Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1958 )

  • Hon. WilliamA, Harrison             OpinionNo. WW-490
    State Board of Insurance
    10th and Brazes Street6             Re: Applicabilityof Texas Busi-
    Austin, Texas                           ness CorporationAct or other
    generalcorporatelaws to
    Dear Sir:                               insurancecompanies
    You have asked our opinionas to whetherthe Texas Business
    CorporationAct1 is applicableto insurancecompaniescoming within
    the purviewof Articles2.18 and 3.69 of the InsuranceCode or whether
    Title 32, V.C.S., is applicableor whetherboth are applicable. We
    assume that your questionis directedto only those insurancecompanies
    that are corporationsand this opinionIs so limited.
    Article2.18 of the InsuranceCode provides:
    "The laws governingcorporationsin generalshall apply
    to and govern insurancecompaniesincorporatedin this State
    in so far as the same are not inconsistentwi:h any provi-
    sion of this Code. None of the provisionsof this Chapter 2
    shall apply to insurancecompaniesorganizedor operating
    under the provisionsof Chapter3 or Chapter11 of this Code,
    and Chapters10, 12, 13, or 14 of this Code."
    Article 3.69 of the InsuranceCode provides:
    "The laws governingcorporationsin generalshall apply
    to and govern insurancecompaniesorganizedor operatingun-
    der this Chapter3 in so far as same are not inconsistent
    with the provisionsof this chapter."
    By letter supplementingthe opinionrequest,you have fur-
    nished us with the factual situationsupon which this request is based.
    For clarityand brevity,we have set out at lengththese situations
    in subsequentportionsof the opinioncaptioned"application".
    Article2.18 in its presentform and Article3.69 were en-
    acted in 1955 as part of S.B. 12, Acts 54th Leg., R.S. 1955, ch. 363,
    p. 916. Article3.69 is an entirelynew legislation;however,Article
    For brevity'ssake the Texas BusinessCorporationAct will be abbre-
    viated throughoutthis opinionas T.B.C.A.
    Eon. WilliamA. garrison,page 2 (WW-490)
    2.18 containssubstantially the same languageit did in the 1951 Act
    codifyingthe insurancelaws. The only changewas the additionof the
    last sentenceto Article2.18. "Words used in the originalAct will
    be presumedto be used in the same sense in the amendment." 82 C.J.S.
    899, Statutes,para. 384. Accordingly,the corporatelaw contemplated
    and referredto by Article2.18 prior to the enactmentof Senate Bill
    12 and the BusinessCorporationAct in 1955 must necessarilybe the
    generalcorporatelaw as it existedprior to the enactmentof the T.B.
    C.A.--i.e.,Title 32, V.C.S. There is nothing in S.B. 12 to indicate
    that the language,lllawsgoverningcorporationsin general",as it ap-
    pears in Article3.69 was intendedto refer to a body of law differing
    from that referredto in the identicallanguageas it appears In Arti-
    cle 2.18 as amendedby S.B. 12. Therefore,unless the enactmentof
    the BusinessCorporation Act changesor modifiesthe situation,the
    body of corporatelaw referredto in Article 3.69 as well as Article
    2.18 must be the corporatelaw existingprior to the enactmentof the
    The BusinessCorporationAct does, however,modify the appli-
    cation of Article2.18 and Article 3.69.
    While both the BusinessCorporationAct and S.B. 12 became
    effectiveon the same date--i.e.,ninety days from adjournmentby the
    Legislature,the legislativehistory is significant.The Business
    CorporationAct was finallypassed on March 29, 1955, a day subsequent
    to the initialSenatepassageof S.B. 12. The BusinessCorporation
    Act was signedby the Governoron April 15th while S.B. I.2was first
    passed by the House on Way 4, 1955. Thus, at the time of the passage
    of S.B. 12 the Legislatureknew of and had recentlypassed an Act which
    was to apply to domesticcorporationsorganizedor to foreigncorpora-
    tions being admittedintoTexas after its effectivedate. Presumably,
    both statuteswere actuatedby the same legislativepolicy and intent.
    They pertainto the same subjectmatter insofaras Articles2.18 and
    3.69 are concernedand are thereforein par1 materia. Accordingly,
    they shouldbe construedtogether.
