Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1960 )

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    THE       A-HTOZZNEY           GENERAL
    :.              ‘OF   ‘rExAS
    ,..                    AUSTIN      11. .~WXASI
    March 23, 1960
    Col. Homer Garrison, Jr.
    Texan Department of Public Safety
    P. 0. Rex 4087
    North Au~tid Station
    Auatin, Texas                                              Opinion No. WW 814
    Rs:, Questiona relatiugto authority
    of Department of .Public Safety
    in enforcing,the Texaw Motor
    Carrier. Art an ~to motor
    carriers transporting in inter-
    cltatc commerce, over Texas
    highwaya, commoditier which
    are exempt from ICC: reguh-
    Dear CoI. Garriedn:
    We qaote your lettim of October 27, 1959, in part, as follows:
    “This request for an opinion i# prompted by~Federal
    decision8 in recent years, which appear to restrict the
    authority of Stater to regulate the operation of motor
    vehicles engaged in interntate transportation.    (Castle v.
    Havei Freight Linea, Inc., 
    348 U.S. 61
    (1954) ).
    “Purlruant to Article,l690b   (V.A.P.C.),  am amended
    by the 54th Legiklature,    it is the duty of thin Depdirtment~
    to enforce the Motor Carrier Act (Art. 911b. V. A. C. S.)
    except for rate violations.     This Act, of course, included
    a requirement tbat vehicles hauling property for compen-
    sation or hire over the public highways of this State haire
    ~properauthority from the Railroad Commiseion.          This,
    opinion request relate* to the application of the Act to
    vebfclelr performing tranoportation aa private carriers
    or aa “exempt” carrier. under Sections 203 (a) (17)
    land 203 (b). respectively of the Interstate Commerce Act.
    .    .         ‘.   . ..
    .,.~’   ._: ,I... :.   ‘I’,..    ,,   ‘:
    ’ ~kol. Homer Harrison,              Jr.;> Pago 2 &F-814)”                                            .:
    “For   thenpurpose of thin request, assume that m
    ‘!exempt” carrier ha@ obtained tram the Texas Railroad                                    :             .,
    Commission a permit which authoricea the’uae of Tek
    Highways while transporting in interstate commerce corn-.:
    modities which are exempt from regulation by th4 ICC        1.
    pursuant to Sec. 203 (b) (6) of the Int.ersmte Commerce
    Act, as amended by the Tranrportation Act of 1958..
    Aarume further that such a carrier ia found to be tram: ,_ : ._
    porting in interstate commercq, over Texai highways,
    commoditiem which 8re not exempt from~ICC regulation.
    (Refer to Comporite C.ommodity Idat. Appendix, to’     ”
    hfotor Carrier  Inform8tion Rulletin No. 3; ittachedj.
    Under kzh aesuinptionr, your opinion.‘is respectfully ,,‘., ,,
    requested of the,following:                   :
    :                           . .                                        .:
    ‘., ~. ...
    9; ~Wouldyour8dsw4ritoanyd.&e                ~:.:” ’ .. ‘;
    foregoing queationr be offcited by t&e anawe? ,to. : :.
    tbb .dditionaLtpieationNo.    61 If so, ywu
    ~. eplnion iLfm+r     requelted’of $lie following I’ ‘~ .y       :
    qa&tionNo;6.-           ~,
    ;“6..   bm   &e~Rud        Cqjmmi~‘i~of”.  1.     ‘~ ::.‘.‘:‘...``..; :‘. ,::
    *A      aP``~8U&rity      tore&&t    the Arrier  "   .:     ~.;' .'
    to hiruling, in i,nteratate commerce, commoditier
    Rich 8re exempt fromICC regulat$on? In ‘.                   ~’.’ 1~’
    &+g so, im i$ enoiqh tlqt the permit rimply
    r)cite the rertr,iction, or muat the .CommiWon~
    bav4 actually made 8 determination th8t the          ;~      :
    ldghway affected OIIathe rafety of ti, tr8+Iig      I      _~ 1 :
    ‘WC     thereon will not be adverkly sffected?           ‘~     ;: ‘.’ “’
    .   .     .
