Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Bruce L. Parker county Attorney, orfayOounty P88pa, %Xb8 opiaion Ho.o-7375 Re: Authority of colpl vlthout bonded in 41.50 tax rate pe Ve have your letter of A you repueat, on behalf of the Su School8 of Oray County, an opin on the follovlng quertlonr by the proper 01 erence to Article 27840, v, A. c. Actr 1945, chbpte 8 b8 fOllOV8: 8loner8 ocurt for the countr, and the dir trlat ndent rchool di8triot8 08 Only, 8hr11 h8Ve POVer ollocted the annual taxer bad buthorlred, rubjrct to the on rchool dirtriott, for the further ubllc Sree 8ohool8 and the eawtion and of 8chool buildlngr therein, b 8MIJir1 tt~; md in lndepend8nt dirtriatr for the aaintenoe of 8cbool8 thotiin, UI ad valorm tax not to exoeed One Dollar and IviftrCent8 (41.50) on the one hundred dollar@ vbluation of taxable property of the di8triCt. . 6.53 Pan. Bruoe L. ?brker, -90 2 “2. b 0-m rohool bnd lndopondont di8triOt8, for the purahb8a, oonrtruotlon, npblr or equiprent Of pUblie in0 8obOOi bUildbig Vithin th@ iii&it8 Of 8Uoh di8triat8 rod purohra tb of the n.0088``~ 8it.8 th.NfOr, b tU not t0 0%8OOd fifty O-t8 (504) 0 th. dsI@huDdrvd dOlbM VblU&tiWi, 8UOb tbx to ti for the pbywnt or the 8UFFUkt intWW8t aa bnd pro*lde b 8iXikh@ fund 8UffiOiUIt t0 mf ah0 prinOlpr1 Of bond8 vhioh 8bid dIrtriot bM 8mpovrrod to 188~0 for ruob plmp0r.r; "3. The uoAt of wlntenbnao tax, togother vith the mount of bond tU Of any dLtriot, 8hll never oxcoed 0810Doltir bnd lrifty OMt8 (41.50) on the one hundred dolbm ~luatloa of ‘kublo property: and If the nto of bond tax, together vith the rate of ~paln- tMbIiC0 tU VOtdd in th. dirtriot 8hd1 bt bl&y t-0 oxmod On0 Dollbr and ?iftJ Coat8 (41.50) on the one hunbed dOllbN 7blUbtiOQ rueh bollla tU 8hd1 o~mte to reduc8 tho urlntenance tu to the dirromoe betveen the rbte of the bond tu bnd One Dollar bnd Fifty Cent.8 (41.50). '1. Bo tar rhall bo levied, collected, bbrogatod, dlalalrhed or lncreb8ed, bnd n0 bond8 8hs11 be i88UOd hereunder until 8uch botion h&r beon buthorlzed by b 8AJorlty of the vote8 cart bt &a rlootioa hold in the dlrtrlot for ruch pUl"pO8OD, bt vhioh none but property tbxpsyw qualified voter8 Of such dirtriot still be ontitled to vat.. "5. All PrO~rtJ b88088ed fO2' 8OhOOl ~08.8 in b 0088Oa rchool di8triot 8h811 be b88e88.d bt the lWt0 Of tblU@ Of pro~l’ty b8 8bid prOpWtJ i8 b88888.d iOr Stbte bnd county purp08.1.” Heferrlng to the bbOV0 quoted rtatutb it vi11 be 8een that Section 1 the-of clobrly buthoric.8 b WXSMRB ad ralom tu for both omon and ladependent rchool dlr- trlctr of $1.50 on the m Hundred Ikllw-8 velution of taxbbh property Of the d.iirt?iGt, 8lUh tu t0 be 10vled for th. ml9080 Of MhltMfU¶dO, ONo tfw. b a d lqUi~*nt Of 8OhOOl building8 thereln. By th0 pFOV18hXI fir8eOtlOn 4 Of 8UCh statute, no tax may be levied unlerr huthorltedby 8 ujorlty rote ot the qurllfled property taxpaying voter8 of the dl8- trl8t. 654 Hon. Bruoo L. Pbrker,pafp 3 a00tiath 3 0s the bbov. ._8tb~.tUte lxprO88ly QMvide8 thbt in the lvrnt bond8 bM toted by the dirtriot bnd b bond tu levied themfor punwnt to &&ion 2, much bond tos vi11 opento to nduao the 8blntMbnoo tbx to tho dirroMn00 k- tvoan the mto of the bond tu (vhloh my not lxeaed 504) and the tokl of 41.50 mulmm for both miatonanco md bond JNlF&308.8. In other vordr, IS b 41.50 Mintubnoo tu hb8 boon voted ud lovied and, rubroQuently, b bedd lrruo 18 buthorlmd togethrr vlth b 35/ bond tu therefor, then the ulntonbnco tbx vi11 bUtOMtitXd1~ b8 nduood to 41.15 80 thbt the totbl bd vblon8 tu of the dlrtrlot vi11 not orcoed $1.50. We bn unable to rind my requlremnt thbt a or independent rchool diltriat mart lnour bonded caplllon Indebtednrrr before ruoh dirtriot i8 buthorlzed to levy b 8axlmm bd valorem tag for malntenanoe purporor of $1.50 on thr 4100 vrlortion of property of 8UCh dirtriot, md the bbovo-quoted rktuto eXplu88ly nOgatlw8 any 8goh oon8truotlon. You are thsrefoxw advised that your question 18 amvered In the bffiI%btiVe. Very truly yours ATTOXHBY OEIlpRALOF lrraas

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7375

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017