Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  • November 22, 1949 Hon. R. V. Rayford Opinion I?o.V-951. Counts Auditor Rusk County Re: Several questions re- Henderson, Texas latlve to the funo- tlons of the Count 5 Clerk under Fi.B.58 51st Leg., lwqlliri~ premarital physical Dear Sir: examln.stlons. Reference Is made to your recent-requestwhich reads in part as follows: "Our County Clerk, Roy B. Cole, hss re- quested that I ask for an Opinion In regard to the new q arrlage~lawwhloh'was passed un- der H.B.588 of the ?lst Legislature: "Sec. 7: Before the County Clerk shell lssue.any marriage license he shall file In his offloe the certificates or alternate court Order required by this Act, and, previous to the Issuance of the license, he shall certl- fy upon the reverse side of the said lloense, that all certificates;or the Court order re- "p;;zd ~bythis Aot have been ;soreceived end . The statement of the %ounty.Clerk shall also show the dates of the ex&nlnatlon of both parties to the marital contract un- less same has been suspended by Court order. "There is no State approved Laborstory In Rusk County. Therefore, the physicians have to take the.blood and send it out of the Coun- ty to be tested, which requires from 2 to 4 days to get a report baok. What date shell the County Clerk put o&his oertlfloete? The Physician takes the blood and dates his oer- tlfloate that date. The report is dsted some two or three days later from the laboratory, and received by the Doctor probably 2 days later. Now should the Clerk use the physl- clan's date, or should the Clerk's certificate Hon. R. V. Rayford, page 2 (v-951) be dated the date the blood was tsken in other words, or on the date the test wss actuallymade? "Sec. 10. Marriage licenses issued under the provisions of this Act shell become Invalid and of no effect unless the msrrlage be soLem- nlzed wlthln fifteen (15) days from the date of the examination,snd no person suthorlzedto solemnizemarriages shsll perform said marrl- age after the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the dste of examination 8s disclosed by the County Clerk's certificate oalled.forby Section 7 of this Act and if he does so, he shall bqpunlshed as provided for herein. "'In Caseythe Clerk has~'returnedand pre- sented to hfm for filing a marriage license where the deremony has been solemnlied after the 15 day period, shall,he file and record this license in the usual way, or,what proce- dure shall~he'take.lno.aseone is presented for filing sfter the 15 day period has lapsed? Is 'itthe duty of the Clerk to call .attentlon to the fact thst it hss been solemnized after the 15 day,perlod? If you.recall, the marri- age license itself pro~vldesfor 60 dsys. "Sin& them is no fee provided for the certificatewhich la now required to be at- tached to.,thelicense under this new law, will the .Clerk%j$ intltled'tb,~a56#.'fee“rovlded for in Ar$..,;:3930, *lc,h *ads as fp1 lows; 'Each certlfioate:;to any,faot or raots ~contaln&din the reoordti". of his 'officewith certlflcste and seal, when not otherwise provlded for ...$.50.' "Sec. 8: Any Judge of a County or Dls- triot Court~wlthlnthe County in which the ll- oense is .t.o be issued is authorized and empow- ered, on:joint applloatlonby both-applicants for a marz$age license, to wslve .the.reqtire- mentd ~8s'to medical exsmlnat+ons,laboratory tests and ``ertlfloate~and to order the County Clerk to issue the license, if the Judge is satisfiedbg'proof that sufficient cause for such action exists and that the public health and welfare will not be Injuriously affected thereby. The order of the Court shall be Hon. R. V. Rayfoti, pege .3. (V-951) filed by the County~,Clerkin lieu of the cer- tificate form. All mo,ords connected there- with shall be held in sbsolute confidence and shall not be open $0 public inspectionand the hearings on the spplloatlonshall not be made public. "Now, slnoe these Court Orders and re- cords are held confide~tlallyand not open to the public, wlll..I$~&s.cleoessary for the Coun- ty Clerk to provldq:+ epeclal docket to enter these orders on,'slyj.aspeolsl minute to re- cord the ordere, which shall be withheld from public inspection?" Section 1 of 'he Act provides: 'No marriage l.lcenseshall be issued un- less each applicant files with the county clerk a certificate from :aduly qualified phys~lclan licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Texas, or ln'any.stateor in any ter&tory of the United States where applicantsmsy reside but who wish to marry in Texas. The oertlfi- cate shall state'that .thespplloant has been given an actual and thorough examlnatlon,in-, cludlng a