    Admittedly,there are limitationsupon the applicabilityof
    the BusinessCorporationAct to insurancecompaniesby the terms of
    the Act itself. Article2.OlB (4) in effect preventsany insurance
    (1) Adoptingthe BusinessCorporationAct.
    (2) Organizingunder the BusinessCorporationAct.
    (3) Obtainingauthorityto transactbusinessin this State
    in accordancewith the procedureprescribedby the
    T.B.C.A. (This obviouslyhas referenceto foreign
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    Hon. WilliamA. Harrison,page 3 (WW-490)
    Article 2.Ol.B(4) does not precludeby its terms the appli-
    cabilityof the T.B.C.A.to insurancecompaniesin those cases in which
    the InsuranceCode is silent,but merely preventsan insurancecompany
    from doing one of the three acts mentioned. Since the InsuranceCode
    providesmethods for organizationof domesticinsurancecompanies,the
    provisionsof the InsuranceCode would controlthe procedurefor organi-
    zation of a domesticinsurancecompany;and since under Articles2.18
    and 3.69 of the InsuranceCode the general corporatelaw controlsonly
    when "not inconsistent" with the InsuranceCode, the provisionsof Ar-
    ticles 2.18 and 3.69 precludedomesticinsurancecorporationsfrom or-
    ganizingunder the generalcorporatelaw, whetherthat law is found
    in the BusinessCorporationAct or in Title 32, V.C.S. In like manner,
    foreign insurancecompaniesobtaintheir certificateof authorityto
    transactbusinessin this State in accordancewith the proceduresset
    out in the InsuranceCode ratherthan the proceduresset out in the
    general corporatelaw. Thus, in the absenceof the limitations(2)
    and (3) describedabove, a domesticcorporationcouldnot have organ-
    ized under the BusinessCorporationAct nor could a foreigncorporation
    obtain a certificateof authorityto do businessin this State under
    the BusinessCorporationAct. Therefore,these two (2) limitations
    are not determinativeof the questionasked. The effect of adopting
    the BusinessCorporationAct is that after the adoption,all provisions
    of the BusinessCorporationAct apply. (Articleg.lkC (4), T.B.C.A.)
    Such a resultwhen appliedto an insurancecompanywould clearlybe
    wholly inconsistentwith the regulatoryschemeof the InsuranceCode.
    Likewise,this limitationis not determinativeof the question.
    Article 9.14A,T.B.C.A.,provides:
    "Art. 9.14. To What CorporationsThis Act Applies;
    Procedurefor Adoptionof Act by ExistingCorporations.
    "A. This Act does not apply to corporationsorgan-
    ized for the purposeof operatingbanks, trust companies,
    buildingand loan associationsor companies,insurance
    companiesof every type or characterthat operateunder
    insurancelaws of this State and corporateattorneysin
    fact for reciprocalor interinsurance exchanges,rail-
    road companies,cemeterycompanies,cooperativesor lim-
    ited cooperativeassociations,labor unions,or abstract.
    and title insurancecompanieswhose purposesare provided
    for and powers are prescribedby Chapter9 of the Insur-
    ante Code of this State,nor to corporationsorganized
    for the purposeof operatingnonprofitinstitutions,   in-
    cludingbut not limitedto those devotedto charitable,
    benevolent,religious,patriotic,civic, cultural,mis-
    athletic,or aestheticpurposes;provided,however,that
    if any of said exceptedcorporationsare hereafterorgan-
    ized under specialstatuteswhich containno provisions
    Hon. William A. Rarrison,page 4 (WW-490)
    in regard to some of the mattersprovidedfor in this Act,
    or if such specialetatutesspecifically  providethat the
    general laws for incorporationshall supplementthe pro-
    visions of such statutes,then the provisionsof this Act
    shall apply to the extentthat they are not inconsistent
    with the provisionsof such specialstatutes." (Emphasis
    Observethat the corporations exceptedby the generallanguage
    set forth in Articleg.lkA,T.B.C.A.,from the generalapplicability
    of the BusinessCorporationAct may, nevertheless,have it supplement
    and apply to them under the followingconditions:
    (1) When the corporationis "hereafterorganized".
    (2) Under a specialstatute.
