Q,P TEXAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Dr. J. W. Rdgm, Cossxissioaer Texas Education Agency Austin, ,Texas Altteation: Bon. L. A, Woods Opinion ma. v\r-zogo. Re: Authority of Independ- ent School District Board tbroqh Its Treas- ups&’to plaae bond pro- Des3 Sir: tree&a 011 time deposit. You have requested an opinion on the author- ity of the CarrIea Spirings, Independent School District ME”, to plaoc on time deposit money secured from bond . Information eontained In your request reflects thati The Union State Bank, Carrlza Springs, is the tily qualified treasurer of the Independent School Dis- trict. The dir&riot has properly voted, issued, and so.ld bon& to obtain funds with whi,ah to purchase land Andyconstruct school buildings, About $2OO,OOO.OCfrom this bond sale will not be needed for an estimated pe- riod +of six months due to title defects that must be cured in some land nhieh the Board proposes to purchase, This 1$200,000.00 1,s now on deposit with the Union State Bamk which is the tre s rer for the Independent School Dls~lct 9 The S&&m has requested the Bank in it;s.%apacity as reasurer of school funds, to acce& bhlij bond money * eposit in interest-bearing, non- ehepklmg time deposit ;(reaoupts by virtue si* the Rank’s bid to act, as treasurer. I%%18the Bank refused to do, &%iele 2832, VeC..S., p%oovldes in part; “fn any independent district of more than v q 6 (150) scholastics, whether it be in a city which has aS6UBIed oontrol of the rchools wIthIn i&s lialt~, 06 a oorporation~ for mohool puppoles only, and whet;be# organ- ized under general law OF cmated $P speoial act, the treasurer of the school fuad ahall be that pemon or corpopatlon who offer8 aa%- Isfactory bond aod the bert bid oi ia&peLt~ on the avefage dal1.y baloaoer fop #e prlvi-- lege 0r acting ata 6uoB ~ea~wec~ 2he %mae- urea wheu %&INselected shall sepve fop a term 0S two year8 an8 until Ma 8p19oe``or ehall have been duly relearted and guallfled and he shall be Peguired to IPre botul in an maount equal %o %he cstlmat et amount or the drotal %ecelptr ~osalng annual1 IsLo Ma handr, when rueh bond is a personal $ and; provided, that when a bond la execut@tQby a rupety oom- pan OF is a bond other than a peP&oaal bond, au@ii bond shall be in ap.,amoun%spur1 to the highest eatlmated daily balomr ior the our- rent biennium to be detemlned @ ,the govern- iw body Of SU& school dirtrictj 0 0 o 1, O Said bond ahall be payable to the pmuldtkk of %he IboW aod~bis aucoeaaora 10 offloe, aonditloned Pop %he talebid. discharge of %he %reawper’a dutlee and the payment of the buodr pee&iweQ by hi* opom tie drsndt ,of the preridea% of the mhool board dpav$ up@ oavler, duly entered of &he board of trustecr, Said bond &all be &Jieb @oadltfonsd that We tFearpl%ep 6hall aaiely keep and faithfully diMxwre all Btmdmooalng Into his hands a8 Weaawe8, a@d ahall faithfully pay oveP to hfa auocesaoy al; balamer remaining in hla handa, 0 0” Wnder timis A&icle the School Board hae author- It to oelect a tpeaauper, and we find oo obgection to UQs on State Bank ao&iug aa treasurer alnce $6~ request states that the Bank haa aatiabled the Fequirements 0% the Art;icsleO The rule that prpoaeede oi bond sales must be to tie puppose for wh.fgh the bondr weFe i es$ab.blfshedO The Attorney Qene$al’a Of- rice has written mmerous opinloams holding %ha%ie t&e absence of express sta%u%oaFg authority bond proceed6 may not be ueed for any pu??pose othef than that $0~ whulbich the bonds wem iasuedd A “tfnae deposit” alglal%ier %&e t’ ,!: i DrO J. W. Edgar, Page 3,,~ (V-lO!#O), placing of money In an account from uhieh It can only be withdrawn at the expiration of a apeclfled and deflalte~ period set out in %he deposld; agreement. The usual min- imum period of a time deposit 1s thirty (30) days, and the maximum period may be any agreed to by deposltor and depository, so long as it j.s allowed by banking laws, Thus i% differs from an open account which may be wlth- drawn a% any time on demand of the depositor, We find no statutory authority for bond proceeds of an lndepend- ent school district to be placed In time deposits. f Hei%her do we flnd authority in the statutes to allow %he school boaad OF Its treasurer to rellnqulsh control of such bond proceeds at any time or for any pe- riod 0 If the treasurep, at %he direction of the School Board or for any other reason, submitted money from bond i proceeds to a time deposit, such action would constitute %he treasurer’s loss of control of such fmds, and a dl- version of the bond pkoceedm by the treasurer from a simple safekeepjng to a use o%her than that for which the bonds were voted, Although placing the funds In question In a time deposit would no% constitute a “loan,” the Supreme ``5”~,``,~3%~,``9````,rnhv” Taylor,
81 Tex. 59, I6 SaWa t e generra’f rule on use and con- trol of proceeds from bond sales in the following lan- guag e : ,z0 0 0 The oitg had power %o raise a fund fop the constauctlon of water-works under the limitations l.mposed by law, but when such a fund was Pal.sed it could only be used fop %he specific puppose, and be- came j wfthlm the meaning of the law 9 a’ spe- cial fund- If it could be loaned for a day i% oouPd be loaned fop much longer period as the cl%y au%hoz4%lee might see proper to Ioan It, and %hus a special fund be raised for a lawful p~pose, ,and used fop a pup- pose essentlallg unlawful o It may be Fe- plied that in %his case %he city, under %he a.grPeement with the Pannln Goumty Bank, would mot have 0eem bound %o leave the fund with that batik fos any deflnl%e perlod If it need- ed the money to une for Mae puPpose for which i% was raised, bu% this does no% affect %he law of %he case0 0 D The %peasuper might have selec%ed the borrowing bank as a depositaxy of the fund, but if, in p~suanos of an U.D- lawful order, he had dellveP%d the fund to that bank as a bora?ower, he and the sureties on hls bond would have been liablh bar a mia- app~op~iatlon of the fund, 0 D 0” We believe the prfnelples expressed as to use of funds dedicated to a speclflc purpose and 1086 of aon- trol of such funds, apply to the raltuation presented Q the desired action of the CarPplzo SprW$s School Boatid Proceeds of the sale of bonds by an in- dependent school distriot maa DONbe pl&Oed on time deposit by the Wea~ura~ of the dlt+ trlot in the absence Of BpeOibiO @ta%utOF$ authoHtgV APPROVEDS Youm osrp tml~ George We Spadct3 PRIQC DAlmL Cb~%f, Bond DQvlslon Attornep tksleral Everett Xut@hiaesoK~ Execu$fve Assistant QRa~las I)* Mathews Flrat Assslstam% r - Asslatant I. JSBlswbr;$B~e .
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1090
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017