Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1957 )

  •                             October.17,1957
    Hon. William J. Gillespie              opinion   Ho. ww-281
    County Attorney
    Lubbock County                         Re: Taxabilityof City
    Lubbock,Texas                              propertywider Lease
    to private industry.
    Dear Mr. Gillespie:
    In connectionwith your letterrequestingour opinionrels-
    tive to the captionedCWttQr, you submit the followingfactuaL
    "The City of Lubbockholds title to a certain
    tract of real propertyin Lubbock Countywhich is
    dedicatedto use a8 the LubbockMunicipalAirport,
    Such property,being used for public pmposes is.the
    past has been exempt from taxationunder the express
    provisionsof B.S. Art. 7150.
    "On Septenber15, 1955> the City, through its
    directorof A?4ation entered into a lease of a per-
    tion of the airportpropertyto the West Texas Compress
    and Ware&we Ccmpauy,a Texas Corporstioadomictled
    io Lubbock,hereir&tey called lessee.
    W!e issaee is to use the laud for mehouse
    purposes,and the AirportBoard has detemimd +&a?
    it is in the public intereatthat the lesseeilave
    suck privilege.
    "Tke lease is for a term of five yelrs 'begin-
    niag October 1, 1955, a~udending Septmber 3C~,l$(I‘,
    with the lesseeto pay $l,lOC a year L1s:ie City
    during that period. Tiielessee Is also to erect five
    metal clad tmrehousebuildingson ti;esite, whim
    buildir.gsshall become the uropertyof the City by
    September30, 1960, the City being conve:wda l,i60in-
    terest in each of said buildingseach month dcrirg
    the first five years of the lease. The lessee is
    furthergiven an optionfor tbzee consecutivefive-
    year extensions,with a differentyearly-rental heizg
    due during each of those extensions.
    Eon. William J . Gillespie,page 2 (WW-231)
    "It was furtheragreed that should the
    contractlease be abandonedor breachedbefore tke
    initialfive-yeartern was up, the City would h;zve
    an option to purchaselessee'sremaininginterest
    in the buildings. If the City did not desire to
    exercise its option,then the lesseehad tiie,op-
    tion to purchase the City's accrued interest,and
    upon payment.the lessee could remove tke buildings.
    The further terms of the lease appear in the copy
    of the lease attachedhereto."
    Specifically,you submit the followingquestions:
    "(1) Has the land, by virtue of the chauge
    in the characterof its use, lost its tax exemption?
    "(2) Regardlesso? the tax consequences
    to the City, does the lessee'sleaseholdinterest
    constitutea separatetaxable interest?
    “(3) Does the lessee'sdininiskinginter-
    est in the buildingsconstitutea taxable interest
    to kin?"
    You s+ate
    "    that tke property in question"is dedicatedto use
    a* +he Lubbock%iunicipal Airport." You also state, (I.. .tkQpro-
    perty ns a whole WRS acqti-ired
    for the purpose cf servingas an air-
    field. A great portion of tkat prcpertyhas been utilizedfor that
    purpose,but the remainingtract (tZe property in question)has been
    tutned over to private enterprisefor *aperiod of POSSib~  20 years."
    The operationof an Airport by a cit;rconstitutesa public
    purpose. If the land in questicnis being held by the City for a
    future expansionof the .airport, it is tax exempt unless and until
    tne city has abandonedits intentiontc use the property in the
    future for a public pwpose. CitT J of Abi1er.ev. State, 113 S.M. 2d
    633 (Tex. Civ. App.); ;tnCt
    City of Dallas v. State, 
    25 S.W.2d 937
    (writ refused).
    sec. 2, Art. TTIII,of the Texas Constitutionprovidesin
    "but tke legislaturemy, by general laws,
    exempt from txation public propertyused for D~u'clic
    Sec. 9, Art. XI, of t‘neCcnstituticnof TTW~, provibs im
    Bon. William .J.Gillespie,page 3 @w-281)
    Vhe propertyof counties,citiesand towns,
    owned and held only for public plurposes,silohas
    public buildingsand the sites therefor,fire engines
    and the furniturethereof,and all propertyused, or
    intendedfor sxtinquishing  fires, public groundsand
    all other propertydevotedexclusivelyto the use and
    benefit of the public shall be exempt from forced
    sale and from tsxation,*."
    Article 7150, V.C.S. providesthat the followingproperty
    is exemptfrom taxation:
    .   .   .
    “Sec. 4. Al.1property,vhetherreal ar per-
    sonal, belongingexclusivelyto this State, or any
    You will note that Sec. 4, of k-title 7150, supra,purports
    to exempt all propertg,whether real or personal,beiongkg excln-
    sivelg to this State, or any politicalsubdivisionthereofend does
    not containthe restrictionthat sush propertyto be exemptmust be
    used for public purposes. Countiesand citiesare politicalsub-
    divisionsof the State. Eowever,Sec. 2 of Art. 
    TIII, supra
    , of
    the Constitutiononly gives the Legislaturethe authori&:o~sxsmpt
    such propertywhen used for public purposes. ThereforeSec. 4 is
    inoperativeinsofaras it purports to exempt public propertyregard-
    less of its use in violationof said Sec. 2> Art. TII; of the IX&.
