Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  •                   THER'PI'OKNEY              GENERAL
    Hon. W. J. Murray, Jr., Chairman
    Railroad Commission of Texas
    Austin, Texas            Opinion No. V-1053
    Res Valfdity of the Commls-
    slon'a order of February
    8, 1950, entered in Motor
    Carrfer Docket No. 3658,
    upon an applicationto
    divide certificateNo.
    Dear Commissioner:                 3079.
    The questions presented In yaw recent let-
    ter relating to the validity of the Commission'sorder
    entered February 8, 1950, denying an applicationto
    divide common carrier motor carrier ceptiflcateNo.
    3079 have been carefully consldered.
    A copy of the order In question was sub-
    mitted with your request, and under the facts you aska
    "1. Is the Comml~siow~sorder of
    February 8, 9950, entered fn Docket No.
    3658, a valid order?
    "2. Comfelerfngthe   _^terms
    tfffcate No. 307g0 8s we&l a5 we commm-
    sfon@s OPdePs   of 1940 upon whfch t;hfe
    ceptfffcate is based, does the Railroad
    Coarwfsafon  have legal authority to grant
    the applicatfonof the receiver to divide
    CertificateNo. 3079 and sell Its divided
    portlons to Southern Pacific and to Santa
    Fe, and to pant the applicationsof
    Southern Pacfflc and Santa Fe to bu such
    portions (Dockets A-1211 and A-l.212 T7
    (See paragraph 2 of Comm%ssfonQ&s  order
    dated FebPuaz=y8, 1950, for the .langPlage
    of CertfffcateNo. 3079, dated July 2,
    Hon. W. J. Murray, Jr.,     page 2    (V-1053)
    “3. If lt be determined that the
    Railroad Commlsslon hae authority to grant
    the referenced application  a~ prayed for,
    then uhat terms and phraseology should be
    employed In the Commlsslon’e orders ac-
    complishing that purpose?
    “4.      I,f it be determined that the
    Commleslon has authority to grant the ref-
    erenced appllaatlons        a8 prayed for, then
    doea the Railroad Commission have any au-
    thorlty    in granting the applicationa        to
    impose any restrictions         (not presently    ex-
    isting In Certificate         No. 3079) upon that
    portlon of the certificate          granted to
    Southern Pacific,        or upon that portlon
    of the certificate        granted to Santa Fet
    ”. . . .
    “5. Would Airline Freight Lines,
    Ino., have the right to Interchange freight
    at Rosenberg under the aertlflcate  dated
    July 2, 19401”
    The question of the Commleslon~e authority
    to divide an existing   certificate was before the Sup-
    reme Court of Texas in B. & N.T. Motor Freight Lines
    v. Johnson, 140 Texo 166 166 S W 26 78 (1942) . wrft-
    ing for tse court* the l&e Chiif’Justlce     Alexander
    announced that the Commlsslon hala authority to author-
    ize the dlvlalon  of a route covered by a certlflcate
    Into two or more parts and approve the sale of less than
    the whole thereof and said8
    “Since the dlvlslon     of an exletlng
    certfflaate    into two parts fs, ln effeot,
    the equivalent of the granting of two new
    certificates,     and slnoe two short routes
    might not adequately serve the pub110 ln-
    tereste in the same manner aa one through
    route over the name territory,         it would
    BeepLthat in order to authorize the dlvi-
    slon of the existing      oertlftcate     into two
    parts and the sale of one of the parts           the
    Combdon,       after statutory notice to the
    pub110 and all interested        parties and a
    .:   .
    pubB%c &ear%mg, ahaounld
    f%mt3that the ap-
    p,rovaBof the d9vfsloa of such certfflcate
    and sale of a pap& theaoeofwl%l not lmpafr
    tae serv%c@ %c the publfe."
    From thfw hoMiii of th@ coot It Is clear to
    u<hat the pawep of the C``813fsslon
    to authoplze the
    dl?&t&m of a ee~t%fieate and approve the sale of por-
    %%om fAemoT %o d%ffe~a-& pu*ce8jtsae~speats upon a find-
    fng of fact &hat sueI-8
    d%vfs%onnand safe "wfP1 not Impair
    the eer'vfee$0 me publfa."
    sh,ee the ~omiseiom fo``3 ,thatthe afm4f0n
    of %he ce~%%~%e%feand the sale of po2~tPonathersof
    wouna remilt    im a aeerea5e of eerv%ae with respect to
    cie~%a%inpof~ts on the lpoute%``Bved and aw Increase
    as %o other, l-8fast   crux= op%m%onathat the Commlssfon fs
    wfthout power &O authoz?lee     t&e dltv%us%on
    approve the
    sale 0P"pc~tioma of %be ce~%%8%ca%e%;cr     dffferewt pup-
    Any en2a~gementof a~thog~ltywould have to be
    baeed on a heaping a82adete~m%nationepponthe question
    Hon. W. J. Murray, Jr., page 4         (V-1053)
    or   Issue   of convenlenoe   and necessity.   Sunse% Express
    v. Gulf C; k S.F. Ry., 
    154 S.W.2d 860
    , m   (Tex. Clv.
    App. 1941, error ref., w.0.a.).
    We   therefore answer your first question In
    the afflmnatlve   and your second In the negative, and In
    view OS our opinion In response to these questions,   we
    do not deem it appropriateto answer your third and
    fourth questions.
    While It Is undoubted that oommon carrier
    motor carriera operating under    certifloatesof conven-
    lenoe and necessity without restrlotlons have~the,rlght
    to and do lnterahangefreight In dally operations,the
    rule Is otherwise where a carrlerfs certificatecontains
    restrlotlonsand llmlts the service that may be rendered.
    As we construe Certificate No. 3079, It Is
    clearly one restricting the scope of operations that may
    be conducted under It. It does not authorize the per-
    formanoe of every act or servlae which m%ght ordinarily
    be performed by a common carrier motor carrier operating
    between the termlnl. Rosenberg Is not an unrestrioted
    service point and the language of the cert%f%oatelndl-
    oates no purpoae on the part of the Commission to au-
    thorlse the Interchangeof tie%ght at that point. The
    oontrars aDpears from the llm1ted acope of author%ts
    evldenoed a$ the cart%
    C. deS.F. RyaI,supPa;
    1% follows that our m-tswe~ to yaw f%Pth quea-
    tlon Is a negative one,
    The order of the Ra%l.rwC.Comfs-
    slon of Febmary 8, 1950, enter& %n
    Docket No. 3658, Is a va$%d order and the
    Commlsslon %a without authority to authop-
    lee dfvfslon of”the ceptfffcate, H. & N.
    T, Motor Freight Lfnes vI Johnson,
    7 Tex. 166
    166 S W 2d 7U \m)-Riller      v.
    m,     161 S,W.;d’501 (Tex, C%i. A    1944,
    error ref, n.p.e.). Common car~le~p~otor
    carrier aertfffcateNo. 3079 does not au-
    thorise lnterohangeof freight at Rosenberg.
    -’   -
    Hon. W. J. Murray, Jr., page 5   (V-1053)
    Sunset Express v. Gulf C. & S.F. Ry.,
    154 S W 2d 860 862 (Tex. Clv. App.
    1941,'eLor rei. w.0.m.).
    Very truly youra
    Charles D. Mathews               Attorney Qeneral
    Executive Assistant
    Price Daniel                     BYkd             J d-&CL -.
    Attorney General                    Everett Hutchinson

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1053

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017