    (3) Containing
    A. No provisionsin regardto some mattersprovided
    in the BusinessCorporationAct.
    B. Or containinga specificprovisionthat the gen-
    eral laws for incorporations
    shall supplementpro-
    visionsof such statute.
    Obviously,the insurancecompaniesreferredto in Articles
    2.18 and 3.69 meet the third condition. While the term "special"stat-
    ute sometimesrefersto acts which regulatethe rightsor interests
    of a particularor designatedpersonor which relateto a particular
    person or thing of a class as distinguishedfrom en act which applies
    uniformlythroughouta class (39 Tex.Jur.29, Stats.,Sec. 12), it is
    also frequentlyappliedto statutessuch as the InsuranceCode that
    pertainto a limitedor subclassof personsor things or corporations.
    (This was the sense in which the term, specialstatute,was used in
    the followingcases: Flowersv. Pecos River Company,138 Tex. 18, 
    156 S.W.2d 260
    (lgkl),and casesthereincited,Townsendv. Terrell,118
    Tex. 463, 16 S.W.2d1063 (Comm.App.1929, opinionadopted),Cole v.
    106 Tex. 472
    170 S.W. 1036
    (1941)) From the readingof the
    statute,it can be seen that all of the exceptedcorporations  are gov-
    erned by statutesthat are "special"in the lattersense. Accordingly,
    the term "special"statuteas used in Article9.14,T.B.C.A.,must be
    used in the same sense so that insurancecompaniesorganizedafter the
    effectivedate of the BusinessCorporationAct would be a corporation
    "hereafterorganizedunder specialstatutes".
    It can thereforebe concludedthat insurancecompaniescom-
    ing within the purviewof Articles2.18 and 3.69 of the InsuranceCode
    and organizedunder the InsuranceCode after the effectivedate of the
    Hon. WilliamA. Harrison,page 5 (WW-490)
    BusinessCorporationAct also fall within the provisoto the general
    exceptionset forth in Article 9.14A, T.B.C.A.;thus, the Business
    CorporationAct when not inconsistentwith the applicableportionsof
    the InsuranceCode governs such of the insurancecompaniescontemplated
    by Articles2.18 and 2.69 as are incorporatedafter the effectivedate
    of the BusinessCorporationAct.
    Does the BusinessCorporationAct in like manuer apply to'
    similarforeigninsurancecompaniesinitiallyadmittedto Texas after
    the effectivedate of the BusinessCorporationAct?
    Can a foreign insurancecompanyadmittedto do business in
    Texas come within the purview of Articles2.18 or 3.69 of the Insurance
    Article21.43 of the InsuranceCode states:
    "The provisionsof this code are conditionsupon which
    foreigninsurancecorporationsshallbe permittedto do
    businesswithin this State, and any such foreigncorpora-
    tion engagedin issuingcontractsor policieswithin this
    State shallbe held to have assentedtheretoas a condition
    precedentto its right to engage in such businesswithin
    this State."
    This article governsall foreign insurancecompaniesexcept
    those exceptedfrom the provisionsof Chapter21 by Article 21.41 of
    the InsuranceCode. This articlewas originallyenactedin 1903 as
    Article 3096ee (Acts 1903, p. 94). At that time it specified:
    "That the provisionsof this act as well as all the
    terms and provisionsof chaRters1, 2, and 3 of Title 58
    of the Revised Civil Statutesof Texas are conditionsup-
    on which foreign insurancecorporationsshallbe permitted
    to do businesswithin this State, and any such foreign
    corporationengaged in issuingcontractsfor policieswith-
    in this State shall be held to have assentedtheretoas a
    conditionprecedentto its right to engage in such business
    within this State." (Emphasisadded.)
    At that time Title 58, Article3046, provided:
    "The laws relatingto and governingcorporationsin
    generalshall apply to end govern insurancecompaniesin-
    corporatedin this state insofaras the same are'not in-
    consistentwith any provisionof this code."
