Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1961 )

  •                               jury 20, 1961
    Honorable Fl. E.                   Opinion No. ~w-lOg6
    county Attorney
    ‘Re:   Whether the, Coaunlssloners~
    Court may maintain a private
    road of an individual who
    dedicates the private road
    to public uee and the dtdl-
    cation Is accepted by the
    commlaalontrst  Court, and
    Bar Sir:                                 related   questions.
    Your request for an opM&     from ‘our   officeIs   aub-
    stantially    stated ap follows:
    Whether the Commlsalonerst Cbrt may
    maintain a private road of an lndivlduhl
    who dtdlaates the private road to public
    use and the dtdlcatlon is acoepted by the
    Commlsaionere~  Court and related questions.
    Frominformation furnished us by you, It aipeak that
    the lairdowner In qutetion haa txpreagly dedicated a private road
    for public use and there ha8 also been an acceptance by the Com-
    mls’aloners~ Coiirt of your County. Although a common law dedioa-
    tion haa taken $laoe, attiain ~rtqulremtnts such as publlo purpose,
    competency OS dedicator,   and offer and aoceptance have been
    complied with.    Thti Commlsaloners~ Court holds the uat of the
    dedloattd property In trust for the publtc.
    Ae you stated ln your requtet;   Bornedifficulty    was
    encountered in the paet when the County maintained private made
    at public txpenee.   We must assume in thla aaee. that the landowner
    bad a public purpose ln mind and that the Comm.lsslanerslCourt
    acted reasonably ln the absence of a showing to the contrary.
    Here also the road ln question dots connect directly      with the
    county mad system.
    In nmy c&see improvements have been made by the Oommis-
    slonera’ Court on property dedicated both txpreesly   and iqplledly,
    and.acqulescenot therein by the landowntre haa~been ueed to show
    an Intention to detllcate. Tribble v. l%llaa RY. & Terminal Com-
    @no, J S.W.26 933 Clv.App. 1929 , error ref. ), Ealctns v. Qarrl-
    273 S.W.2d 510
    t Civ.App. 1955, error ref. n.r.t,)     In YO’=
    Honorable R. E. Way, page 2.      (w-1096)
    aIt;wtlon there la no controversy a8 to dedlcation,~htnce the
    c0~issioners’  court may make any lf4rovements or use any oounty
    machinery on property 80 dedicated.
    your rlrat related question concerns a private. land-
    owner’s petitioning   the Commlssloners 1 Court to make his private
    road a public one. If seven additional freeholdere join hlm in
    the petItIon and ali requisites  of Article 6705 et seq., Vernon’s
    civil Statutea lava been complied with, then the Commisalonera~
    Court may maintain such with any of Ita maChIIN3rY  a8 they would
    any other pub110 road.
    Your second related question presents the altuatlon
    wherein a private landowner petitions the Commlaslonerrr~ Court
    to make his private road a public road. The question arlrres
    as.to whether sufflclent   necessity exists for a jury of view to
    be appointed when aald road la traveled by the landowner’s family,
    hIe married children, hle neighbors going to vlalt him and by any.
    on& else who might have an occasion to travel to the landowner~s
    home tither on buslnese or for pleasure.
    Aa to whether a road 1a’“neceasary” a8 that word la
    used In Article 6703, Vernon’s Civil Statutee, la entirely In
    the diacretlon of the CommIaslonere~ Court, hence only a ques-
    tion of iact is presented.    This office only advises on quea-
    tlona of law. Under Article 6703, the Commieslonere’ Court may
    open public roads “when necessary. ’ Whether thIe particular
    road will be of benefit to the public Is for your Commissioners(
    .Court. alone to decide.   A benefit to Individual8 is not necesaari-
    ly lnconelstent with a benefit to the public.     Set 21 Tex.Jur.,
    555 et w.,     Highways, Sec. 17.   When the ComaIssIonere~ Court
    has made It8 determination, then the jury of’ View la to be ap-
    pointed by said court by virtue of Article 6706 of Vernon’s civil
    Whenan Individual   landowner
    dtdiaatta hib private road to
    public use, the Comaissloners~
    Court may accept said road for
    Honorable R. E. Gray, page 3.    (``-1036)
    the uee of the public and may
    maintain It with county machinery,
    Your0 very truly,
    Attorney Qeneral of Texas
    ‘* .&Y2lst?M4
    Fred D. Ward
    Fm:lgh:ti                          Aeei&%nt
    tbrgah Nenbltt,
    Harris Toler
    Virgil Pulllam
    .(ul*rt mrgrayt
    By: Leonard Pasemort

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-1096

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1961

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017