~Honorab,LeJ. W. E@ar Opinion No. ``-1083 ~Commisslnn~r .oi %&lcatlm Austin, Teaai3 &: Whether an Independent school district may place proceeds from the sale of bonds, not immediately needed, on secured interest bearing time ,deposits with a state opt national bank of this state other than its Pear ‘Hr. Zdgagsr: school district depository. ‘Ilou have requested an opinion from this office to .? determine rrhrfher an Independent school district may place proceeds ~fs*aathe sale OS bonds, not immediately needed, on soured interert bearing time deposits with a state or national bank of this state other than its school district Ueposltorg. ,I , ‘; The &ovisl~ons of Article 2832, Vernon’s Civil Stat- utes, arc appllcabl,e hsre and are set out in part below: ‘In any Independent dbtitbrlct of more ,than one hundred fifty (150) scholastloa, uhethsr It be la a city uhl;bhLhas::asrsum&d control of the sahoole within Its limits, or a rrorporatlon for school purposea only, and whether organized under general law OF created by special act, the treasurer of the school fund shall be that person or oorpora- tion who offers satisfactory bond and the bert bid o interest on the ,average daily balanaea f or time depoaitd for the prlvl- lege of aatlnq as such treasurer. The treasurer when thue selected shall serve Sor a term of two years and until his suc- ceseor shall have been duly selected and quallfled and he shall be required to give bond in an amount equal to the estimated amount of the total receipts coming an- nuallr into his hands, when such bond Is a perrcnal bondi provided, that when a Honorable J. W. Edgar; page 2 (w-1083) bond Is executed by a surety company or Is a bond other than a personal bond, suoh bond shall be In an amount equal to the highest estimated dally b&3ance for the current biennium, to be determined by the governing body of such school district; provided, further that tiuuh governing body may, in lieu of the bond herein authorized, accept a deposit of approved ee~urltles, which seourltles may Include bonds of the United States, or of this State, or of any collnty, city, town or independent school district in the State, or Anticipation Tax Warrants and/or Anticipation Tax Notes legally issued by the governing body of such school dlatrlct, which shall be deposited as such governing body may direct, in an amount sufficient to ade- quately protect the funds of such school dlstrlcfi In the hands of the selected Treasurer.” The language used in the above statute Is clear and there is no doubt but that deposits could only be made In the designated school district depository, under Its ro- visions. The Legislature, in 1953, passed Artlole 27 8 6d of Vernon’s Civil Statutes which Is set forth in part be- low: “From and aftier the effective date of this Act, any school district within the state which has or may have on hand any sums of money whioh are proceads received from the issue and aale of bonds of any such school district, bither before or after the effeotlve date of this Act, which pro- ceeds are not Immediately needed for the purposes for which such bonds were issued and sold, may, upon order of the board of truetees of auoh school dZatrict, place the proceeds of such bonds on interest bearing time deposit secured in the manner provided in Article 2632, Revised Civil Statutes, with a state or national banking corpora- tion within this state, or Invest the pro- ceeds OS such bond8 in bonds of the United States of America or in other obligations of the United States of America, as may be determined by the board of trustees of the school district; . . .* Honorable J. W. Edgar, page 3 (``-1.083) Article 2786d, Vernon's Civil Statutes, contained a clause repealing all laws or parts of laws which were In conflict with It to the extent of the conflict only. Under this act dealing speclflcally with the investment of the proceeds received from the Issue and sale of bonds, there Is no doubt that Article 2786d, Vernon's Civil Statutes, did repeal that part of Article 2832, Vernon's Civil Statutes, which limited such deposits to the designated depository. However, in 1959, the Legislature amended Article 283% Vernon's Civil Statutes, by House Bill 120, Acts 56th Leglsl .ature, Regular Session, 1959, chapter 48, page 94, by adding three words which have been placed In brackets In that portion of Article 2832, Vernon's Civil Statutes, quoted previously. The three words are 'or time deposits." It should be noted that Article 2832, as amended In 1959, does not contain a repealing clause and the language used Is general, though the speclflc,,additlon is made to Include the words "or time deposits. It Is a well accepted rule of statutory construction that the enactment of a general law does not ordinarily operate as a repeal of a particular or special law by lmplloatlon , although both relate to the same subject matter. Flowers v. Pecos River Authority, 138 !I$. .ll,
156 S.W.2d 260(1941); 39 Tex. Jur. 149, Statutes, Inthls particular instance, since Article 2832, Ve&on'i Civil Statutes, as amended~ln 1959, does not contain a repealing clause and Is general in nature, It Is the opinion of this office that an Independent school district may place proceeds from the sale of bonds, which are not Immediately needed, on secured Interest bearing time deposits with a state or national bank of this state obher than Its school district depository, SUMMARY An Independent school district may place proceeds from the sale of bonds, not immediately needed, on secured Interest bearlng time deposits with a state or national bank of this state other than its school district depository. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas . Honorable J. W. Edgar, page 4 (``-1083) JCS:ms:lgh Assistant APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE w. v. Geppei6, Chairman Elmer MoVey J. Arthur Sandlin Dudley McCalla B. H. Tlmmtlns, Jr. REVIEWEDFOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Morgan Nesbitt
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-1083
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1961
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017