    Thus, the part of the 1903 Act which becameArticle 21.43
    of the InsuranceCode made Article 3046, R.C.S. 1895, which became
    Hon. WilliamA. Harrison,page 6 (WU-490)
    Article 2.18 of the InsuranceCode, applicableto foreigninsurance
    companiesadmittedto do business in Texas as well as to domesticin-
    surancecompanies. Therefore,Article2.18 would apply to foreignin-
    surancecompaniesadmittedto do businessin Texas exceptthose organ-
    ized or operatingunder Chapters3, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 of the Insurance
    Code. Article3.69 expressesthe samebasic legislativeintentand ef-
    fects the same result as Article 2.18, insofaras Chapter3 insurance
    companiesare concerned. This IS especiallyemphasizedby the close
    identityof languageof the two articles,both of which are enacted
    in 1955 as part of S.B. 12. Furthermore, Article3.69 appliesto "in-
    surancecompaniesorganizedor operatingunder this Chapter3", By
    Y   adding in Article3.69 the term "operating", which does not appear in
    Article 2.18, the Legislatureevidencedand emphasizedits intentthat
    a foreigoChapter3 insurancecompanywould fall within the purview
    of Article3.69 so that the generalcorporatelaws would apply and gov-
    ern when not inconsistentwith the InsuranceCode.
    Having concludedthat foreigninsurancecompaniescan fall
    within the purviewof Articles 2.18 and 3.69, it remainsthen to de-
    terminewhetherthe Business CorporationAct appliesto foreignas it
    does to domesticinsurancecorporations.We recognizethat the pro-
    viso to the generalexclusorylanguagein Articleg.lkA,T.B.C.A.,uses
    the term "hereafterorganized"and that at first blush this would seem
    to limit the provisoto domesticcorporations.Nevertheless,   there
    are other circumstancesthat dictatea differentresult.
    Basically,it is a questionof whethera foreigninsurance
    corporationis goingto be treated in the same mannerand subjectto
    the same limitationsand affordedthe same rightsand powers as a do-
    mestic insurancecorporationsimilarlysituated. There is nothing in
    Article 2.18 or Article 3.69 of the InsuranceCode nor in S.B. 12 which
    would evidencea legislativeintentor justifya construction    which
    would result.ina differentstandardbeing appliedto foreigncorpora-
    tions than domestic. Likewise,Article21.43 of the InsuranceCode
    evidencesthe legislativeintent that foreignand domesticcorporations
    should standon the same footingand be governedby the same laws.
    Article 1532,V.C.S.,and Article 8.02,T.B.C.A.,likewiseprovidethat
    foreigncorporations  which obtaina certificateof authoritypursuant
    to eitherArticle1529, V.C.S., or Chapter8, T.B.C.A.,shall stand
    on the same footingand shall have the same rightsand responsibilities
    as a domesticcorporation. (Fundamentally,  of course,the powers of
    a foreigncorporationare furtherlimitedby their charterprovisions
    and by the law of the jurisdictionin which they are incorporated.
    17 FletcherCyclopediaof Corporations,  para. 8317, p. 80, et seq.)
    These statutesrelateto the same subjectmatter and are in pari mate-
    ria and shouldthereforebe construedtogether. 82 C.J.S. 801, Stats.,
    para. 366. Construingthese statutesin that manner,a legislative
    intent is manifestthat a forelm insurancecorporationcomingwithin
    the purviewof Articles2.18 or 3.69 of the InsuranceCode is limited
    Hon. William A. Harrison,page 7 (WW-490)
    by the same body of laws as would a domesticinsurancecorporation
    similarlysituated. Althougha foreign corporationdoes not obtain its
    certificateof authorityunder Title 32, V.C.S.,or under the Business
    CorporationAct so that it would fall squarelywithinthe purviewof
    Article 8.02, T.B.C.A.,or Article 1532, V.C.S.,there is at least one
    case which would effectthe same result in the absenceof any statute.
    In the opinionof Lytlev. Custead,23 S.W. 45 (Tex.Civ.App.  1893),
    the Court stated:
    "Then therewas no law regulatingforeigncorporations
    in Texas at the time the accountwas nade, and, such being
    the case, the SierraBlancaMining and SmeltingCompanybe-
    ing regularlyincorporated  under the laws of a sister state,
    the comityexistingbetween sovereignstateswould place the
    corporationon an equal footingwith those of this state."
