Haa# lzmbwt 6. Calvert opbl&o &Id V-IOU* olbr of: Public Aacouate T@XX+S Rar Tlw’a~licaWty 4 the mo- tor vehicla use tax to a ve- k&c10 OMaed &ram an we-o&- state owmx awl wad and Daaz Mr. Calvort: You request tbo ogioion ol tbia cU&8 *PO0 the quastim pseecrnt%d b youx letter aa folbwr “Four Wheel’s, kc,, an fll@ois Corporation, leas- ee aotomobiies to various peraoao Woughout the UnMd S&Mae, On% such car was leased in December 1948, to Coopw”s Inc. of Kenosha, Wiscox@in, ati such CBS was @ought to Texas in Januasy, 1948. This oaf tr king uead by a sales represantativa of Goopi)a’@ &G. to trav- et h&e oalw territory, cvu6btiug; 08 orns4t euwwreat- a$& @Ytw. This aaL rop``nht&VB &rcr-s &t Tlxor, ud for hl3 couve``e ham rawwwl4 rexar l&64444 fox &be wtomobile dti**P by Mm, MWm @till be- kpr, to Faaa Wheal’m, Ias,, Pwrodsrrmrrbw&t@sr in Tams, mml La llatmwd la tl&@ any. A&l t&d t*aorw- #mo peXt4`` ta the aal? wwa wolcbt u!a umits of ‘lrexa6. The V&B b UMld &f#T(pc~ onty c &!actiou of . . Hon. Robert S. Calvert, Page 2 (V-1044) under Article
7047K, supra, or if it ir required to pay such tax, then on what value is the tax baoed. Should it be based on the price Four Wheel’e paid for the car when it was purchased la Illinois prior to its entry in- to Texa87 Sometime8 these Gala are purchased six months or even a year prior to the& entry into Texas. The vehicles are aever bought or owned by Cooper’9 Inc. who use them in Texas, Four Wheel’s, Inc. doer not have a permit to do busineira in Texas ard trane , acts no business in Texas. “It is argued that Four Wheel’s, Inc. cannot be classified either as ‘resident, ’ or ‘domicile’ ae doing business in Texas. I shall, therefore, thank you to ad- vise this Department whether a car purchaeed and used aa above described ie subject to the we tax levied by Section 2 of Article 7047K R,C.S. “The general question is ‘Is Article 7047K, Sec- tion 2, applicable to a vehicle leased out&de of Texa6 and used in Texas by the leseee part of the leared pori- od while such vehicle is in interrtate wapa?’ “There is no legislation peading that would deter- mine this question, and this Department has placed no departmental construction on same.” Section 2 of Article 7047k, V,C,S., iniposee a use tax where a vehicle is purchaaad at retail outside the State, but brought into and used upon the highway8 in (hi@ State. The secti- provides as follow*: *Thue 1s hereby levffl a m80 tax upat every mo- tor whkk poPchased at rotail lmlde d thir State aad brought into this State for, wa apl``lthe public hiph- w thereof by a resident of tMa Stata or by firms or LTx!2El~o~!:~ izTyzf,“z~,:``; pld or to be paid for w&l whtde at id retail male. The tax #hall k tW obltgattao of ad t# paid by the par- ooa, firm, or corg*r4tion 0pWaw 04&d motor vahicle upon thm public my@ d tMo Stat.: ?’ So&am 3 d th abovd Artlck definea retail S&I ae in- cluding all lalas o%copt wlwre th which a@acquired “fop the ex- c&?iifve purpow of *wale sud not torw*.P It is cloax that a motor vehicle pwcbssed under the facts disclosed by your reque4 fallr in the clarrification of a retail sale Hon. Robert S. Culvert, Page 3 (V-1044) as dsfinsd by ths statute. It in equally clear that the vehicls was purchased outside the State, whish is 4&o a necessary prerequi8ite to the imposition of the tax, The foregoing, however, ls Dot rll that is required. The vehicle purchased outside the State at retail. mwt bs “brought into the State for use upon the pub& highways therm&" The statute fur- ther states that the us8 upon the highwaya Ot tJh State which gives rfse to the incidence of the tax must be by %a rssldent of this~ State or by a fixm or corporatiorr domiciled or doing business in this State.” When we apply the requirameD#) of the statute to the fac- tual situation presented we must at the oatwt eliminate Four Whaela, Inc., tbs lessor, from liability for the tax for the reason that it does not we or operate the velticle upon the hQbmay8 of #is State. Ad- mWedly it is trot domiciled in this State ud dooa not busitress in ths Stats, Four Wbmls, Inc., is only ths purcha~r of the vehicle. Any question a6 to