658 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVCRSCLLERS ATIOINCI OCMCRIL ku 8l.r’ Thl8181~8o\xfir ofAu&tut 22, 1946, to-uit I dwlo r r o unl~tcaobll.8 8twtio purpoar, and 0888 la a p lo o 8r n. omob1l.oWr T a a doalor l.arll0.080ior thomt J ournot le@lr oprx’ate 8wh lutmbll.8 l ?O@l.h'liOOll8O8fOFt~,thOLiVbt Of- 87 b0 ChargOdvith if th8JI?@ 8rrO8tOd 8wh automobil.for t&l? Oya indlvldual 0, aarryiug 001~ a dOalOr'8 1iaOWOt ‘In rofrnnne to the ncoud qW8tiOll wt out above, there 18 8CiBOdoubt In mj mind vhether I F4H'8Ollunder the fact8 sot out uould be guilty of VlOlAtiOn of Mt. 6686, R. 8,, and ahauld bo ohugod uith drlrirq and op- orat1 8 motor vehiole upon a pabllc hl#wq undoer a doalor “8 8 llcoan ior other purpose8 th8Il d~EOU8tr8ti.Oll r0r p~rp080 0t ~10, or vbsther he rhould be charged with operation of a motor vehlcls upon l public high- way vithout proper ngirtratlon u&or Art. 6679,R.S.’ Art. 6666(B), V.A.C.S., to vhloh vu m?f8rFld, Ford8 la *at 48 iOlbV81 “An mmufmturer of or dealor in 8otorvohial.88 in thl8 I; tat. M7, ilr8tWd of rOgirt.sirrgl0Oh mhiol. h8 Yy rl8h to 8hov or de8owtrate on the pub110 al.@- W8, apP1~ tW FBgi8tXUtiOU Wd 80OUF0 l gOWlui dir- nwbor rh%ehmay be lttwh r dto aal rotor tlngulrhiag r.;Lor mtomplo vhiohha rndatmporui1.fupon . Rh@ WnWl f00 ior rooh6odor’8 oi l waonl dI8tIoqulmhIng amber @hall k t m-8, a& 4dditioUl Orakr pbtB8 bowing Uld aubtwr dO8W.d bt dOdOrr & l1 Wd ?B 8tOI’Od k l88ig Ud r0s a cm0 0f iv0 (#s.oo) bou8~8 rob. A 600 P, *ithin th M wIng 0s th I B& tIo la ,M a w l fin o r p o r Bo a , oorporatIo8 0 IQ th8 ba8lmrr 3 8Omu WtWO- bilO8 who PUbliO hi&V@78 OC 8tFOOt 8 for dOMR8tPOtiOO fOr thB I 8ubdIvI8lon ( f of ) th e 84 88 Ar tio l8, In ltfeot,mker e rIol8tlon of w proV181ae 02 thir Aat a 8m3e8ewo r orfenw lud i-8 thB pIWIt tbr?Oof br 8tatln(ltmtc Artiole 6679-2, V.A.C.S., to vhich yoou 8190 referred, rerdr iU pCt, b8 fOllOV8: %ory ovner of 8 motor vehicle, trailer or seml- troller used, or to be ursd, upm th8 public hlghvay8 of this State &ml1 apply each year to the State High- voy Department through the County Tax Collector of the County in vhlch he resides for the rqistretion of eacl. such vehicle owned OP ,controlled by him for the ensul~ or current calendar y~m or unexpired portion thereof, etc., . , . .” t&ta6Oa&rmr & l.lJOpmutS mtomobl&r mod for dOm0nrt?Ot1Oa Ji a 11oeam rot ``'~.8``````````````~ -w. nrtud or ng 8torIa#t~damoutntIo~om & n- 0.;~.8 m la UtiO8 th