Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                   THEAIS'ORNEY'GENERAL
    op TEXAS                            ,,
    December 15, 1949
    Hon. Jep 8. Fuller                   Opinion No. V-970.
    Crlmlnal District  Attorney
    Jefferson County                     Re: The applicability   of
    Beaumont, Texas                          the “Secret Bellot Law”
    to paper ballots   used
    for absentee voting in
    eleotions  employing
    voting machines for
    Dear    Mr. Fuller:                      other balloting.
    Reference 1s made to your          request    of recent
    date which reads In part as follows:
    “The Commissioners t Court of Jefferson
    County has, by order duly passed, adopted
    voting machines for use in elections         in said
    However, the Court propose8 to use
    i,bE?&llota       in rpbh eloatioar   for tha put-
    oees of rbsentae voting.       As a rmult,    the
    P ollowlng   question her arisea. of whfob we
    re;ytfully       request the oplaioa of your of-
    “Does the ‘Secret Ballot Law’ apply
    when paper ballots   are uaed in, absentee vot-
    lng in eleotlona   wherein voting mechines are
    employed for other balloting?”
    ?ffatzyn 7, Article   2997a, Vernon18 Civil     Stat-
    ute8,     provlaes m part:
    “In couatler  Ln which votia(l sachiaea
    are adopted for use, the authority charged
    with holding an eleation    shell within Its
    dlacretlon   determine w proper resolution
    and/or order whether or not voting mrohLnes
    shall be used for the casting of absentee
    votes at such electlon    . . S Should the
    authority charged with holding en election
    determine by such resolution     as above pro-
    vided, that absentee votes cast at such
    election   be cast by a paper ballot,    then,
    Hon. Jep S. Fuller,       page 2   (V-974)
    and in such event, the authorfty charged
    with holding such election      shall provide
    a ballot for the casting of absentee votes
    as prescribed   and provided by the general
    laws applicable   to elections    and to absen-
    tee voting and those entitled       under the
    law shall cast their vote by such ballot
    under the laws applicable      to absentee vot-
    in&, o * .I’
    We next aall    your attention   to sectfons  6 and
    7 of House Bill    35 , Acts    51st Legislature,    1949, Chap-
    ter 329,   page 615 I Secret    Ballot Law) which read as fol-
    lows :
    “8eotion 6 / The appropriate provisions
    of this Act shall also apply to absentee vot-
    ing, in which case the person castfng an ab-
    sentee ballot ahall not remove the detachable
    stub-fro*    the ballot.   After   the ballot has
    been prepared by the elector,       the elector
    nhall affix his signature       on the reverse side
    of the perforated     stub and then shall cast
    the ballot    as now provided by law,
    *Should %he elector  be unable to sign
    his name, he shall plaae the ballot face
    down so as not to expose the number of same
    and shall sign on the back of the perforated
    stub an ‘X. s The attestfng    officer shall
    ;rs;;.%e     the elector ls name on %he baok of
    “The abeentee ballot   shall then be de-
    llvered fo the election     judge in the pPoper
    preoipat aa ie now provfded for Zn this title.
    “Before the election   judge deposits  an
    absentee ballot as elsewhere provided for In
    this title,   he shall detach from said ballot
    the perforated   stub and place it in the stub
    box.   If the name of the elector    does not ap-
    pear on the reverse side of aald perforated
    stub the election    judge shall write the name
    of the elector   on the back of said stub be-
    fore depositing   aa04 in the stub box.
    “Sec.   7.   The provisions     of this   Aot
    shall    not apply to eleotlona         in which vo%Lng
    HOU,   Jep a* Fuller.,   page 3   (V-970)
    machines 6re used as ppovfded        for   elsewhere
    in this title i ”
    There appears      to be some oonfllct    be%ween the
    PPoVlaioM  of the above      quo%& statute@;     h:wey,   ea
    stated by the court., in     the cake of Hood v S ate, 
    133 Tex. 110
    126 S.W.2d 4
    “It IS the aett’led lew tha$ statutea
    should be construed so as %o camy       out %&he
    legfslrtlve   intent,   and whan auoh intent fs
    owe rroertained,      It should be gfven effect,
    even though the literal     meaning of the words
    used %herefn Is no% followed.      Also ststutes
    should never be given a aonstruction      that
    leads to -uncer%afnty, fnjuatfoe    OF confusion
    If It fs possible     to eonatrue %hem otherwise.*
    If we should @on&r: dSecticln 7 of House Bill
    357 (Secret Ballot LaF) ?.o mean that. ;>he appropriate
    provisions    of that Aot have no applfeatFon to paper bal-
    lots wed for all absentee vo%Fng fn eleatlons          employing
    voting machinea for other balloting,      then &his would
    lead to confusfon and uncertainty”       I% is definitely
    provided in Seotlon 7 of Ar%fole 2997a (Votfng Machine
    Law) that where paper ballots      are used for oaating all
    absentee votes that “the authopfty charged with holding
    such eleotlons    shall provfde a ‘ballot for the oeatiug
    of absentee votes aa ppeseFibed end provided by the gea-
    era1 laws eppleoebfe    to elso%i.ons and to absentee voting
    end those entf%led nadep the law shall aas% %hefr vote
    by such ballot    under the laws applfcable    to absentee vot-
    ing.”    Moreover, the general Paws applloable      to absentee
    voting have been emended by the apeaiffo       plsovleiona of
    Section 6 of House Bill 357 (Secret Ballot Law) and the
    other approprfate    provisions  of that Aat.
    After a careful   analysis of the forego&r&g rtat-
    utes   and the above authority,    it la OUF opinion that the
    appropriate   provisions  of the “Secret Ballot Law” are a -
    plicable   to absentee voting in elections    Where  Paper be P -
    lots are used for all absentee voting,     and voting mechilies
    are employed for other balloting,
    The appropriate  provisions of the “Se-
    cret Ballot Law” are applicable   to absentee
    voting in eleotiona   where paper ballots  are
    --   .
    Hon. Jep 9. Fuller,   Page *   (v--o)
    ured for all absentee voting,  and votiw
    machines are employed for other balloting.
    seoe6, H.B.357, Acts 51st Leg.,1949, ch.
    329, p.615.
    Yours very truly,
    JCD:bhsmw                        BY        J. C. Davfa,     JP.

Document Info

Docket Number: V-970

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017