AUSTIN a~.TE;nas PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL February 16, 1949 Hon. Baacom Glles, Commlssloner General Land Office Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-m Re: Statur of non-extendedpro- ducing leases on State land a8 affected by Article 53&k, V. C. 9, (Acts 1947, 50th Leg., Ch. 82, p* 139) and related questions. Dear Sir: We have your request for an opinion, composed of three questions, concerning the above-mentionedaub- Ject. Your question Wo, 1 reads aa follows: "What will be the status of non-extend- ed leases which may be found productive dur- ing the primary term and subsequent to Octo- ber 1, 1948? Shall the 25 year term be con- sidered binding, or shall the School Land Board have within fts authority the a,bflQty to grant lease extensions at any latterdater on the basis of value establishedafter pro- duction has been encountered?" You are advised that non-extendedleases will terminate'aftertwenty-five (25) years from the date of the lease. The School Land Board fs without authority to grant lease extensions on ap lfcationdtfiled after September 30, 1948, Article 53$4c, V. C. S, Your queetion lo. 2 reads as follows: "What methods of dispositionwill be available to the present or future School Hon. Bascom Giles - Page 2 - V-777 Land Boards with regard to the title of non-extendedproducing leases which may be found to have appreciablereserves up- on terminationof the 25 year period? Even with the best geological and engi- neering estimates certain producing leases may indicate insufficientreserves to have producing lives greater than 25 years. With possible discoveriesof new produc- ing formations the application of more ef- ficient methods of recovery, or with changes in crude prices and demand, these leases may have reserves greater than those presently anticipated,and also extended operating lives." The method of dispos,itionavailable to pre- sent or future School Land Boards with reference to State lands formerly leased under terminatednon-extend- ed leases will depend upon the pertinent leasing sta- tutes in effect at the time of the expirationof the twenty-five (25) year term. The present leasing Act Is Article 5421c, V. C. S.,(Acts 1931, 42nd Leg., p-452; as amended, Acts 1939, 46th Leg. p# 465; as amended, 1941, 47th Leg., p. 596; as amended, Acts 1943, 48th Leg. P. 453). Your question No. 3 reads as follows: "It is anticipated that certaln,non- extended producing leases will be capable of additionalproduction after the 25 year term, provided that large capital expendi- tures are not required to produce or to re- ,developthe property, It is possible that the present law can be interpretedto mean that upon terminationof the 25 year period the lease reverts to the State and the opera- tor Is entitled to salvage all surface and sub- surface equipment. If the operator plugs and abandons any or all wells upon said lease, it Is quite possible that the remaining re- serve would be unprofitableshould ~redrilling be required. Since we are interested in maln- taking a profitable reserve, It will be nec- essary to establish the right of the State to assume title to the hole and its salvagable Hon. Rascom Glles - Page 3 - V-777 casing. Without this right an appre- ciable reserve'couldbe lost by the aban- donment of a nonextendedproducing lease," Mr, Dennis Wallace of the General Land Of- fice and this writer made a survey for a twenty year period of several of the leases now on file, and it Is our conclusion that the leases are silent as ito the dlspositlonof casing in the ground. You are advised that the view of the Texas Courts is that casing placed in a well can be removed by the les,see. These cases are based on the reason- ing that it IS personal property or a'trade fixture of the lessee. SouthwesternOil &-Gas Co, v. Kimball 011 and Develovment C0.. D D 11 ICIV. DD. : Oil co.. 269 S.'W. n-E ReclamationDistrict V.DD. The view of Texas is the view of other states.
39 A. L, R. 1225. Practicallyall the cases involved standard 011 and gas leases with a clause giving the lessee the right to remove machinery and casing on aban- donment or terminationof lease. However, the rule is that a lessee can, within a reasonable time after aban- donment or termination,remove machinery and casing even though the lease contract does not specificallygive him this privilege, SouthwesternOil & Gas Co, v, Kimball Law of Oil & Gas, 3rd Ed., Vo The courts, unhesitatingly,apply the rule that the-lessee can-remove casing from a dry hole. They have, however, in the few cases on the subgect, issued lnjunc- tlons restrainfng the lessee from removing casing from a producer. Orfic Gasoline Case, aupra; SouthwesternOil Hon. Bascom Giles - Page 4 - V-777 & Gas Co.
case, supra; and Wisconsin-TexasOil Co. v. Clutter 258 S, W. 265 (Rev. on other grounds by Comm. App.268 s. w. 921). Restraining the removal of casing from a pro- ducing well is consistentwith Railroad commission rules for prevention of waste. Art. 6005, V. C. S., Railroad Comm. 011 & Gas Rule #gb and 10, and Art. 6014(c), v. c. 9, See also 31-A Texas Jurisprudence, See, 216, which says: "The right to remove casing from an un- productive hole does not, of course, give the lessee any right to destroy a productivewell by taking away the casing, for such action would involve a violation of the 011 and gas conservationlaws." It should be noted that the question of removing casing from a producer~is applicable only as between lessor- lessee. The rights of mortgagees of casing may involve a different conclusion. Crabb v. Keystone Pipe & Supply Co., 177 S. W. (2d) 989 (Clv, App,, 1944, W. E, ref.), As a safeguard In future leases which might term- inate for other reasons while wells are still productive, you might wish to consider insertion of a clause which would provide that casing and other equipment necessary to maintain production shall not be removed. Under the provisions of Art. 344c ,(Acts1947, 50th Leg., Ch. 82, p. 139 the School Land Board is without authority'to extend leases on State land on applications filed after September 30, 1948, School Land Board will dispose of State lands which revert to State upon terml- nation of non-extendedleases according to terms of leasing statute in effect at time of expiration of the lease. - Hon. Bascom Giles - Page 5 - V-777 Unless otherwise provided by con- tract, casing in a well ia personal prop- erty or a trade fixture of the lessee, and can be removed by him; however, the courts will not permit the removal of casing from a producing well In viola- tion of the 011 and gas conservationlaws. Yours very truly ATTORNEY G JJIW:bt BY Assistant 7 Cc.
Document Info
Docket Number: V-777
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1949
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017