Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1960 )

  • Honorable Robert S. Calvert       Opinion NO. ``-810
    Comptrollerof Public Accounts
    Capitol Station.                  Re:    Appllcabllltyof then
    Austin, Texas                            Gross Receipts Tax pro-
    vided for by Art. 11.03, ii'.
    Title 122A, R.C.S., to
    :-                       certain operations of
    the IndustrialGas Supply
    Dear Sir: ,,,                           .Corporatlon.
    Byletter dated,.J&nuary~5,  1960, you advise that the
    Indus$rialGas Supp&9 Corporation 1s~a .dlatrlbutor  of gas to
    a n ber of customerstithin the Incorporatedarea of Houston,                   .
    8. and that one Of their customers is thenCity of Houston's
    Epagnolla Park.GaiiDistributionSystem, tihelatter being the
    final distributor  of the gas It receives. In'referenoeto
    these facts,-y&zask whether'the gross rebeipts tax.provided
    for by Artlc,ge11.03, Title 122A, Taxation-General;Tex.Rev.
    Clv.Stat.(~1925)(formerly codified as Art. 7060, V.A.C.S.)
    Is due on the receipts from the sales by Industrialto the                t
    City df *uston.
    l$? pertinent pr&lsSons of thenArticle   .ln question are
    as follows:
    "(1)~ Each lndivlduil, company, corporation,            *’    .:
    or associationowning,.0peratlng;mana~lng
    or con$rolllngany gas, eleotric Ught,
    electric power, or water'uorkib.;'.or‘:.titer
    and light plant, .locatedwithin atiyln-
    corporatedtown or city lnthls State, Andy
    useh for.local sale anh diitrlbution``in~
    said townq$rmTcharglng          for euch
    gas, electric lights, ,electr.ic
    power; or .'
    water, shall .makequarterly,-onthe first
    day of January, April,:July and October of
    each year, a report to the Cwptroller under
    oath ,of the Individual.,,
    or'of the president,
    treasureFor superlntendent~ofsuch company,
    or corporation,or aasoolatlon showing the
    gross amount recclvdd from auoh,b.uslnessdone
    in each such incorporatedcity ort@vn within
    thi8 State in.the payment pi char&a ~forsuch
    gas, electric lights, electric power, or iZXr
    Hoporable Robert S. Calvert, Page 2   OpiilionNO. W&810
    Sor the quarter next preceding . I-. Nothing              .a-
    herein shall apply to any such gas, el'ectrlc
    .llght,power or water works, or water and
    light plait, within this State, owned and
    operated by any city or town, notito an&:
    county or water lmprovem&ntor oonservatlon
    district. . ."
    "(2) Nothing herein shall'be co&wed     izti
    require payment of the tax on gross receipts
    herein levied more than once on~the suae                          *
    .           commodity, and where the commodity lg produced
    by one Individual, company, corporation,or
    association,and distributedby another& the tax
    shall be paid by the distributoralone;-
    Note that the article Imposes the tax on gas works used
    for,loctilsale and distribution,and 1s measured by 'the.
    amount received from such business "In the pajment"of charges
    ,   for such as " The terms "local ,sale"and~.Rdi.@trlbutlqh" are
    not -gc
    alterna lve, but cumulative. See Utilities Natural Gas
    Com``an~v. State, 
    133 Tex. 313
    , 128 S.W 2d.1153 (1939)' In
    the case just mentioned, "dlstrlbution"*washeid ~tor&Ire
    more than an Isolated 'salewithin the corporate limits-of a     .I
    . In ao holding, the,Court stated at page 1155:             *..
    \   ‘,
    -.'"This term as utiehdoes not mean the
    tr'ansferof the possession~ofgas, by means
    of the pipe line, to a single purchaser                      .
    .nhere,snchpurchaser Is th; only cust'omer~
    .to whom.the gas cozn~anysells gas In the,."
    'city. It means the ~transferof posses+?n               _.:
    of gas to various individualsor concern&
    In the city. Any~*otherconstruct$onof
    the term ~would,In our opinion,,lnvolve'a
    departure from the~legl~l'atlve~lnte~t.~
    The deflnltlqnof "dlstrlbutlbn"was added to b Eddins-Walcher
    Butane Conipanyv. Robert S. ,CalveFt,'l56Tei.,&&~'.S.W;.2d~
    93 (1957) In an opinion ~byJustice Walker,,'~the  Texas~Supreme
    Court hela that the'tew.*gas works", as uaed:.Zn~,Alrt~.'7060~*
    V.A.C.S.;-meant(1) an es'ttabllshnient
    In which-gas Id manufacturedi:
    producedorprocessed, or (3).a~distrlbutlon````y~tem``,~nsi~tlng ~.'
    *of plpes through whic&.the gas flows.,and~ls.$el$ver&dto the
    premisesof consumer8. In lightof these'two cases, It Is
    submittedthat~"dlstrib~tlob"means transfer or possesslon~of
    gas to various consumer,ln&l@duals or concerns +an     in-
    corporatedcity or town...merefore; 'you.a~e~:advised  that the
    tern %harges'for such gas?k which modlfle~s."@?oss::,amount
    re+dyhJ from such buelnesr.',which inturn refers:'to"local
    s+le aid dlstrlbutlori,"-
    does not Include the"ie&lpts from.the
    sale of the gas.to the City of Houston's Magnolia  Park:Gas
    i       L
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page.3            Opinion No. WW-810
    This conclusion 16 rcllnforcedby an examinationof the                         .
    mesklng and lntent.~ofsection (2) of Article      11.03. In
    reference to the same provision in Art.    060 V.A.C.S., the.
    Court in the Eddlns-Walchercase atated T p. 45):
    “It ie expressly provided that the tax
    shall be levied only once on the same
    commodity,and that where the commodity :. ;,
    Is produced by one.person and distributed
    The City of Houston Is the actual dlstrlbutor'of~thegas in
    question. The fact that the city Is expressly exempted by the
    Act oannot operate to shift the legal Incidence of the tax.
    The IndustrialGas Supply Corporation
    lb not,iequlred'toInclude receipts from the
    sale oi gas to the.Clty of Houston for
    distributionby the cl$y's Magnblla P-k
    Gas DistributionSystem In calculatinggross
    receipts taxable uwler ArtXcle 11.03, Title
    122A, Tax&Ion-General, Tex.Rev.Clv.Stat.
    ‘.,’                               Yours very trulg,~
    WILL WILSON                 _``
    OPINIblP.coHMITTsB:          ~
    Y. y: Geppt,r't,
    McGre&r Payne
    3era H; Roberta
    By: &eona$dPawnore
    .'                                                             ..

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-810

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1960

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017