    stitution,but is valid insofaras it exemptsp?ubLiopropertynsed
    for public purposes. City of Abilene v. State, 
    113 S.W.2d c
    Sec. &a of said Artfzle 7150 (not listedabovejwhioh re-
    quires power districtssuch as the Lower ColoradoSiver Authority
    to oav certainamounts In lieu of tsxea is uncoz3t1txt:onalaLower
    River Authorityv. ChemiaalBar& and Trust Co., 39C ST
    2d $8,
    The Court held power districtsto be poEti:nl sub~.ivlsLons
    of the State and as the property~wasdevoted k.oa public use it was
    exempt from taxation.underSec. 9 of Art. XI of the 
    Coustitution, supra
    County and city property B' actuallyheld for a future public
    use is exempt althoughtemporarilyrented or ieased. state v. city
    o? Eoustoc,140 S-W. 2d 277* County and sity propertyLT 'used or
    held for public purposes is exempt,althoughno% owned or held exclu-
    sivelyfor such p:urpose.Stats v. City of Beaumont,I.61S.W. 2d 344.
    hon. WilliamJ. Gillespie,page 4 (-W-281)
    The Test for determiniugwhether "publicpropert‘J" is tex
    exempt is whether it is used primarilyfor the health, comfortor
    welfsre of the nublic. To be used for public purpoae6it is not
    essentialthat it be used for governmentalpurposes. A. & 14.Consol.
    Ind. Sch. Dist. v. City of Bryan, 
    184 S.W.2d 914
    . That charges
    are made for useof public propertydoes not withdraw it from its
    public character,if‘suchchargesiarean incidentto its use by the
    public and the proceeds inure to the benefit of the politicalsub-
    Id. Land acquiredby
    a city for a public purpose,such as a site
    for a water reservoir,is tax exewt, althoughthe city temporarily
    leases same for agricultcal or older purposes,if the city has not
    abandonedits intentionto build such reservoir. City of Dallas v.
    28 S.W.2d 937
    You are thereforeadvisedthat if the City is holding tine
    property in questionfor a future expansionof the airport,or for
    other public purpose that it is tax exempt to the City.
    Article 7173, Vernon's Civil Statutuesprovides:
    "Propertyheld under a lease for a term of
    three years or more, or held under a contractfor
    the purchase thereof,belongingto this State, or
    that is exempt by law from taxationin the hands of
    the owner thereof,shall be consideredfor all the
    purposes of taxation,as the propertyof the person
    so holding the same, except as otherwisesoecir^ically
    providedby law.'
    Article 7174, Vernon'sCivil Statutuesprovides:
    "Tlzableleaseholdestates shall be valued
    at such a price as t‘neywould bring at a fair vol-
    mtaq sale for cash."
    The Supreme Court of Texas in Tramwellv. Faught, Tnx Col-
    lector,74 Tex. 557, I.2S.W. 317, held that the taxablevalue of real
    arooertv.ta&le b7 virtue of Article 7173, supra,was the value of
    the leaseholdestate and not the value of the fee. We answer your
    second questionin the affirmative.
    In referenceto your third questionit appearstha.ton
    January 1, 1958, the City willown   an undivided3/6!lof the improve-
    ments. This 3/60 interestwill constitutea part of the leased
    premisesand tinevalue of same shouldbe consideredin'jsrivingat
    the assessablevalue of ,t.he leaseholdestate. On each succeeding
    January lst, the City will owu E/50 .additional interestin the
    premiwa ,-na the assess~?-l~ value of the leaseholdestatewill
    Hon. WilliamJo Gillespie,page 5 @V-281)
    increasein value accordingly.
    Article 7174, Vernon's Civil Statutesprovides:
    '!Personalproperty,for the purposes of taxa-
    tion, shall be construedto include e . .a11 improve-
    ments made by persons upon lands held by them, the
    title to which is still vested in the State of Texas,
    or in any railroad company,or which have heen exempted
    from taxationfor the benefit of any railroad company,
    or any other corporationwhose property is not subject
    to the same mode and rule of taxationaa other propee."
    It follows that on January 1, 298, 57/&l of the value of
    the improvementsshouldbe assessedagainst the lesaee as personal
    property owned by him. Each year thereafterhe will own l2/60 less
    interest in the improvementsand shouldbe assessed acCordingly.
    We appreciatethe able brief which accompaniedyour request.
    Propertyheld by a city fcr the purpose of f%nre
    expansionof an airport or other public p~nrposeis
    tax exempt to the city, A leaseholdestate covering
    tax exemptpropertyof a city if held under .alease
    for a term of three years or sore iB taxable t0 the
    lessee and shouldhe valued at such price as it
    would bring at a voluntarysale for cash. Tke inter-
    est of the lessee in improvementsplaced on the
    leased premisesshould be assessedfor taxation as
    the personalproperty of t'oelessee.
    Yours very truly,
    WILL wIL;jON
    AttorneyGeneral of Texas
    W. V. Gsppert
    wvG/Yk                             Assistan;,
    George P. Blackburn,Chairman
    John B. Webster
    13. H. T immins
    3y: James N. Ludlum

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-281

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1957

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017