Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • 5x3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gnovcn SLLLCRS . ..- *l-ro”“~v amnrrl. Eon. 8. 0. YeAdIaAd, Tloe alAlrm8n ypy 0&orr Rlver AuthorltJ &A iAg*lo, Tcxrr Do*r 8ir1 OPiniOA HO. O-7338 Ret Whether tha Upper colormlo WI rolaiovledgoyour rOqUerting a legal OpiniOA Of rerdlog 8B follov8: "The Upper Colondo vhathor or AOt thority la rubjeot cribed by Article8 ot8ted Civil atatute8 32 of the 8trtuter 18 l part of Chapter 1, lT8 V8t.F. l'Og918tillg 'fhi8U'tiOlO f1X.8 be ohargod end oollootod by the Board of Wlter ior the b@Adit of the 8t8t8 &A&AOW8 in rerpeot to lp p liO8tiOA8 8Ad pOrrrit8 ti iAOidOAt81 MttOr8 p.l't~ini~ t0 tb iBpOundiJl& 8tOPiaq, UIb& 8011i43 ud othrrvira lpproprlatlng the pub110 rator8 or tb at&o. Artlole 7497 18 a180 l p u t ot Ch8pter 1, title m, r.qUifirrg the MT- AeAt Or 8 0&8io rOS UpOn the fiiinc; Of a V8tOr lpp?OpPiatiOII lpplloatlon. Art1010 7533 Or the 8UO Ch8ptW pIWidO8 that the80 ch@~rg88vhen oollboted 8h11 bo dOpO8it.d in the 8t8tr Tre88uk-yto th8 orodlt 0r the Oeneral R~VOAU~. 539 Thb ideIktl8ti quO881- rlth re8peCt CO the fee8 la quertlolr 8Ubltted herain by the Upper Oolorwio mver Autho?ityn8 prue8ted tothlr departwatb~ the Lwer 0olorudo Alter Authorlt~ in the yur 1940. Attome oenerel ~lBlo11 lo. O-4304, 0 oopy of vhloh ia eW108.4 hoicc1 that Artdale 753P, f. A. 0. E., 18 Aot .pplle.bie to the Lmer Oolemlo River Autkma%t~ ud tb8t the knthorlt~ b8 no power to ex.peAeit8 fuml in the pay-at to the Boara Of Meter wiMer8 fOP 800Otilbd Petit8, 188M.6 Or t0 b 188U.d t0 it. The rb8 pqU8At roquird w&r ArtlOle 7497 b eing l r8tor pemlt fee, rlmllw ¶.A ahwater to there required uwlor Article 7532, the abwe aud#ered OplAloA 18 oontrelll8& Bouse Bill 80. 77, pa8red 8t the Regular 888810~ of the 44th Leglrlrture, cruta the Upper ~olomdo ltlror Authorltr, OOBtd.IU 8UbrtUItl8ny lf POt id8AtiOa~, the I)- h-0 l8 8caete Bill lo. 0 p88d at the P0urt.h0dl.d 8C88loll,43rd ~(ri8~htl'b, orebtlng the Lov8r colorrdo River Authority. UnQrr the Act oreat* tb Upper Oolorado River hlthority it 18 dsCl4rrd t0 be 8 gOVel%WAtil 8&@ACy Uld body politla and OOllgonte" vith the poverr of gOlleZWeAt 8d rlth the ‘eUth O?iVJ t0lXe~Cl8e the rlghtr, priYil8g88, Md !'WCtiOne h8rdMft8r 8p8Oiribd'. 800 v8rnOA'8 bAUot8ted Ctvit 8totUte8, Tlitle l~8, Chapter 8 p. 618, 8ec. e, rubdlvlrlan (a) to (J), inC1U81Ve. m DOWOr thU8 OOAfO?l'bdUPOA the UPPOP COlOndO River AuthorlL~ are broad urd uple~ aothfag em be ad68d there- to or 18 l0quina by the permit of the b08rd 0r Voter ml- neer8. Thb re88OA8 &Jd COBO1U81W 8et OUt iA Attorney O6lkeX'@1'8Opi.MOn lo. o-4304, Ve bellove, 8FO rqrUlly lPp1108- ble for th8 purD08er of thl8 09lnlOn m lm Adopted herelor. It 18, th@nrOF@, OW OpinlOA th8t &tic108 r>)2 @M 749-f al'@ not applicable to the Upper Colorndo River Autbmlty, and the Authority h8 m Do ver to lxpeJaA it8 fundr la th8 pqaeAt to the m8rd 0r Uater sagin08r8 r0r 80-OOud prrrltr 188oea or to be 1@8Ued to it! t&t E-80 Bill n, 1. 8., 44th I.&g., CrUtiry the Upper Colorado River AUthOrity, h8 AOCO88Ol’tly 8Up@r8&d thb pWbXi8tbg 8tatUtb \mdOr VhiOh the mrb Or VatOr ~Ur8 18BU.8 it8 pndt8 id 80 t8P I8 the UP-r . . 540 ud tmror ~olomdo Rlvar Arathmltlor are aaaoenmI. Tmmtiry that the abow utlrrclotorlly lwern four lnqulry, ve reml~ four8 very truly ATTOIWXf OEUEMI, O? TEXM Oheoter B. 01118on bd8t8At

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7338

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017