Hon. Jep S, Puller Cpln%onNo. V-919. Crlmlnal Dlstriot Attorney Beaumont, Texas Be: Constructlon of Art. 974a, V.C.S., as amended by H.B. 158, D4ar sir: AatB 51st Legislature Your request for en opinion relative to the oon#tructUm ot &z#olei 97h aa amendsd by the gist I&g- irldw4 baB h%@&W@%qUent~y liartt%d by you t0 the i?llow~ que*bion: “If the Cou@y Clerk has. preoented to h5a ror rwordet2on a mbdlvlrrion plat, WiGh- ila the rroope or Art. $##a, a& awxled, which plat ha6 been sqqmbv4d by the #aper author- Sttle!u but W&eh doee not looaf% such subdi- viaion by a corner of the original survey, would it be the duty of suoh clerk to re- Celve and reoord such plat or to refuse to do 805” Sectton 1 or Article 974a, V.C.S., prior to Ita ull#wLplent by the 51st Le&slature provided: “That hereafter, every earner of any tract or land a3tuated within the corpor- ate llmlts OF wlthm five sUldrP,``oith& cor- yate limits of any city . . . which aon-, a&us twenty-five thousand inhabltant8 or more, . . . who may hereartezy aW&vlde the rra#Win two or more arts ror the purpose or ittyag OUTutp .5d&.w~.~i0~ . ~haii o&w-a plat to be made whleh oh&i ae- ourately deecribe~ all of the subdivislim i 0r such tract or parcels. 0r land, giving dimensions thereof, and the d+``%nslons of all the streets, sll%ys, squar%s, parks, or other psrtimw ot reuse Inten%%% to be deWdate% to ,$ub$lc we, or ror the uee or .~himm or amers or leta rrsntlng there- on @r adjacent thbreto.” Eon. Jep S. Puller, page 2 (v-919) House Bill 158, Act6 of the 51st Legislature, 1949, prevldes as rollows: “An Act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 231 or the Act8 or the Regular Session of the Fortlet~.Legislature In 1927, mpear&g a8 A&icle 974a of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes, relative to the approval of sub- dlvlrion plats within the corporate limits or rlthln rive (5) aZlee of the corporate llm%lzs, 0r certain cities so as to provide that the benefits and the terms thereof shall extend to all cities; repealing Sec- t;Pon 10 of Chapter al, Acts, Regular Ses-~ NoA, Fortieth Legl$l~ture; and declaring an amargency. “BE IT RNACTED BY TRE LEOISLATURB OF TRE STATR OF TEXAS: , “Section 1. That Chapter 231 of the Acts of the Regular Session of the Fortieth Le islature In 1927, appearing as Article &a of Vernon's Revteed Civil Statutes (Section ?,.$hemeor honever, appearing as Article 427b'-&r Vern6n8d Revised Penal &de), be amended &x-the, following particulars, to wit: "(1) Section 1 or said Act, now appear- ing 61) Section 1 or said Article 974a, is hamby amended $o that itshall hereafter read as follows, namely: “‘Section 1. That hereafter every ow& er of any tract of land,sltuated within the corporate limits. or within five miles of the-corporate lfrhfts of any city in the State .+Z Texasp who may her- Mto or more parts for the purpose of lag- Ing out any subdivision D e D shall cause a plat to be made thereof which shall accurate- ly describe all of eafd eubdivfsion or add%- tion by metes and bounds and locate the 8-e with respect to an original corner of the orleltnall survey of which ‘it is a, Dart, glvfng Be dim&slons theFeof of said subdivision or addition, and dlmenslons of all streets, al- lws o squares, parks or other portions 6f Hon. Jep S. FuPler, page 3 (V-919) saae intended to be dedicated to pub- lic use, or ror the use of purchasers or oun%rs of lots frontfug thereon or adja- cent thereto; provfded, however, that no plat Cf any subdivision of a.ny tract or land or any addition to any town or city shall be recorded unless the mime shall accurately d%rcPObe all of said subdlvi- alon or addition by aetes and bounds and locate the same nith respect to an or-- Sectiion 35 or Article III, Constitution or Yeam pro7laer UI foluwe: *Ho bfl1 o 0 e shall contain more #ban on% Bob ect, uhf&h shall be expreus- CQinltstlle. t Butiraap subsect shall Be.embraced,Qn an sot, ihlch shall not be bxpressed in:the tftle, such act shall be pbfd only as to so much thereof. as shal1 pot be so expressed." (Baphasis added). In construing the above quoted provklnn It hae been held that the objtct of this pmvfeion of’ the -CoMtlf%tion is to compel the caption to contafn the subjects embraced wlth5.n the bill. This prevents the caption from concealing the purpose of the bill snd avoids deception 5.n its adoption. It is by means of the title that the 1egislatoP may reaeonabfy be appris- ed of the scope of the bill so that surprise may be prevented. ThetltlethatstatestBe purpose tomake a certain change in the prior law limits the amendatory act to the maicIng of the change designated and precludes any addlttonal contrary or different aprendment. ffulf Xn- ce Co, v. James,
