    In questlon %s not @used exclusively' by
    appellee'ln the sense gIveA to these words
    in the constitutf0A~ the exclusive me meant
    being the actual aAd direct use for the pur-
    poses of the assOclatfOA, and not a use by
    others fop reveAue, although that revenue
    may be exclusively appropslated for the
    'objects of the charity. The legislature
    IA exerclslng~the power CoAfePPed by the
    constitution seems to follow,the constrmc-
    tloA we have adopted, .aAd exempt ‘all
    buIldlAgs belOAglAg t0 1AStltutlOns Of
    purely public charlty;together with the
    1aAds belOnglAg to and occupfed.by such'.
    lnstlttitlons,~'Aotleaaed or othepwlse used
    wlth a view td prof+t,'aAd all moneys and
    Mr. Jules Damlanl, Jr., Page 5 (No. c-27)
    credits appropriated solely to sustaining
    suoh Institutions,’ This means that a
    building leased for profit 1s not exempt
    although such profit may be appropriated
    solely to the purposes of the charity,
    and not to the private gain of Its pro-
    moters or stockholders. o e *”
    of Houston v. Scottish Rite Benev. hss’n.,
    0 S.W. 978
    (1921)-6f              the Ancient
    and Accepted Scottish Rite of Fre&nasonry of the City of Houston
    purchased certain property which was known as ScoMlsh Rite
    Cathedral. The lot and bulldlng situated thereon was actually
    used by members of the association, and no part of the same was
    rented or used by any other person or instltutlon. The asso-
    ciation owned no property used with a view tog;flt.    It had
    no capital stock and declared no dlvldenda.         v”,f   was
    used by the Masonic orders, Including San Jaclnto f&e
    Perfection No. 6 and the Houston Chapter of Rose Croix No. 5,
    each of which collected membership fees and dues whloh were
    used for charitable purposes other than the bare neceseltles
    for the lodge. No person received any salary or profit directly
    from the lodge or lodges. The building was used pplncipally for
    meetings of thn various Masonic orders.
    The facts further showed that the association was not
    one that did nothing but dispense charity, but it did dispense
    charity. The main purpose of the association was to provide a
    lodge and place of meeting, and to look after and provide for
    lndlvldual Masons and their families.
    The Court said in Its opinion:
    “By the very tinner and terms of this
    property’s acqulsltlon, It was required      __
    to be used9 as it was In fact used, by,.
    the two Masonic orders* ‘to enable them
    to pursue their work as Masonic lodges, I I.
    such work being, as agreed, only partly
    “To the extent that the property was
    used by ~aonlc organizations, whoae
    actlvltles Included other fields than
    charity, It was not, aAd could not be,
    used exclusively by an lnstltutlon of
    purely public charity. Not.belng used
    exclusively by an institution of purely
    public charity, the claim to exemption
    under the constltutlonal prOViSIOn fails,
    or. Jules Damlanl, Jr., Page 6 (No. C-27)
    and our answer to the certified question
    Is that the property was subJect to tax-a-
    In the case of B.P.O.E., Lodge No. 151 v. City of
    44 S.W.2d 488
    lTex.Civ.App. 1931, error ref.),.the
    City    Houston sued the Elke Lodge for ad valorem tnxes on
    the property occupied by the lodge. The facts showed that
    the lodge dispensed charity but carried on other actlyitles
    such as games, daACeS and othe'rSocial activities for the pur-
    pose of entertaining its members and securing new members.
    The Court said that whether appellant Is a purely
    charitable lnstltutloA 1s one of fact. There was within the
    building a barbershop, the proprietor 6f which paid no rent
    but kept all the money he took In from services rendered to
    members of the lodge, a gymnasium IAstructor, and a restaurant
    operator, none of whom paid any rent or money to the lodge.
    The Court said:
    "Under the law, for the property of
    appellant to be exempt from taxation, It
    must Aot only be owned, but also be used
    exclusively, by an lnstltutlon of purely
    public charity. Is It,so used here? The
    barbershop 1s operated by one who gets
    all the income. He pays no rent, but he
    gets free space'to operate his trade, aAd
    retains for himself all the income. The
    iaanwho ruAs the gymnasium Is a paid
    lAstructoP. He not only receives $200 a
    month as Instructor, b t he keeps in the
    :gymnaslumhis own sto,cI: of supplies and
    sells them 'to the membera, has free space9
    and,retalAs the whole of the Income for
    his own use. The man who rune the reStaU-
    rant also keeps aAd furAfShsS all his
    supplies aAd PetalAs all the Income. He
    shares fn the use of space free of rent.
    The marpwho gives electric batha furnishes
    the towels ana rubbing llnfmeaatsaAd keeps
    all the Income. e D 0
    D e .
    "ExemptlOAB from taxation are not favored,
    and the law allowing exemptions should be
    given a strict Interpretation, It'Is then
    policy of the states aAd but justice between
    Mr. Jules Dnmlanl, Jr., Page 7 (No. c-27)
    Its citizens, that all property should be
    taxed, and that no property shall escape
    this common burden, unlese It comes clearly
    within the exemption, and It wao Incumbent
    on the appellant to show that It comes
    within the exemption clauses of the Con-
    stitution and the statute. We do not
    think this has been shown."
    It is.our opinion that since portions of the Moody
    House are rented to private lndlvlduals who pay rent to the
    operators of Woody House, that in accordanoe with the decisions
    above, this property is not uaed exclusively for oharltable pur-
    poses and therefore does not meet the requlr’ementsto be exempt
    from taxation.
    Under the facts stated the property
    Involved In this opinion Is not used exclu-
    sively by an lnstltutlon of purely public
    charity and la therefore not exempt from ad
    valorem taxes.
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General of Texas
    JHB:pw                                        .
    W. V. Qeppert, Chairman
    Joe R. Long
    Brady Coleman
    Albert P+uett
    Jerry Brock
    By: Stanton Stbne

Document Info

Docket Number: C-27

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1963

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017