Hon. L. A. Woods Opinion wo. V-872- .~, State Superintendent Department of Education Re: Procedure to annexpor- Au&n, Texas tion op spciilg Lake- Par+ Distriot to'Texar- kana I.S.D.,'Feconsi+ eringAttotiey General opinion Ho. o-3823 ~DearSir: dated August 7, &9&l. t You have referred this office to Attorney Gen- era1 Opinion Woo,O-3823 rendered by a prior administra- tion and holding that ,TexarkanaIndependent School-Dis- trict may annex any part or the whole of a contiguous common distriot (Spring Lake Park Comaon District) by complying with the prooedure.set outsin its ape&al law; designated as Section l-a in.Chkpter'.~9,.Se````ll.no. / 297 .'SpecialLaws of the *39th Legislature, 1st C-S., 1926. ‘L ., .^ Seotion l-a provides as +ollows: "Whenever a zaajorityof the lnhabi- taiits;.,qualified to-vote fop metibersof the Legfslature~of any t&ritobyadjbiiiin& the limits of the TexarkanaIndependbnt Sohool Dlstriot, shall desire such tez%itory to be added to and become a part of mid indepen- dent school district, and a majority of such, qualified voters sign a petition to that ef- Sect, any three of such qualified voters may file with the board of trustees of said inde- pendent school distriat the said petition, making affidavit of the facts set forth in said petition, fully describing by metes and bounds the territory proposed to be annexed, and showing Its location with reference to the existing territory of the Texarkana In- dependent School District; provided, that said territory proposed to be added must be contiguous to one line of said independent school district. And upon filing of said petition, affidavits and descriptions, with - . Hon, L, A, Woods, page 2 (V-872) the president of the board of trustees, it shall be his duty to submit the ssme to the board, and, if upon investigation by the board it is found that the propos- ed addition is necessary and practicable, the said board of trustees, by resolution duly entered upouits minutes, may .receive such proposed territory as an addition to, end as becoming a part of the colp~orate limits of the said Texsrkana Independent School District;. After the passage fnd adoption of such resolution, the terri- tory so.received shall be a part of the Texarkana 'IndependentSchool District; and the.inhabit$nts thereof shall thence- forth be entitled to all the,``rightsand privileges as other citizens and inhabi- tants of,the said indeoendent schooldis- trict: The 'wlioie.or'*& uortion‘& anY cont.ixuouscommon school district.vwhether bondedor not'.mav bemexed'to the-Texar- ' '.' kana:Independent.Sohool Districtin the ' manner herein oresdribed. o .." (FderG-~,,' ~' _~' scoring ours.~) .r ' *:: ,.:; In Opiuion No, 0-38~23,evident1 no:consider& tion was givento . Section"2 of Artidle 27ci' e snd Section 1 of Article,.27@f, V,C.S., enacted by the-'&l& Legisla- ture, 1st C+.; Abts-192q0 ~Yourequestthatwe review that opinion-in the light of such statutesgnd-@vise whether its'holdin&is'correct. . ~'T' Thb 'two'1929 Aots, shove referred to; ~are~-how in effectand must be coristruedtogether, CountySchool" Trustees .of Orawe County v,~Dist;'Trustees``bf~Piairie View CoSoDo,'~137 Te$,a~c 125, /153 SOW&d 434 1,:('194.1]f.:Board of School Trustees of You& ;;&y v. Bullock C.S,ms S,W,2d 530 (Texa Coma;-App.1 ! ./ )P ..~ c Without repeatin all of the terms &the above .designated sectionsof thy iii 1929 Acts,'provi.sionis-made therelnthat 'in each coui+ty,of.thisState the:county- board of trustees &iall.havg the authority, when duly pe- titioned.& provided in said Acts, to deta&'from; and annex to, any:.schooldistriqt'territory contigu6us to the common boundary line of the two dis~tricts;provided the board of trusteesof the district &which the'annexa- tion is to.be,~made,:~approves-,by m$jority vote,theproposed transfer:ofterritory; 'Thei:Adtsprescribe further'proce- Hon. L, A. Vioods;page .-3 '(v-872) : ‘ ~'dure,if:more than tenpercent of the district is in- .volved,-and speoific,ally-providethat "no schooS dis- trict shall b&reduced $6'ep area .of.less ~tharinine square mi1es.v .. . .