whather the stahte contemplates that the purchamr 4 iha vehickt, mu6t also be the wer of the vehicle up- on the highwaym of this State ir answered by the &atute itself, It is thers provided: “The tax shall be the obligation of and be paid by tlw ~rsoa, firm, or coxporotioa operating said motor vehicle upon ths pub&z highways of t4is Stat e. * Under the submitted facts Cooper’s, Inc., the lessee, is the oper4tos of the motor vehicle upon tba highways of this State. Also, under such facts we ass of the optaion that Cooper’s, Inc., meet8 the caqulrament of doing business in this State, In OUP opin- ion all that is required Is that tbrrre bs a retall sak 4utslde the State and the vehicle brought i&o tb State for uu adl opretsd upon the public highways of this State. Cooper ‘8, &kc., brought the vehicle into the Stab and k mrking use of and oporatiug St upon the public highways d the State. Updes tha aq,~&&& twms of ths statute Coop-. cr ‘8, Inc., 5# liable for the tax, Had it been the ir#a&ion of the Lrgislature to impose the tax unconditionally upon the purchaser, language to this end would have been used, As previously observed the contrary is clearly ex- ,prerrred,by the Legislature Lo spaaifically providing, that “the tax shall be the obligation of a4d be paid by the person, firm, or corporation operating said motor vehicle upon t4s public highways of this State.” Moceover, in order to rnos4 *tSllstlvely s.ecure the col- lection of the tax, paytnsnt is made a condttiou prerequisite to the registratioa of the vehicle in this gbrkr, This i8 provided for in Sec- tion 5 of Artick 7047k a8 followa: Hon. Robert S. Calvert, Page 4 (V-1044) “The taxes levied in this Article shall be collect- ed by the Assessor and Collector of Taxes bf the coun- ty in which such motor vehicle is first registered.or first transferred after such a sale; Tax Collector 8hall refuee to accept for registration or for transter any motor vehicle until the tax thereon is paid.” The statute is nilant as to time intervening between the urchase aud use in this State. Bat it does fix the time and place Por the payment of the tax, that is, when it is first registered after being brought into the State and the tax is collected by the Tax As- semor of the county where the vehicle is to be registered. The statute forbids the use of the automobile upon the highways of this State without registration and forbids the registration without the paym8ntofthetax.’ We, therefore, hold that Cooper%, Inc.; the lessee, as, the user and operator upon the highways of this State of the vehicle in question, is liable for the t+x. The statute fixes only one measurement for the calcu- lation of the tax and that is one per cent of the total tionsideratioo paid or to be paid for said vehicle at said retail sale. Whatever con- aiileratioa was paid by Four Wheels, Iac., for the vehicle in question when it made tb out-of-state purchase constitute6 the correct basis ‘for the ascertainment of the tax, Any intervening use OP deprecia- tion of the vahicla prior to the time it is brought into the State for we upon the highways of this State would be immaterial. SUMMARY The “use tax* imposed by Article 7047lt, V.C,S., upon vehicler purchased outride Texas aad brought in- to the State for use upon the bighwayr of this,State is the obligation of the person, firm or corporation who brb@ th6 vehicle into ths State and operator it upen tb bi#hwaye of the Slate, apd a leaoee of a vehicle who b!riqs th@ vehicle into Texas. and operates it upon the highwapo of Texa8 in ttlrnaactilyl it6 business here is ltablo for rsch u6#..Nx. The tax is based upon, the ,con- sidoratfba paid by the purchaser of the vehicle outside ’ Hon. Robert S. Calvert, Pa80 5 (V-1044) the Stato, ad tho use or dopochtlm of the vehicle rubroquont to tho purahare and pier to Ita use in this Stat0 k immaterial. Your8 vbry truly, PRICE DANIEL Attorwy Goutal APPROVED: w. v. ~Geppert Taxden DtvWom Cbrlw D. b$atbmm Executive Aosimtmt LPL/mwb
Document Info
Docket Number: V-1044
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1950
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017