143 Tex. 424, 185 S*W.2d 96-g attle and PastuPe Co. v. Carpenter,
109 Tex. 103, w 52 (1918) Loufsfana Power Co, v. City of Bar&~$11`` 67 s.R.z& (Tex.Comm,Appz 1933); 39 Tex. ur. . We quote from the Gulf Iwsumnce case the'fol- lOWIn& "It fs sf@ii"fcant in this cogunectfom that the bill as orLglnally 3.Ektroduced con- tafned only the matter set out In S&ion 1 ,Eon. Jep 9. pullet, page 4 (v-919) of the Act, Vernonls Ann.Civ.St.art.668~, B 15, relating to the transfer of the oper- ator’s and chauffeur’s license fund. The caption to the Act was entirely appropriate to cover that subject, but was not approprl- ate to cover a transfer of any other mnda. Thereafter, some time on the last day of that seecrlon of the Legislature, the bill wa4 amended by a free conference committee to include the seventeen addltional funds, 88 provided ior in Section 2 of the Act, Vernon's Ann.Civ.St.art.4385ai But no mater- ial change was made In the title to the bill when this amendment was added. This created an ideal aituatlcm whereby the members of the ge. ,‘ltur6 might be misled by the title to 3. “The tStle to the Aot cont8%m nothing to Indicate that the body OS the Act purport- ed to tr&n#fer.the seventetn special funda Pe$erred to.,in Section2cfthe Act, Vernon’@ I\nn.Clv.St.art.4385a. Section 2 of the Act ti therecore unconstitutional. “We by nq amas llntend to insiauate thst the fi$%le to @he Acf was 80 drawn ror the purpo+$ of ~tleaelving 8ny one. There la Article g74a prior to its amendment by the 5lst Legislature contained no provialon requiring the aubd@rlsion or adQlt$m to~be located with respect to an of which it la a body of House ..We note, however, any reference to such adb&tlona>~Fequiremeaft: nm do we find any provision in t@e e8ptiOn wlkich showB,that this additional Change was to bi? m#de $4 i&tScLe $‘#al As stated in the Gulf In- sur@ioe c(aae, #ppr@, we do not intend to Insinuate that ‘the t$tle on $&a bJ,,JJ W&Bdrawn far the purpose of da- celwlng anyone. ft m$q have been a complete oversight or emor. we nap&@ he14 that the caption was not suf- Hah. Jep 8. loller, page 5 (V-919) In view of the above quoted conatltutional prwlsion and the above holding by the Texas Supreme Court, It Is our opinion that that portion of House Bill 138 requiring eub~dlvisfans or addlticns to be Po- cated with respect to an orfgfnal corner of the orfgln- al. survey of which it fe a part, is ln vfo9ation of Section 35 of Article III of the Constitutfon of Texas. You are therefore advised that If the County Clerk has presented.to him for recordation the subdfvi- elan plat within themscope of Article 97'ra, BB amended by.Bouee Bill 158, which plait haa been approved b,y the proper authorities, but which does not locate such sub- ~divlalon with respect to an orlglnal corner, of the ori- @ml survey, he should not refuse to receive and file .atioh pl& because of Its failure to have a 1ocatSon with reference to an original corner. .That portion of Xoude Bill 158, Acts of the.$lst fR&lslatWe, placing an additional FeqrtsMpent that'plats of subdlvialons or ad- dltlona shall locate such subdlvlslona with respect ~to an original corner of the or&pnal survey is in violation of Article III, Section 35 of the Constltutlon of Texas, alnce that Dart of the amendment was not Drovlded fbr in caption of E&e Bill 158~-Gulf0~ummce s J~LUPW, 143 TAX. 424, 185 s w d !a6 ; m Cattle and Pasture Cc, v. Carven-
109 Tex. 103200 S W 521 I 1918) T lana.Power CA. v. Cit; of Farmer&* W;2d 235 (Tex.Comm.App.1933); 39 Tex.Jur, Yours very truly, John Reeves Aasintant
Document Info
Docket Number: V-919
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017