standard serologic test for syphilis. The examination shall not.have been more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of lssu- ante of such lloense.and the certificateshall show that the results of such examination, tests and history showed that the person ex- amined was free from any Infectious condition of syphilis..Ho physlclan shell Issue such Certificate to any person whom he knows or has reasons to believe 1s Infected with any oondi- tlon of syphilis t?iatwould be Infectious or who has any ollnlcal evidence of infectious venereal disease." The above section provides that the certificate by the physician "shall show the results of such examlna- tlon, tests end .historyshowed that the person examined was free from any lnfeatlous condition of syphFlls."Such certlflcatecannot be made by the physlolsn until the re- port is received from .thelaboratory which makes the standard serologlo test required by Section 1. In other worda, the examination by the dootor . Hon. R. V. Rayford, page 4. (V-951) cannot be consummatednor the certificatedated without the laboratoryreport. Therefore, we believe that the Clerk should certify the date which appears in the phy- slclan~s certlflcate. In regard to your second question, Article 4606, Vernon*s civil Statutes, ls as follows: "The clerk shall record all licenses so issued by him In a well bound book kept for that purpose. It shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the rites of matrimony to lndorse the same on the license and return it to the county clerk within sixty days af- ter the celebration aforesaid;such return shall be recorded with the license. Although Section 10 of House Bill 588 provides thst "No person authorized to solemnlze marriages shall rfora said marriage after the expiration of fifteen 15) 'i" days from the date of examination as disclosed by the County.Clerk'scertificate,"neverthelessthe plain provision of Article 4606 provides that the return shall be recorded with the license upon receipt of same. In view of the foregoing, it is our oplnlon that the Clerk should record the marriage license even though the mar- rlsge ceremony has been solemnized after the fifteen day period. Article 3930, V.C.S., provides in part as fol- / lows: "Clerka of the county Court shall re- celve.the following fees: i . . "Each certlficste to any fact or facts contained In the records of his office, with certificate and seal, when not otherwisepro- vided for - .50.” Section 5 of Article 3912e, V.C.3., provides: "It shall be the duty of all officers to'chsrge and collect in the manner authorlz- ed by law all fees and commlsslons which are permitted by law to be assessed end collected for all official service performed by them. As and when such fees are collected they shall be deposlted in the Officers' Salary Fund, or funds provided in this Act. . . ." . 27) Hon. R. V. Rayford, page 5 (V-951) .’ In view of the foregoing,you are respectfully advised that it is the duty of the County Clerk to col- lect a fee of fifty cents for issuing the certificateon a marriage license under the provisions of House Bill 588, Acts of the 51st Legislature, 1949, and deposit same in the Officers'Salary Fund of the county. Since Section 8 ,ofHouse Bill 588 which pro- vides that all records connected with the court order shall be held in absolute confidenceand shall not be open to the public Inspection, it would necessarilyfol- low that the County Clerk should have a Special Docket end Minute Book in which to enter and record these or- ders. If an order is entered on the regular Docket or the Minutes recorded in the regular Minutes In the Coun- ty Clerk's office, the same would be open to public In- spection. SUMMARY _. The County Clerk should certify on the reverse side of the marriage license the date which appears In the certificate of the physician who examines the applicant. Sec. 1, H.B.588, Acts 51st Leg., 1949. The County Clerk should record the marrl- age license and return even though the marriage ceremony has been solemnized after the fifteen day period. Art.4606, V.C.S. The County Clerk is entitled to collect a fee of fifty cents for issuing the certlfl- oate on a marriage lloense. Art.3930,V.C.S. The County Clerk should hsve a Special Docket and Minute Book In which to enter and record the court orders provided for In Seo- tion 8 of House Bill 588, Acts of the 51st Legislature, 1949. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS APPROy w G+=- IRST ASSISTANT ,aw,k ATTORNEY GENERAL Bg 4fruoe Allen BA:mw Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-951

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017