WOfW l @8lwnl u8t;ypid;ly m- k? Vhi.hb- WOawWOFWtOH kb 8Od8tOw- arlly oa tb, I! for duoutrotlooior w c J ud for thI8p?Iti- k pqomenmmlho rr, tb %I- dIrt18gu18iugntmbors an utm ohmp ror OMh rMaI8IlIothoroof. A8 to tk@ la 11trof an ltawb1& 6Hlw’I drlvlug l O8z rlthbOla,r'r f Iuna, l for et&r Uwo dOm0utmtioa pU?m#O8 to? -80, - 8ktUtO I8 UU~ brim0 a 09~ OlWiT@ ?O@X'diB# it8 tb OS l dmler’8 08ploydat liwnw f8~hIo 18u~i plumtn,or rwUfotbrpt=- go-* A8 -8 Wid b f’5&ti”‘:?.:’ ki?i t$ ~80 ol th8 dialor @; to tho dealor, Vhlrh&utmblh 18 opemtod on th0 pub110high- WJ8, lXOOpt iIt@A808 Whm0 th# ~8hiO& I8 kiug OglNt8d iOr demon8tretloa parpo888, 68 th8n provided,18 lmpllodlr pro- hlblted and 18, tbnlon, UChWfUl. It wa herdl~ k doubtmd that vhore the de8br permit8 hi8 lloonrr pUtr to bo ured on an lutomoblla TiObtiOu in Of thi8 8atUt0, h 8 Or Oa t l 8itW- tioa calculated to mi8b@d third por8Ou8 llrto l88oriQg t-t th0 automobile 18 b”,lng operated for thr Qeabr for dOt8On8tratiOR pUrpOW8.. . . IO 8 former oplnloa of thlr IXqwtment, (10. 3068)the author 8tated that ‘obrlou81~, it Va8 th8 intention 0r the Le@r- latw that tho prorlrlon8 of Artlola 6686 ahall wply OtiJ to 661 . dOa&, rod unufaoturorr, in order that thq ri*t not k rubjoot- ldto tam&n b8rdaUpb~muoaoftb l plloatI.aoft~ pno,~l ro@irtntlon law. - ~Ot181OM Of tE 18 4 ShOU&dk 8trIOtiJ ooortrlvd 81-O ?ih Ofd0wet in l 8UBIW8 8jbOO;ti ~;T;& 8, lnd should not k lxtotid to IaoluM tba opratlon withoutl rlooan of 8uoh a a lutaobl~ for printa uw, In Oerpar JurI8, Vol. 42, w 659 , kotlm fi5, it 18 8tatod thtr hi8hwymr~ tb pprp3~ lfad1~ 18 th0 IbtUtiOE Of Oroh nhiOk$ &@ Of thOU WI- pOn8lblr for their mVO*rrPt#&nd OondYOt, la un t&y fall to obwrva 8-h dPtlo8) r&d the l bjoot of llooar to operato b rotor vohlolo 18 l por8om1 &we In ro W8 t0 PUP f%E8t qwrtim,UO lm8B the oplaloa that at 08r llodulur 88~ not lo g a l lly por*ta th e ir domoa8trUlon a4r8 for ttwir ova ImdlvIduU u8o or ploarura with- Out b@w a ?@@m IlO@& thOmfOr kO&Um tb, 8tatutO i8- piiOdiJ~lbIt8 it, Md it 18 thW iOF8 fd.WtUk the wooad portion of your iuqulry 188 What 0rf0086, then, 8hould theq b8 ohargod vlth if ruch &a&r8 WO mlV8t8d mhllo drlr- lag 8uoh butwobIlo8 for their own lndlrldml a88 or ploorura, aarrp lag only b dealer’8 lloenwt Artiole 3, of the penal Code, prorlde8t ” , .It 1s dcclrred that M person shall be punlehid’for any ect or omi88lon, unlerr the sum 11 made a peoal offenw, end l penalty 18 affixed thereto by the vritteo lav of thlr State.’ . . llonorabt 1. 0, Aoowr - Pam 0 under our rtetuto, all th a t I8 lanntI81 to eon8tItute the offrrrwmurt be rufflole~tl~ oharpd mad oumot k al&d b Intoud- meat. m. ia&8 OOo8titUtiw tb OffOUr I)P8t k wt fO?t l 00 t&t f)w 00601U81Olr8 Of LV rr k Wl’1V.d at trOr th fret8 80 ItatOd. k&I;&; 196 aad 391, Cod. of Crlmlaal ?rooodaroj Ford v. IItntr, 233. %8nfOTO, dOi.-& iB 8wh 4 088 Would lailtiid th8 be to &r, tb oaplalnt l I.8 thO8 fir 00 UWOrt~iIh t8l’B8 of the 8pOifJ.O mWro~nt OS the ii? 1)with rhloh they had inlled ;IrJ ati l8 ma8 wld IO tb MW Of @DOW 1. 8UtO 143 8.Y. &j?%, In vhlohlpJiella& Va8 oow1ot.d for operatl~ i motor nhiolo Irpe@ @ pub110 hl@wa rhI8.h hd Wt b0.R #‘O(i8kZ’Od 88 I’O- quIrOd bf &V%O thiak lppol L nt v&8 O&titled to &VO tbr OOrphInt 8tatO 8wh &@8tIOl'&.r, Pot in 8Wh &WOV@l tOm8 l8 t0 m-1, t0 all th8 at&atom mvoraily tb ro~lrtratloo of Dotor! mhIak8, but I&t+. 8p@Oii10 Ia8t~W. that II88 Ilrtoabd UbO& b rIo&tOd 8-h . fn th0 Oa88 Urdrr OOll8idAHtiOa, it i8 OU? 0 irriOCl tbrt, l8 8ta t.d I8 &tiOb 6686( a ), R .8., l dub ”8 P Wlv P dir tin- &uIrhI~ aumber plate m711otk wed onaa Vd%8b evned or urd by him for a&y otherpurpon thAn draon8tr8 t Ion for the purpon tit U18J ld VhOWVO? 80 und, it 18 th0 UW l8 if th 0DOtOrVOhfCb h a dnot boon l'e~lrtendat all, lrd tbHtOm 18 VfO~tiVO, Wt only of the olrll8t8tUtO but, ll80, OS AMA@ 8Q4 of the ?orul oOd8, Vhi8h Luti8 l8 fO~OV81 Vhoevor o mtor upoa an7 pub110 h l@ a y l wtor vehlola YF Iah br8 Wt beOn rO(lI8tOwd a8 PO? qhtaio; law ,Wll k fImd sot to lxeeod two bun- L8. Under Apt. 6686(a)l dealordo88 wt %eglrt*r"bla dOmon8tNtiOn aar In the 8en8e th8t an ovwr, under Art. 66758, 18 lvqulred to apply leoh yUr through hi8 oouaty Tax OolhZtor for th8 ~$i8tNtiOll of 8aCh t8hiCti 0Prud or OOntrO1led by him, upon vhleh the Tax Collector 188~8 him 8 lloea8e therefor. Ths 8t8tVte My8 tbt, itl8tOad Of r8gi8t8rillR each ?8hlC18 the d8a1eX’ may, upou naklag lpp1100t ion tmreror, near= ,YnOral dirti~uilh- lug timber vhloh may be attached to any 8utoProblle vhloh he 8enda taapororll~ upon the road. Howe , vhen he driver hlr de8ler’r demmstr8tlon cnr upon the >ubllc highvsy under e dealer’s taE. Boaonbh fr 0 Hoonr - hga 6 iOr mw808 Ot :tha for demosrtretlorrfor ulo, b8 opelutrr a$or whlOl0 bfoh &o not bOOa ?OgI8tOrOd l8 P8qUlrOd by . 3LUrrd 488i8taat
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7379
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017