- c . . RE ~ORNEY GENEKAL OFTEXAS Dr. J. W. Edgar Opinion NO. ``-648 Commissioner of Education Texas Education Agency Re: Validity of certain Austin, Texas action taken at a meeting of trustees of an Independent School District sub- sequent to the elec- tion but prior to the qualification of newly elected trustees who were not notified of and did not attend Dear Dr. Edgar: said meeting. Your request for an opinion recites that three new trustees were elected to the Board of Trustees of an Independent School District on April 4, 19%. On April 14, 1959, six members of the old Board met at a special called meeting. Verbal notification of the meeting was given by the prlnclpal of the school to all seven former members of the Board. The seventh member, one of those defeated in the election, did~not attend. One candidate elected on April 4, 1959, was present at the meeting and sought permission to sit In, because he had been elected and the business appearing on the agenda therefor Involved next year's business. The Board voted to go Into executive session, six voted therefor and the newly elected member was asked to leave. The 'president of the old Board (defeated at the election) presided throughout. Your letter recites that the minutes of the April 14 meeting show that the Board read and approved minutes, canvassed election returns, hired teachers, recommended bus driver, employed cafeteria workers, em- ployed janitor and approved classification of district as a ten grade school. All teachers were given an addl- tlonal extended year on their contract and two whose contracts expired this year were each given two-year contracts. The principal's contract was extended one more year for a total of three. Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (``-648) The three new Board members were notified of their election on April 23, by letter postmarked April 22. The newly elected trustees questioned the validity of the April 14 meeting called for purposes other than canvassing of the election returns, since they were not notified of the meeting and were not given opportunity to participate as newly elected members In the transaction of school business affect- ing the operation of the district for the ensuing years. Article 2750a-1, Vernon's Civil Statutes, reads as follows: 'Trustees of any Common School District or Consolidated Common School District shall have authority to make contracts for a eriod of time not in excess of two (2P years with principals, superintendents, and teachers of said Common School Districts or Consolidated Common School Districts, provided that such contracts shall be approved by the County Superintendent. No contract may be signed by the Trustees of Common School ,, Districts or Common Consolidated School iuntilthee or trustees have qualified and taken the oath of office." (Emphasis ours) The foregoing Article prohibits trustees of Common School Districts or Common Consolidated School Districts from signing contracts with teachers subsequent to the date of the trustee election and prior to the date of qualification of newly elected members of the Board. This Article, however, Is not applicable to Independent School Districts. We find no provision of the statutes which so restricts the authority of the Board of Trustees of an Independent School District. Attorney General's Opinion 0-765 (1939) held that valid contracts with principals, superintendents and teachers, not In excess of the period authorized by statute, may be executed by a majority of the Board of Trustees of a Condoli- dated School District although such contracts are signed after an election for trustees has been held in the district and be- fore the newly elected trustees have qualified and taken the Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 3 (``-648) oath of office. Thla opinion was written prior to the enactment of Artiole 2750a-1 In 1941. Since the,Legisliture has not seen fit to restrict the contraotlng authority of Boards of Trustees of Independent Sohool Districts prior to the qualification of newly elected trustees, as it has done In the ease of Common School Districts and Common Consolidated School Districts, we are compelled to hold that the action taken by the Board of Trustees at the April 14 meeting is not Illegal merely because taken prior to the qualification of the new Board members. Artlole 2779 of Vernon’s Civil Statutes authorizes and directs that the trust- ees shall meet within twenty days after the election or as soon thereafter a8 poesible for the purpose of organizing. We find no statutory restrlotions upon the authority of the old Board to administer the affairs of the school district until such time a8 the election returns have been canvassed, certl- flcates of electlon issued to the newly,elected members and : the latter heavequalified. According to your request, It ap- pears that these steps ,were aooomplished In the manner and within,the time presoribed by law in the instant case. Business transacted and oon- tracts entered Into by a Board of Trustees of an Inde- pendent School Diatriat, under the faots stated, are not Illegal merely because occurring aubse-’ quent to the election of three (3) new trustees but prior to their qualifying for office. Very truly your8, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas Leonard Pasamore Assistant LP:rm:mfh Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (``-648) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE C. K. Richards, Chairman J. Milton Richardson Marvin H. Brown, Jr. Marvin R. momas, Jr. RBvIEWFJ3FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: W. V. Geppert
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-648
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1959
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017