    ..~   I
    .                 ..   ,;.,   i    .,   :                .‘,~   .:..             .   :.   ‘,~T ,:
    Col. Homer Garrison,    Jr., Page 3.   (WW-814)
    “Based upon existing Fedeial decisions, some Texas
    case law, and statementa contained in such Attorney
    General opinions as Nos. 0- 3973, o-3107, O-1843, O,-3176,
    O-4262, and O-4853, this Department has misgivings as
    to whether it can interfere with an interstate operation
    by a carrier after the Commission has, made a determina-
    tion that its operation on the highways would not adversely
    affect the highways or the public safety.”
    We will answer your questions in the order aa&ed.
    The answer to question No. 1 is Article 1690b of the Penal Code and Art.
    9llb (V. C. S.). Under the.facts outlined in yours opinion reque,st, the carrier
    has only been authorized by the ICC and the Texas Railroad Commission to
    haul exempt commodities.     It follows that if such carrier hauled any other
    i+nd~of commodity, he would neither have authority from the ICC nor the
    ,*i``‘. .
    Railroad Commission to haul such commodity.                               .... !
    In.our opixiion the          caae~that you cite’ (Castle v. Hayer Freight
    Iinee, inc.. 
    348 U.S. 61
             ) ) involved the quemtion of the right of a
    state to “bar interstatemotor       carrierm from ~theuse of atate roads 8#
    puniabment for repeated violations of state, highway regulationb.”      .In thia~
    case, Illfnois sought to.bar Hayes, a carrier with a cartificate from the. .’
    Interstate Commerce Commission, from the uee of Illinois highways on the
    grounds that Hayes was a repeated violator of’I.llinois weight laws. The
    Suprake Court’of the United States held that the State of Illinois had no
    right to bar this, certified interstate motor carrier from using’,the highways
    .of the state. The Supreme Court of Texas reached a similar result in
    RailroadCanmission        of Teda v. Querner, 
    242 S.W.2d 166
    (1951). Also
    see Soathweatern.Greyhound Lines v. Texas Railroad Commission, Sup.
    Ct. &Ten. 1936, 
    99 S.W.2d 263
    109 A. L
    . R. 1235.
    TLC carrier in the question presented has neither ICC authority nor
    authority fran the Texas Railroad Commission for. the specific commodities
    hauled. -An examination of the Acts of Congress discloses no provision,
    exprees Q implied, by which there is withheld from the State ita ordinary
    police power to conserve the highways in the interest of .the public and to
    prescribe snch reasonable regulations for their use as may be wise to pre-
    vent iajary and damage to them.!’ Morris v. Duby,~.274 U. S. 135. Ex Parte
    Truloch, Tex. Ct. Crim. App. 1940, 140 S.’W. td 167~. Also see h&Donald
    305 U.S. 263
    ; Maurer v. Hamilton, 309 U. ,S. 598; Eichhols
    v. P&lie &vice    Commission of Missouri, 
    306 U.S. 268
    -answer      to your question No. 2 is        “Yes”.            The first sentence of
    _L   .   ‘..         .-   -
    Cal. Homer Garrison,     Jr., Page 4.   (WW-814)
    Section   (.d) of 16~90breads as follows:
    !‘Any License and Weight Inspectors or other peace
    officer of the Department of Public Safety shall have
    the power and authority to make ariecrta without war-
    rant for any violation of this.Act except rate violations.i’
    In answer to your question No. 3, the following are suggested forms
    of complaints (omitting formal parts) :
    That on or about~the             &YOf            196,     ,’
    in the County of             , State of Texas, John Doe..was
    then and there a motor ,carrier, and he, the said John Doe
    did. t+P. and there unlawfully operate a motor propelled,.
    vehicle as 8 common carrier and did’then and tberc trans-
    port property for compensation or hire upon a public high-     I:.
    way. of said County and State, and in the course of trans-
    porting said property did traverse said highway between
    the incorporated citie6 of                   and
    without having first obtained from the Railroad Commissioi
    of the State ~of Texas, a permit of public convenience and
    necesiity to operate aaid motor vehicle upon the public high-
    waye ofthis state as a common carrier, against the~peace                    ..
    and dignity of the State.                                    .
