Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

    v. J. %wnaond
    count Attorney
    oplnlon   Ro. o-n41
    Rer   WhewVorkonapubllcrocd
    1~ to be md    for by the
    ptoperty ovners9,
    PsJllbat be made directOF
    hoti& the moneybe de-
    gadted   to the Road aad
    Brlege ?und of the covzts
    Treasury  end pal.4 out in
    ve 8lWin moipt Of Jo&IX'
    k'OQM6t             fir 85   O@niGU
    0fDwember 2, 194.                       parta 0P
    We Quotath8 pertinent
    the lettervhiahJOU onoloaedto 01 fxm BonorublsY. L.
    Judge*Aa@m.m county,Twils,&a follovsr
    “&we mollt?Ilrago, ln Pmlnat Ro. 1,
    hI@liM c2 ty, Texas the reed mu4 bridge
    nua vu dsplaed 8nd &e countyCasml~rlonar
    work on the oobaty ro@ds la the preolnct.
    rodr, the property
    %n one ok theaspubl%cr
    ovner8athiredthe Ccmdssioner8~Ccurtthat
    tlgy;eqov~lll”&to put~uprufflaiont moaef
    thlr     vao agreed to by the Cosa-
    al8rlon6n'&Art         and the countyCtmalrnloner
    tac&l``~nt              aud bid the vork on this
    Yhe plvperty OvImI8 me vllling  tc p&y
    ror the sort Of the vock, but the question la
    hov 8hould the payment be m&e. Should ths
    Roadrml BridgeFund ot Pro¬ Bo. 1 end
    Honomblew.J.tolmaend - F+a@2
    paZd out uponale.¶5aapprovedby the Can-
    mlsaioner*~Courtmd the CcuutyAulltor tn
    the uavnl8mner, or vouldthe propertyovnera
    k luthorlabd to p6ythema6ydireottothe
    pbraoua furnlahlagthe l.aboruacIm&e~ial
    neceaakrySor the vork?*
    Therea8nbenoqwatlonbutvhatthe            oountyla
    requlrduad*uthorited tolsalntalntheoountyronds vlthla
    the county.
    Underthe Tax66 Oouatitutioa, Artlole XI, corn;tiea
    me mwlalpal corporatious uid polltlod aubdlviaions of
    thb state. City of Abireno W. Stute, 113 8. V. (26)631,
    Un&ertheirgenbralpovera *tcacqutreand hold
    property’,it has beanheld that 8 mUalps corporation
    the Unit& 8tstt60govern-
    may aooepta giftof moneyfrarr.
    ment . Iovr-So\lUleraOtil~UeaCQlgPnJ~.``,11~eh.
    sup. 58L
    In the @sob of St&e Ex Rel ltelroae Sever Diatrlat
    to. &nlth, l20 S. V. (26)1.102,.ltvaa hbld tbsta sever
    dlrtrlataoulduraept dorratloar sawhSE fedati grant6 vhlch
    vould emble t&m        to   aonatrwt   8 ry6t6m ooaflng mom   thaa
    it6 debt llmlt.
    It 3.0our opinloa that it voul4 not be    lmpmuier
    fo rth bCuwls6io wr s1Court to la o epthe
    t contrlbutlou o f
    the ``rtyovne~srlo~mpubllc      rosdtobeua.edfor the
    mp6ir of the oouuty roadpuranuitto an agreement
    the propbrtyovneraand the tounty.
    Eovwbr, a lllxpeudltwba of oowty   randa br the
    Gamulaalouero~Courtlagoveraedby   the bmlgetlavrs     set
    forth in Artiolb698-11,V.A.C.S., vhloh provides   in.port
    . as follovar
    "MtmnthebtxQeth66beeo       fin8ll.yrgprovvd
    by the CaamlaaIOWra~  Court the budget,u
    approved by t&e Cow+, ad     be Haul vlth the
    clerk ot the County Court, rrrd taxes levied only
    in rooordanoetherevltbmcl no
    erpbldlture of
    the fundsofthaaovntyahollthemfterbemde
    braept1t.1ltriatocapli``eevlth the budget od
    atloptbdby the Ccurt. Exceptthat bmergency ex-
    pmndlturea,ia aaae of grfbvepub110nbaeaa~ty, to
    meetunww.ltiunfowoaea~oxulltlousvh.tohcould j
    not, by reaaomblydlligerrtthoughtcad attention,
    :   lionomble   ii.   J. tov~end   -
    _- inaluded
    _ __ _in
    *a ameuamentsto the ori.graal       budget,-
    We luggeatthe proper vay to hmlls the pxvpowd
    douetloaor ooutributloa la to have tte property ovnera
    theiroontributlona to the Coamiw;ouerat Courtfor
    the  rolepurpxe of payingthe neoeraary  expenaeafor the
    \uualsrrdordloaryvorL:~c~kid~ountyroadaaad      toexpend
    the mule8 In locordanoe vith the trustagreemeat.The
    money should be depositedin the aountytreaauro?yto the
    aredltofa trustfundVhiehmaybe oalledlSpealalRoeA
    Trust Fund Sor PreclnotKo. 1”. The CountyTrezmrervould
    thendr6v on thistrust!‘und   fIw the County DepoEltory’
    zzp       ordsrof the Comnissio~erz’  Courtaa ty erpenaee
    Slncethe mount oontributed
    la not derivedf’xw~
    ta r es
    by the oountyunderthepla~auggeated
    vill be ia strictcoapllrnce
    vlth the budgcrt
    aud the lav.
    Yours very    txwly
    AlTORmY ow        OF TEKAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7541

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017