Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1958 )

  •             HE *a        ORNF,Y       GENERAL
    April 25, 1958
    Hon. GeorgeR. Killam              OPINIONNO. WW-420
    scurry county                     Re: Whether oil, gas and
    Snyder,Texas                          mineralpropertiesheld
    in trust for Texas
    for stateapurposesare
    exempt from countyad
    Dear Mr. Killam:                      valoremtaxes.
    In your requestfor an opinionof this officeon the above
    captionedmatter,you have advisedus of the followingfacts. Dora
    E. Cunninghamdevisedall of her right,title and interestIn and
    to the oil, gas and other mineralsin and under all of Section613
    of Block 97 of the East part of Section653 In said Block 97,
    H. & T.C. Ry. Co. Survey in Scurry County,Texas, in trust for a
    statedperiod (whichperiodhas not expired)for the benefitof
    the Texas BaptistChildren'sHome, locatedat Round Rook, Texas.
    We quote the followingexcerptfrom the will:
    "11. The incomeand principalof the Trust estate shallbe
    administeredand distributedas follows:
    "a) During the existenceof the Trust, there &all
    be paid to or for the benefit of the TEXAS BAPTIST
    Cm's       HOME, locatedat Round Rook, Texas, 80 much
    of the principalor income of the Trust as the Trustees
    in the exeroiaeof their sole discretionshall determine.
    I hereby state that the primarypurposesfor which this
    Trust Is establishedare
    "1) To providefunds for the erectionand
    maintenanceof necessarybuildingsand the purchaseand
    maintenanceof necessaryequipmentfor the operationof
    said Texas BaptistChlldren'aHome;
    "Ii) To providefunds for the care and
    maintenanceof the groundsof said Texas Baptist
    "iii) To providefunds for the purchaseof
    additionalgroundsneeded In the operationof said Texas
    -..    _
    Hon. GeorgeR. Killam,page 2, (WW-420)
    and I direct that the exerciseof their discretionin
    this respect shallbe in conformitywith the foregoing
    "b) Any funds which the Trusteesin their sole
    discretionshall determineare not necessaryfor the
    purposesexpressedin subparagraph(a) of this paragraph
    11 of this ARTICLE II may be paid by the Trusteesin
    their sole discretionto any one or mom of the Southern
    educationalorganizatfons  locatedin the State of Texas.
    "0) In limitationof all provisionscontainedin
    this my Last Will and Testamentwith respectto the
    Tmat herein created,I expresslydirect that:
    "1) All funds, propertfssand assets of the
    Trust shall be used for religious,oharita'ble,solenti-
    fio, literaryor educationalpurposesor for the pre-
    ventionof crueltyto childrenand for no other purposes,
    provided,however,that all funds,propertiesand assets
    shall be used wfthin the Stats of Texas exoP~sivslyfor
    such purposes.s ."
    . . D
    * The Trust heroin createdshall tem!.nateon she
    date which is the tweniy-fLrstanniversaq of ,$hedeath c~f
    and DANIELM. GIBSON,and all prir,cipa:  and undistributedin-
    come then remainLugin Trust shallbe imnsdiatelydistributed
    to the Board of Trusteesof the Texas Baptrst ChiL3refi's Home
    of Round Rook, Texas, for tie 'useby said Boar6 Yor the bane-
    fit of said Texas BaptistChildren'sHome in conformitywftii
    the purposeshereinaboveexpressedin s¶graph {aj of
    paragraph11 of this ARTICLE II.. If, on the date of such
    termination,the said Texas BaptistChiLLron'sHome fs no
    longer in sxistsnce,all principaland undistribntedincome
    than remainingin Trust shall be immediatelydistrsibuted  to
    the RAEIST FOUNDATIONOF TEXAS, Dallas,Texas,to be used
    for such religious,oharftable,scientific,literaryor
    educationalpurposeswithin the State of Texas as the govern-
    ing body of such BaptistFoundationof Texas shall determine."
    The trust propertyis presentlyproduof~?of1 and gas, and you
    ask whetherthe mineral Interestheld by the Trustees,isexemptfrom
    county M:'aloPem taxes.
    Hon. GeorgeR. Killam,page 3, (WW-420)
    ArticleVIII, Section2 of the Constitutionof the State of
    Texas, has empoweredthe Legislatureto exemptfrom taxationcertain
    enumeratedproperties,among which are "- . . institutfonsof purely
    public charity." In pursuanceto this particularconstitutional
    grant, the LegislatureenactedSection7 of Article7150, V.C.S.
    Article 7150 reads, in part, as follows:
    "The followingpropertyshall be exempt from taxation,to-wit:
    "7. Public charities.I All buildingsbelongingto
    institutionsof purelypublic charity,togetherwith the
    lands belongingto and occupiedby such Institutionsnot
    leased or otherwiseused with a view to profit,unless such
    rents and profitsand all moneys and creditsaru appropriated
    by such institutionssolelyto sustainsuch institutionsand
    for the benefitof the sick and disabledmembersand their
    familiesand the burial of the same, or for the maintenance
    of personswhen unable to providefor themselves,whether
    such personsare members of such institutionsor not. An
    institutionof purely public charityunder this artiole is
    one which dispensesits aid to its membersand others in
    sicknessor distress,or at death,withoutregard to poverty
    or riches of the recipient,also when the funds,property
    and assets of such institutionsare placed and bound by
    its laws to relieve,aid and administerin any way to the
    relief of its memberswhen in want, sicknessand distress,
