- ‘..108 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS A,-~RNLI GENERAL llonor8ble John 1~ Tlaters St8te Dep8~tment of Pub110 Telfare Auntin, fex811 be8r Hr. Mntermt Opinion X00 O-7434 Ret R.nw9n04! wife at 8 rote by the l?q8rtu1 To bare fiten amrefut aondderot rhiah rO8&8 80 ~fOllOTrt phie 8nd .01eti@8f pO8itiVD8. In e retenn v80 8 life long resident Se left the Pt8te when in- end durlnK hja training in 8 or Bt8te he m8rried 8 FIrI whn WIB llr- ins in the ather Xt8tO and h8d hOQD 8 rOddQnt Of th8t Rt8te. Then the veteran left the Gt8ts nC Tex8a he 8t 811 the8 plrnaed to return to the Mate when hfn nertioe In the rallltary Forcaa tar&- n8tad. At the t&we of the mrri8gQ 1 t w8a tholr h- tmtion to mte Taxer their pwwnant pl8Oe or red- dolt00 Upm, hi8 dimOh8rK9, but 6110 to hjr tF8nlhP tb aaepm in Skte8 nther then ‘teX8s 8nd OTef8ePn duty, hla wife did not ame to the Btrte of Texrlr tn live untl? ho V8n djschnrpod. 109 ‘W. %t le the gmeml iwls that t~bo Ued- es1 vt the ho.mb8n4ie tbo aarfaif O? tba 9li4. ller domleil ir dr8Wn to rurd tolt01a bir, and be h8s the right tb sOlOot it# lrnd *beta noteatod IJ~ hiin it 1s bet- dtltf to Petla*r and hot ref’usil ri~t@3tit MPPZsimt oxou*e mmolmta to dasurtion. Thin paar SF the humband te melsst tlw Anraleil i8 Rat, ho*e+Ot, u1 WbitFOrt -0, bat &4 Fo- g8rU 3.0 to be hsB to the US?@ b be81 tbi ommfert, repukticmt @tea Tba P80/9 that the *iPe ‘mmfbe 8bHnt rFem tlto Rimle me to ho* oonibwlwmt h @II iae#nO 8flUm tTiltaOt @ttWt the ?nre?md’s potoF during au6b son?hlm*nt to 4h8Sta4 the fw!s- ily realdanoe* A ebange o? Uvwioil uader suoR ufreuvmta~e*8s ii don0 in r(Qad rmb, nil3 na- doubtadly be binding wan at1 part$aa-• bad Mm4 uml2a*d in a Btatr laetitutlcm Uw a 1-g nwbar al TM reeer4 in said cam mwwtr tbrt rbem rha 80s ad- 5$:&i ot unucw$ mind an4~cax!mltteU to ths inotitattcm, she at14hdtr buakdknd7ere raasa09btibt wtd lir2ng la,?orqsleCornrtr thaw they swed their bono. riter tab18 was cwtaitteU to ihe 3nstituticn the buabwiI scld the homa 2n'Boqus COmty 8aO mwed ts Naa2Iten Ce\aat7,wbero be dia. Ta a&fa2atarin~ tha amtato at tbhainone rife the quostfw et her roaideD8o Sam prl!m+lly 1nraYred. &I itB OpiDi4I~ tb0 OOQrt hidd tkUt tb. ku#baad $8d tko ri@t to abaa- the domielte sad rast- dancl,or hia 2a~na rife, am2 Ml& that tbo rfta's r*atdsnM ~a# ul15~ge8~as a wttor ot law, frcm Boqeo tc Iam2tt.w County, aml la SO heldist, uasd the tsllmin~ fanguagot **w. fo are et the Opimiom tb5t tb* aooaty eeurt of Rnail ton sbusty bad juricU2otien atar the p+as-m~utd ertote ot ‘llw Imatbko, althwg?8 rhe at tkb time was 9 aajttagealmtrtl*e santinad 981 tllo osyhta at m Antw20. It lppwrs tram the i8rt8 tkot~ at tks tjme f&0 wou aajudwa a twatje she wd hm' huaRmwl reJdad in 330 0 wumtf, bat h elitemmrdo removed to #snilUoa T ormtyr wbara tbo lanct 2ti saatrprera? i8 !b2,iktsds fn the #b- 8moo at rsparetiwr the restUimat3 ti iho hta0tta 20 the rnu2dimeo ot the w2tac aad we.thiaP that t&o me*0 taot tllot YrYr Latithk* rl5R~ ecnJt2ued la ths 8If’lum 8t SW AnteD uifl not Imalr4 tbat Gowty her plow st xw&lwae~* ‘6. it the alwr haa never aaktalt~ lirod fa tbla Mats vlth her $8rtmt~m Friar to going to moboal or wzaaptiag ewploywvnt outdde the State, watt?4this wka any differmae In the d~oi&m?* fn hot din% tba rlnor that deaoribsd la @id tw qqabr tlbns vau a rohbnt of *ltb’rs the oontccup~otian Tesas. at the statute h*alroR, we used the fsllewfsl lmgua~t ‘lo restate tha t8alir inrslred in four fitth qtmstlw. A x&at rbesa pnrontm tire f agal rs*J- datr et Tmasr elaima mnia0mae in Tfuaa mloly on the hasir that ahe aoqni=d thq rsrridaar ot her wmaits. Thin tahar has Vow abrunt tram tb8 Hkte eontiauimalt lttsadiag rohaa’f or mm&- lag tor the few year period *it?a wty in?raqwnt +J~itr m1t.hher parmtn~ l9 a sr a lly i p a r lsn tin‘1 under s th*pwor nntl 8utharlty et mcrtho pwressse nb rtght to ohbose a UemSbi?d. Thus ahe doni6ile 41 8 n0nur ohild ia always tbat of tbo tnttmr, ona aoosnuarl- ly ah5twas r,it.h m-19 ohwge aP the htber’a domi- Oilb* Cams IS Cexr Jarlo. sited p. N@. tq.C,t. p S47 JlO) . Annda ltutlsmt whs pee to I nniror- aS ty, sahool or aolY oj;e lr Ueawsd to haTa retain- ed his tormar Uaalalls tml6a8 h8 abo*n an intcn- t1w to make a rhaa~e ~to the pjaes la whleh the Institution ir loeatud. Sod 9 it.~.t.p~562,~lil. In or ttw fOWt~Oitt#, Ti4lW us 1ro at tall, 0plnlnn that th8 minor in qttsmdlm ha6 tbltlttod the reshh4m1 roqaireaumts. @Vith rot*remoo to ynw lart question, it I* wr opinion that a- a aitmr’s domloS?a le tbat at the trthor’ m a miner ham amapliti ~9 th bbe remi- &ma9 statute, ruy!re, tbtntgb the ab?Or hRa notdr actua??y Ilred with tha parmtn in ‘fexaa Vetore geln~ to eehno? or vorkln~ omtslda the Rtatdp it the pIrentr bate boon domiolled +n t.hla Otate for law years next praaedhlr tha appointment.* It is our opinion thet the ame nrte es we appYfed tu tP0 vlnor ln qumtinn *hhnuldho antt *ouTd he ap,rllod to tko zar- riod *wan about rhoa ymr inquire- fdnca the hus?wnd’s raa’ldonce . ttoaorrbto John I. Ylntsrm page 8
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7434
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017