    That on or about ,the          day of             196 :    ‘8
    in the County of              , State of Texas, John Doe, was
    then 9pd there a motor carrier, and he, the said John Doe      ‘.
    did then and there unlawfully operate a motor propelled
    vehicle as a contract carrier and did then.and there transport
    property for compensation or hire upon a public highway of
    said Cmnty and State, and in the course of transporting
    said nronertv did traverse said highway between the cities ’
    of                 and                without having first
    obtaiacd fro& the Railroad Commission of the State of          i
    Texas a permit to operate said motor vehicle upon the
    publichighways of this State as a contract carrier, against
    .                            .
    Col. Homer Garrison,    Jr., Page   5.   (WW-814)
    the peace and dignity of the State.
    ‘In answer to your question Nd. 4, .the follohng     are the elements which
    must be proved by the State in such case:
    Elements:   (common Carrier)                                                    .~
    1. Venue. (Art. 1690b, P. C. )                                           -..
    2. All elements constituting a person to be 8
    “motor carrier.*’ (Art. 9llb V. C. S.,
    sec. 1 (g) 1.
    3.’ That the defendant is a common carrier.       *
    4. That at such time and place, John Doe bad
    not first obtained a certificate of public
    convenience and necessity from the Rail-
    road Commission.     (Sec. 3, Art. 9llb, V.C.S.),
    Elements:   (Contract Carrier)                                                      .
    1. Venue. (Art. 1690b, P. C.)                                                   ,
    2. AU elements con~stituting a person to be a
    ,        “motor carrier.‘!    (Art. 9Ilb, V. C. S., Sec.            “.                   ..
    1 (g) 1.
    3. Elements constituting a contract carrier.
    (Art. 9llb, Sec. 1, (h), V. C. S.)
    4. That at such time and pIace John Dot had
    not first obtained a permit’from the Rail-
    road Commission to Operate as 8 contract
    carrier.   (Art. 9lIb, Sec. 6, -V. C. S.)
    The answer to your question No. ~5is      “No”.
    In.answering your question No. 6, we quote from Ex Psrte Sterling,
    TexSup. Ct., 122Tex. 108, 53 S. W. (2) 294:
    T’he power to prohibit the use of the highways
    for such purposes necessarily includes the lesser    1
    power to place such restrictions and regulations
    upon the use thereof as may be deemed proper . . . ”                    .
    In the cases cited herein, the courts recognize the power of the state
    tomregulate the use of its highw8ys in the realm of safety to the traveling
    public and protection of its highways. Consequently the state has the power
    to restrict or limit such grant to the same grant of authority that has been
    .y,:: :
    .~.~;; C.oI. Homer. Garrison,   Jr., Page.6.   (WW-814)
    made. by ~theInter~state~Gomrxierce Commission to any given carrier. ~.in
    other, words* ,the. grant of authority to use Texas highways ,extends .only~to’
    the hauling of a particular commodity which has been authorized byethe
    ICC. : It doss not authorise the hauling of any others. In so doing, it is
    ~enough that the permit simply recite the restriction.
    :.,. ~.’                          ‘.
    -In’.any ‘case ,w++re permission to use the ,highways of Texas for :an
    interstate.carrier     .is xsought,’
    ~.,      the Railroad Commission, ‘after due notice to
    all int@rest$ parties;h@s           a hearing to determine whether or not, the per-
    miisjqirequested        is~oonsonant,with the’safety of the public and protection
    ..‘,,.~.,   .~
    Ool. Homer Garrison,    Jr., Page 7.   (WW-814)
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    Riley Eugene Fletcher
    Gordon C. Cass
    Jack N. Price
    Leonard Passmore