    Thus, as to such a foreigo corporationadmittedto Texas after
    the effectivedate of the BusinessCorporationAct, the BusinessCorpo-
    ration Act would supplementthe InsuranceCode provisions;and as to
    such a forei@ corporationadmittedto Texas p&~r to the effective
    date of the BusinessCorporationAct, the generalcorporatelaws found
    in Title 32, V.C.S.,and elsewherewould supplementthe InsuranceCode.
    Thus far, we have not commentedon the applicabilityof the
    BusinessCorporation  Act to domestic insurancecompaniesincorporated
    prior to and for-i@ insurancecompaniesadmittedprior to the effec-
    tive date of the BusinessCorporationAct. As to these companieswe
    concludethat the BusinessCorporationAct presentlycannotand does
    not supplementthe InsuranceCode; accordingly,as to these companies
    at present,the generalcorporationstatutessuch as those set out in
    Title 32, V.C.S.,applyand supplementthe InsuranceCode. As pre-
    viously pointedout on page 2 of this opinion,Articles2.18 and 3.69
    of the InsuranceCode refer to the corporatelaw as found in Title 32,
    V.C.S., except insofaras the BusinessCorporationAct modifiesthat
    effect. Generally,Articleg.lkA, T.B.C.A.,excludesfrom application
    of the BusinessCorporationAct insurancecompaniessubjectto the pro-
    vision above discussed. This proviso cannotapply to domesticinsur-
    ance corporationsorganizedp&or to the BusinessCorporationAct or
    to foreign insurancecompaniesadmittedto do businessitiTexas prior
    to the BusinessConoration Act, for the provisoonly appliesto cor-
    porations"hereafterorganized". Furthermore,Article9.15A,T.B.C.A.,
    expresslystates: '. . . e&sting coroorationsshall continueto be
    governedby the laws heretoforeapplicablethereto."
    Becauseof the expressprohibitionof Article2.OlB (k)(d)
    insurancecompaniescannotadopt the Texas BusinessCorporationAct.
    Thus, 'itdoes not now apply to domesticand foreigninsurancecompanies
    which were operatingin Texas on the effectivedate of the Business
    Eon. William A. Earrison,page 8 (WW-490)
    In your supplementaryletter you point out that the Insurance
    Code is silent as to problemspresentedin the followingfact situations:
    I. (1) A domesticlife insurancecompanyorganizedunder
    Chapter 3 of the Texas InsuranceCode in 1940 which wishes to change
    its name and desiresto file an applicationwith the State Board of
    Insuranceto reservea particularname for a shortperiodof time is
    not authorizedto utilizethe procedureset out.In Article2.06A (Z),
    T.B.C.A.,for the reason that the BusinessCorporation  Act does not
    apply at presentto such corporationso as to supplement  the provisions
    of the InsuranceCode. (2) A domesticstocklife insurancecompany
    organizedunder Chapter3 of the Texas InsuranceCode in 1958 which
    wishes to change its name and desiresto avail itselfof the procedures
    set out in Article 2.06 of the T.B.C.A.may do so in order to reserve
    the proposedname.
    II. (1) The XYZ fire insurancecompany,a Chapter6 fire
    and marine companyorganizedin 1951, may voluntari~lydi~sol_v_e
    obtainingunanimousconsentof its stockholders  by followingthe pro--
    cedure set out in Title 33, V.C.S.,and particularlythat set out in
    Article 1387, V.C.S.  The BusinessCorporationAct does not now apply
    to such a company. (2) A generalcasualtycompanyorganizedunder
    the provisionsof Chapter8 of the InsuranceCode in 1957 may volun-
    tarily dissolvewithoutthe unanimousconsentof its stockholdersin
    accordancewith the procedureset out in Chapter6 of the Business
    III. (1) A foreignstock life insurancecompanywhich if
    it had a certificateof authoritywould be operatingunder the provi-
    sions of Chapter3 of the InsuranceCode and which desiresto register
    its name as providedby Article2.07, T.B.C.A.,may do 80 by following
    the procedure6in Articles2.06 and 2.07 of the BusinessCorporation
    Act. (2) A foreigngeneralcasualtycompanywhich if it had a cer-
    tificateof authoritywould be subjectto Chapter8 and Chapter2 of
    the InsuranceCode and which desiresto regis    its @me as provided
    by Article 2.07 of the BusinessCorporationAct may do so by following
    the proceduresset out in Articles2.06 and 2.07 of the BusinessCor-
    IV. (1) A foreignstock life insurancecompanyhaving a
    certificateof authoritysnd.operatingunder the provisionsof Chapter
    3 of the InsuranceCode which desiresto changeits cove            and
    to utilizethe procedureestablishedby Article2.06,T.B.C.A.,and
    which was first admittedto do businessin Texas in 1953 and has been
    continuouslyoperatingIn this State since that time may not follow
    the proceduresset out in the BusinessCorporation Act. The Business
    CorporationAct does not now apply to such a corporation.(2) A
    Eon. WilliamA. Harrison,page 9 (UW-490)
    foreign fire and marine insurancecompanyoperatingunder the provisions
    of Chapter6 which was first admittedto do businessin Texas in 1948
    and which has been continuouslydoing businesssince that date In Texas
    cannot utilizethe proceduresset out in the Bus,inessCorporationAct
    inchanging its name. The BusinessCorporationAct does not now apply
    to such corporations.
