- OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS &rroaNcv QsNeRAL Honorable %m. P. Davis County Auditor Ellis County Famhachie, Texas Ceer Sir: Option IJo.O-7363’ Re: Liabilityof the countyfor the cted these city prisonerspay fines into ie funds and Ellis County receivesnoth- In the Gllis maintenaxe and board wh.i.l.e Auong the powers grantedto aomqisoioners'courts is that of providing for Jails for their respeatlve-counties.(Arts. 2351 and 5115, V.A.C.S.) Article 5116, V.A.C.S., designates the sheriff as the keeper of tho jail of his cowty, and it is his duty to "keep therein 211 prieoners committed thereto by lawful authority, subject to the order of the proper court.". Article 5117 a*Ahorizes 585 ?lon.Wh P. Dwia - Pam3 2 t.hesherl$f60 rece&vQprisonersfMm the VnitadStatesMarshaf. and providesthat said i~%rahslis liable to the sherifffor the jail fees and other expenaoaof keepingsuch pri-sonere.llrticle 5118 deala w%th the sheriff'skeepingof prisonersfrom other comtiea anmdauthorizeshim to recoverfrom&u& other county the expensesattendingthe safekeeping08 such p&son&-s. Arti- cle 1040 C SIP., a&s forth the sheriffleallowancesfor the eafekee& I sup;3ort, and maintenanoeof pr&3Olmr6oonfi.nedin the county jawi. "til -6SB i66Ui~ Oll6Of 'PCO~Ol'TktiCd CQuft' eha3.lbe uemed by a polbeman or mwshal of the tit , 'wwn %T ,?ltllagQ 'l&w&a *ioh 1t it3eitwAtQd,'XNQT Jig game rules aa are pmwided by law for the serdoe by When the defendant in web t&see is mmitted to aiwmdy, he eha3.Ibe cmadttob to the custodyof dre chief of poltica or city marah& of such city, tmm or village,to be held by h&i:in acaerdane~with the ordi- nance providiw for the custodyof prisonersoonvleted beforesuch aorpomktloaaaWt.ll ~rticlag& Vrh.C.C2. 'The gover body of each imwporated city, ttownor vilsryse 3 s 1 by'ordinanoepr&crlbe ewh nilas,not inaomistent ~5th eny law of this State, a& my be properto onforae,by exeouSionagain@ the pro- , perty of the defendant,or zimprisoxmxmt 6f the r?ofendsS, HQn. wiil. P, Davis - Page 3 the collectionof au. costs and fines iqowd by swh o-our&,and shall &so have power to adopt such rulee andr~atians; conowning the practiceand proaedurein such court as mid gwerni.ngbody nay deem proper,not i.monuistentv.Itiimy law of this State. Al.1such fines shall be p@d into the city trwsury for the 1158and beneZi%of the city, town 6~ v%llage.1t In vhw of the above and foregoing,and in view of the facts aubdtted ft ie cur o&-&on that the c&unt~ colamissioners'court is not leg& authorfzedto pay a claim for feedingprisonerswho ax-63 awsitixqtrial in corporationoourt. 3AE:d:n
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7353
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017