OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. compton Mite county hditcr ?reestone county ?alrf Iold, Texas Dsar sir: You have submitted a c the oaptloned question, vhlah ar set forth la your letter of of 7, in B is vas during the 011 lty had so msny thelav, that the been neglected as to being empt or any other vay. It has property1 on the State and County es assessed against it. The Xorthm 01 Dlstrlot has no tax charge against it." loving statutory and constltutlonalprovlslons Constitution, Art. 8, sea. I: 'All property in this State, vhether ovned by natural persons or corporations, other than munlolpal, shall be taxed in proportion to lta value, vhioh shall be asoer- talned as lpaybe provided by lav." lion. Compton White, page 2 Conrtltutlon,Art. 11, SW. 9: "The property of oountles, oltles and towns, wned and hold only for pub110 purpo1c8, . . . and all other property drvokd 8xoluslval~ to the use a& publlo 8hall bs l xmpt iron . . . , . * . ~onstltutloa,Art. e, sec. 21 . the leglrlaturr uby, br general laws, exempt from $x&m pub110 property used for publlo purposes; . . . Art. 7150, B. c. s.: Wie fcJlov:ngprcparty shall be exempt from taxation, tovita , . . "All property, vhsther real or personal, belongIng exclusively to this State, or say political subdlvlslon thereof. * The oourt in the oa8e of City of Abllew v. State, 113 8. Y. (26) 631 (vrlt of error di8mi8SOd) bfter dl8ou8fsin& the proper oonstruotionto be given the above ooastitutlonal and statutory provl8ioss in wder to have harmony among them, ruled a0 fO11OV8 I “The8e OOn8lderatlon8lead us t0 the 00nOh8iOn that a8 to tla pier of thhoLeELslaturs, to exempt publics property from taxation, all suoh property should be re- garded as 'ubeilfcr yslb'lc3Ul7DSSS’ vhen it 1s ovned and held for pub110 purpose8, but not ovned or held sxoluslvel~ for such yposes; and there has been no abandonment of 8uoh purporer. The property under oonslderatlon In thlr OplnlOn van purohased tor a pibllo jwpse. The query thus arirreswhether or not there has been an abaadonmsnt of 8uoh purposes. In anaver to our letter in vhlab vo requested y8u w infOrn us as to the iaanner io Vhdh thl8 property ha8 been USS~ slnoe 1924, pru advised us U f0llOVS: the only ua8 they have been put to rime then (19~4i*i; ior pneral pubilc use, parking and 8torlw oounty road rqulpment on.* Hon. Coapton Uhlto, page 3 Yo are of ths oplnlon them ha8 been no abandonment ot using thi8 property ror publlo purpom~r. The faot that it 18 king U86d for a dlfferont publlo purposs than originally lntmded 18 ln our opinion lmnaterial. Wo ther6for* snav6r your quostlon in th6 afflrmatlte. Robert 0. Kooh AIliStaat
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7366
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017