~ ,, _. ,The-repealingclause of the 1929 Acts, Chap- ter ‘47; Section 3+ reads in part as follows,: ,.. "All lawtiand parts af laws, Gtirieral arid~S~ecial,'in'o~nfli,ct h&reijithare'here- by repealedi . .v'~. _ .' a repeal of to; or in~olisistentwith, , L. discuss whet&r themin (providing for automat&z ei; of city oontrolled.sohool districts was repealed by the 1929 .A&% above it has been held InCit of Beau; .:'mont'Ind. School Dist. v. Broadus; 182 &W. --5mKz. 2d 0 ;~.,Civ. App: 19l$+;error ref.).t&t article 2804 haspnot been-repealed, e&pressly.nor,by '1929 Abts, for the.reasonthat& .o~f-the,,. laws relating to : ~:distr%cts,andothersehool-,districts.in the county shows a manifest intention ,on%he~part of the-law-making body to provide-for two separate'classSfications of districts, nsmel~, a district locatdd~withina inuAicipal.ity,over ~“ .. which.the qitg has ass)uu@ control; andadistrlct over which a City has no control. Opinion'~-3823 properly ,:,holda'that~Artiole 2806 is'notapplidable to Texarkana Independ~t``School'b~kittict. "The ~egisl&X've historycoiicerning the TeXar- : kana Independent'SohoolDistrictshows'that it is not a munioipaIIy controlled sohodl district. '-Itis.an inde- pendent scihool~distriatcreated``bgBpecial'law;divorc- city cdjitrolin 1920. Chap. 31, S.B. 9, Acts Legislature, 3rd C.S., 1920, as.amended'by-Chap-;-. 297;~SDec. Laws of 39th Leg., 1st C.S., 1926; A.G. :OpinionNo. 0-3823;.V-650. We find no like ,legis- lative history which would operate~to save from the re- pealing &feats of ths 1929 Acts, school district.8like Texarkanacreated bye special law and which do not fall within the classification of.a municipally controlled school digtr1c.t. - . Han, L, A. Woods, page 4 (V-872). It is our opinion, therefore, that to the ex-~ tent that the annexation provisions found in Section lo+ of S.B. 297 (the s ecial law applicable to the Texarw Independent SchoolP are repugnrat to, or inconsistent with, the Acts .of 1929 (Section 2 of Article 27&e md Section 1 of Article 27&f) they have been repealed by the Section 3 of the.1929 Acts, above quoted. Section l-a of S.B.-297 provides that the pe- titlon for annexation of'contiguous territory to the district~.shallbe filed with the board of trustees of the Texarkana district, ,,andthat such.board by resolu- tion may receive such territory. The subsequent 1929' Acts provide that such a petition for detachment and an- nexation of territory to a contiguous district shallbe submitted with the county board of trustees, and (the . other procedure of the Acts being complied with) the county board may pass an order transferring said terri-~ tory. Construing the Acts of 1929 together, asthey must be Qen common and independent districts are involved, they contain the express prohibition that "no school -‘districtshall be~reduced to.an area of lessthan nine square miles.". Thus,.the,oounty school board has au- .thority~&der~Section 1~of Article 27wf, and Section.2 of Artiole 27428 to detach snd'annex portions of~,school 5 districts in accordance with the procedure ,thereof,but _,,they ~wouldhave no authority~thereunder to annex or de- ,i~ tach an entire ac,tiveschool'distri6t..Weiriert I.S.D. v. Ellis, $? S.W.2d 374 (Tex;~'Civ.Ap& 1932) * &g&nbothsm v. County School Trustees,.220 S.W.2d,213. ITsx. C,iv.App. /I : 1949). Clearly, therefore, the authority~grsnted~:Coun- .ty School boards,and~the procedure prescribed in the1925 Acts herein considered confli&~$with and supersedes the authority granted Texarkana board of trusteesand the procedure prescribed in Section l-a of Senate Bill 297,`` insofar as the power and procedure for,annexatlon of a part orportion of .the contiguous common school district may be involved, Tothis extent, Sectiqn l-a is repeal- ed by @he subsequent 1929 Acts. .Thes~e1929 Acts~,however, d6 not oonflict.with i the authority granted the Texarksna board.in~s'uohSectiti 1-a stopannex'the whole of splycontiguous con+n'district
Document Info
Docket Number: V-872
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017