    It goes without sayingthat the functionsperformedby the
    Secretaryof State under the generalcorporatelaws--theBusinessCor-
    porationAct or the provisionsof Title 32, V.C.S.,--would,as to ln-
    surance corporations, be performedby the Departmentof Insurance.
    The tenor of your next questionis whetheran insurancecom-
    pany must adopt the Texas BusinessCorporationAct before it is appli-
    cable to the company. As we have previouslystated,an insurancecom-
    pany cannotadopt the Texas BusinessCorporationAct. The Business
    CorporationAct does, however,apply to certaininsurancecompanies
    by virtue of the proviso to the generalexceptionsset out In Article
    9.1&A, T.B.C.A. Therefore,we answer your secondquestionin the nega-
    Questions3, 4, and 5 will not be answeredsince they are
    predicatedupon our answeringquestions1 and 2 in a differentmanner.
    Since title insurancecompaniesare subjectto a specialAct
    (Acts 55th Leg., R.S. 1957, p. 753, ch. 311) with respectto the Texas
    BusinessCorporationAct, we are excludingthem from the scope of this
    opinion. We are not passing upon the applicabilityof anythingstated
    in this opinionto title insurancecompanies.
    We have not been asked whetherthe statutesset out Fn Title
    32 will continueto apply after five years from the effectivedate of
    the BusinessCorporationAct to foreip and domesticInsurancecompanies
    within the purviewof Articles2.18 and 3.69 of the InsuranceCode which
    were incorporated  under Texas laws or admittedto Texas prior to the
    effectivedate of the BusinessCorporationAct. The question16 most
    difficultto resolveand the law is very unsettledand confusing. This
    is perhapsnot a proper subjectfor an opinionsince the Legislature
    'is yet to meet and the questioncould be resolvedby the enactmentof
    additionallegislationwhich would become effectiveprior to September
    6, 1960 (fiveyears from the effectivedate of T.B.C.A.). Accordingly,
    you are advisedthat this opiniondoes not pass on that question.
    Eon. William A. Harrison,page 10 (HW-490)
    The Texas BusinessCorporationAct Is the
    law "governingcorporationsin general"
    referredto in Articles2.18 and 3.69 in-
    sofar as domesticInsurancecorporations
    organizedafter and forelguinsurancecor-
    porationsadmittedto Texas after the ef-
    fectivedate of the BusiuessCorporation
    Act providedthat such insurancecorpora-
    tions came within the purviewof Articles
    2.18 and 3.69 of the InsuranceCode. This
    resultsalthoughthe insurancecorporation
    has not "adopted"the BusiuessCorporation
    Act. As to all other insurancecorpora-
    tions falllugwithiu the purviewof Arti-
    cles 2.18 and 3.69, the BusinessCorpora-
    tion Act does not now apply and the "laws
    goveruFngcorporati;;;;sin general"are
    those found in Title 32, V.C.S.,and else-
    where other than in the BusinessCorpora-
    tion Act.
    Very truly yours,
    AttorneyGeneralof Texas
    WallaceP. Finfrock
    Gee. P. Blackburn,Chairman
    Henry G. Braswell
    J. Milton Richardson
    W. V. Geppert

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-490

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1958

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017