    and providehomes for its helplesssnd dependentmembersand
    to educateand maintainthe orphansof its deceasedmembers
    or other persons."
    It is clear that the charitabletrust under considerationis
    an institutionof purelypublic charitywfthin the meaningof
    Section2 of ArticleVIII of the Texas Constitotionand Section7
    of Article 7150, V.C.S. State v. Settegast,254 53-w.925 (Comm.
    APP. 1923)0 We, therefore,pass to a consider&&m of whether
    exemptionmay be accordedthe propertyin qusstlonunder the facts
    in this case.
    In Morris v. Lone Star Ch. Ro. 6, R.A.M., 
    68 Tex. 697
    , 5 S.W.,
    519 (1887)the court held that under Section2 of ArticleVIII of
    the Constitution,the bgislature could exempt from taxationthe
    buildingsof "institutions  of purely public charity"but that such
    authorizationextendedonly to such buildingsaud groundsas were
    used exolusivelyand owned by such institutionsand that exclusive
    use meant the actual and directuse for the purposesof the chari-
    table association.
    -     ^.
    Hon. GeorgeR. Killam,page 4, (WW-420)
    In the S&t=      case, supra,the court held that the trustees
    _        -.     ^
    owea tax08 on oertalnpropertieswhich wore a psrt of the Hermsnn
    HospitalEstate. In that case the will had establishede.trust far
    the purposeof buildingand maintaininga charitablehospital. The
    trusteeswere conductingthe businessof -aging the propertyand
    constructingthe hospitalunder the name of the H-nu     Hospftal
    Estate. The propertyin questionInvolvedsix rent houses;and all
    rents and incometherefromwere to be uasd solelyto supportand
    maintainthe HornannHospital. The court pointedout that the
    hospitalitselfwas to be built on other propertyand that the
    propertyin questionwas not being used directlyin connection
    with the bullding and operationof the hospital'but or-
    In Its maintenance.
    In Hedgecroftv. City of Houston,
    150 Tex. 654
    244 S.W.2d 612
    (1952).the  court was concernedwl,th  ,thsPollowinafacts. The
    H~dg&~ft'Corporation had acquiredtitle to the propertyin
    questionthroughgift and oonveyar~cs  on December30, 1948. Before
    that tfme the corporationhad agreed with a constructioncompany
    to make the necessaryalterationsand repairs of the propertyto
    fit It for the operationof a hospital,clinicand trainingschool;
    and beginnfngwith the week endingJuly 7, 1948, and oontlnulng
    until December29, 1948, the constructioncompanyhad been preparing
    plans for repairsand alterations. From August 1, 1948, through
    December27, 1948, a blue print compav had farnfshednuminous
    blue prints concerningthe contemplatedrepairs. Prior to the
    corporation's acquisitionof tha prapperty  fn ques-',jcln
    and immediately
    thereafterincludl.ug  January I, lpkp, the corporationwas engaged
    in planningand znaklngthe necessaryrepaira. The remodsliagwas
    completedou May L3         to an extentwhit!!&lowed tbs clinic
    to move on to the p&:2:: ; and tts ollnit:  had since 'been.
    ly in operationthere. The Cii;yof Housrrxant the B:onston    Inde-
    pendentSchool Dis,triot  Instituteda suit for taxes for t&e year
    It wa8 contendedthat there was no actual use of the premises
    within the meaningof the oonst:ftationSecanse,thebu:ldingwas
    not then actuallybeing used for charitablepurposes, The court
    reviewedthe followingTexas cases deal.l.ng,#it.h
    the requzrement
    of exolusiveuse: State v. Settegast,254 S.W. 923 (Conrm.  App. 1%
    Morris v. Lone St& ChapterNo. 6 Royal Arch Masons, 
    68 Tex. 698
    ;8Sg.;T519; B.P.O.E.Lodge No. 151 v, City of Houston,44 S.W. 2d
    ex. Civ. App., 1g319errorre%), and distinguished these on
    the ground that in each case third partieswe'reoccupyingall or a
    portion of the premises.
    In holdingthat tna propertyin qUeStlOU was exempt, the court
    revieweddecisionsin other States in which exemptionhad been
    accordedon the basis that if the subsequentuse of the premises
    1   .    -
    Hon. GeorgeR. Killam,page 5, (w-420)
    createda tax exempt situationthen & uee which wae confinedto
    readyingthem for such purposeestablisheda right to exemption.
    At page 636 the court said:
    . . D The work proceededuntil it wa.8 completedon May 13,
    1949, and since that time the hospitaland cliniohave been
    operateda8 8.public charity. The facts alleged show, in
    The court in allowingthe exemptionrecognizedthe well settled
    rule that exemptionsfrom taxationare not favoredand shouldbe
    strictlyconstrued,but statedthat a constructionof the acts
    alleged in the petitiona8 not amountingto uee would be un-
    reasonablystrictand narrow.
    We think it evidentfrom these decisionsthat the exemption
    accordedto charitableinstltutlonsextendsonly to the buildings
    and groundsused in the actual conductof the charitablepurppses
    for which the institutionIs operated. We thereforehave concluded
    that the propertyin questionis not exempt from countyad valorem
    tsxee; and you are accordinglyso advised."
    Oil, gas and mineral interests
    held in trust for the Texas
    Baptist ChlldrenssHome and for
    other charitablepurposesaze
    not exemptfrom countyad
    Yo;lrsvery truly
    of Texas
    George Pi Blackburn,Chairman
    8. ~&lark
    hy~ W.~:v,

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-420

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1958

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017