April 8, 1950 Hon. George B, Butler, Chairman Board of Insurance Commlssioaers awtin, Texas opinion Ro. v-1042. Re: The correct annual license fee from agents of county mutual fire insur- Dear Hr. Butler: ante companies. You have asked for the opinion of this office on the following: Wonse Bill 616 enaoted by the 51st Leg- islature in 1949 amends Vernon's Artfole 5068b, increasing the annual license fee to be paid by agents therein described il~ca One Dollar to Two Dollars. "It is the Departmental view that House Bill 616 did not affect the One Dollar fee for agents of county mutual fire insurance oompanies presorlbed by Set, 2(g), House Bill 155, enaoted by the 50th Legislature in 1947, and that the liaense fee for suoh agents re- mains at One Dollar. ~!Cheenalosed copy of an inter-offioememorandum in that respect sets out the reasons for this concInslon, Will ;KOUplease confirm or correct us as to,this? Article 486Oa-20, V.C.S., wasenacted by Aets 45th Leg,, R.S. 1937, ch.99, p-184, to regulate county mutual insurance companies insuring against loss OP dam- age by fire, lightning, gas explosion, theft, windstorm and hail, and for all or either of such purposes. Sea- tion 23 thereof exempted county mutual insurance com- panies from the operation of all insurance laws of this State except as otherwise specificallyprovided in Art- icle $86Oa-200 Ho provision for annual license fees was made for agents. Section 2a(g) was added by Acts 50th Leg., 1947 (H.B. 155), ch.367, 886.1, p.739, providing: Ron. George B. Butler, page 2 (V-1042) "Suoh ocPPpanyshall also file vLth the Board, and secure license for, cash of its agents, OF solicitors, on payment of li- cense'fee of One Dollar7 $1) foreach agent or solicitor under the provlsiona of Article 5068b.v No subsequent amendmentshave been specificallyadded to the above section of Article 486oaao,, nor has reference been made to any other article. At the time of the above 1947 enaotment,Art- icle 5068b, V&.9., set out prooeduma for licensing agents to solioit or write life, health and accident in- suranoe in Texas. Certain duties uere imposed upon and authorityvas granted the Board of Insuranoe Commission- em in issuing, mneting and cancelling lloenaes of a- gents. Section 7 provided for an annual fee of One ($l.- 00) Dollar to be paid by every agent of fife, health and aocldent insuranae companies. No reference was made to fire lnauranoe companies, nor to county mutual fillsin- surance companies. Se&ion 7 of Article 5068b was amended by R. B. 616, Acts 51st Leg., R.3. 1949, ah. 204, aec.1, p* 384, to provide for the lncmase of the agent's annual lioense fee from One ($1.00) Dollar to Tao ($2.00)Dol- lars. Ho other portion of the article was changed. IJo express intent of the Legislature IS to bs found whemby this section, as amended, would appl to agents' lioense fees under Seation 2a(g) of Article t86Oa-20. The question neoessary to be answered Is the meaning attaahed to the mferenae to Artlole 5068b oon- tained in Seotlon 2a(g) of Artiale 486Oa-20. It is our opinion that it was the intent of the Legislature, in providing for agents' lioense fees, for county mutualfim insurance companies to be guided by the provisions of Art- iole 50681,immly as to prwedum, I.e., "under the pro- visions of Artlele 5068b." It is our opinion that the incmase in fee, provided by the 1949 smendment of Seo- tion 7, Artiole 5068b, did not amend the amount t$re;i; provided in Seotion 2a(g) of Article 4860a-20. ute of specific mfemnoe incorporatesthe provisions m- fermd to from the statute as of the time of adoption without subsequent amendments, unless the Legislatumhaa expressly or by strong implloationshown its Intention to inoorporate subsequent amendmentswith the statute. Eon. George B. Butler, page 3 (V-1042) In the absence of such intention,subsequent amendment of the referred statute will have no effeot on the re- ference statute." 2 Sutherland Statutory ConstructIon (3rd Rd. 1943), Sec. 5208, p. 548-549, oiting Trimmier v. Carlton,
116 Tex. 572,
296 S.W. 1070(1927). In our ii the Legislature in 1949 did not find it neaes- s"E$ z?disturb the One ( Dollar fee required by Section 2a(g) of article for agents of county mutual flm insurance companies; it changed only the amount for agents of life, health and aooident lnsuranoe oompanies. The annual lioense fee for agents of oount mutual fire insurance companies is One ( 1.00) Dollar. Seotion 2a(g), arti- ole 4H 6oa-20, V.C.S. Yoluw very truly, PRICE DARIRL APPROVRD: Attorney General Red loDaniel State Affairs Division BY ti %$fL Charles D. Mathews V.F. T ylor Executive assistant assistant VFT:ti:jmo:mw
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1042
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017