Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  •                               ORNEY          GENE-L
    Hon. Paul L. Bognton,  President
    Stephen F. Austin State Teachers         College
    Nacogdoches, Texas
    Dear Sir:                       Opinion No. O-7352
    Re:   Authority    to expend a specific
    appropriation    for the construc-
    tion of a permanent improvement
    when the sum appropriated      is in-
    We acknowledge    your letter   of August 10, 1946, where-
    in you request    an opinion   of this department     on matters therein
    discussed,   which reads,    in substance,   as follows:
    The 49th Legislature        appropriated     to the Stephen
    F. Austin State Teachers College             for the year ending
    August 31, 1946, $24,000.00           for “steam tunnels      and
    steam pipes for main buildings.”               On three occasions,
    bids were requested        and in each instance        the same had
    to be rejected       because the bids were in excess          of the
    amount appropriated       . ComDaniea are not willing         to
    bid more closely       within    the range of costs      because of
    the uncertalntg       of material     and labor costs.       That the
    college    might realize      the sum appropriated,       we, desire
    to know whether we can let a contract,              a cost-plus
    contract,     with the stipulation        or agreement with the
    bidder    that the total      work done would not exceed
    $24,000.00,     and bidder would agree to complete            the
    unit in Its entirety        when moneys are mad,e available.
    The college      could get most of the work done on this
    basis,    and a contract      would be let in such a way that
    the bidder-company        would agree to complete        the unit
    upon which it shall work to its entirety.
    Under the facts       stated,     it is revealed   that the appro-
    priation   of $24,000.00     for steam tunnels       and steam
    main buildings     of the college       (Item 78, Acts 1945, $%Y``f;sla-
    ture, Regular Session,       Chapter 377, page 796) Is inadequate         to
    meet the present     day costs     of materials    and labor for the con-
    struction   and installation       of the steam system.       The basic
    question   involved   here is, we believe,,       whether the college
    has authority     to expend an appropriation        made for the construc-
    tion or installation      of the steam system contemplated         by the
    .   ,
    Hon.   Paul L. Boynton,      page   2            O-7352
    Legislature,     when the    sum appropriated       is   in fact       inadequate.
    It Is elemental,    of course,    that all power to approprl-
    ate money for public     purposes   or to incur any debt therefor,
    unless  given by the Constitution       to some other ind,ividual         or
    body politic,    rests  In the Legislature.       Sec. 6 of Art. VIII of
    the Texas Constitution,     provides    that “no money shall be drawn
    from~ the Treasury but In pursuance        of specific     appropriations
    made by flaw .‘I This provision     requires    speclficness     as to pur-
    pose as well ,as to amount.
    The type, of appropriation     which we are herein discussing
    Is a specific    appropriation     for a purpose which the Legislature
    contemplated    might be accomplished      within the sum appropriated
    therefor.     In other words, we believe        that the Legislature      in
    appropriating     Item 78 could have and did contemplate         the full
    complet%on of the construction         or installation     of a steam
    tunnel and pipe system for the main buildings            of the college,
    and provided    by Its appropriation      that the cost of the complete
    system should not exceed       $24,000.00       The Legislature    specified
    by its appropriation      to the college     the purpose for which it.
    should be expended and the specific          amount to be expended for
    the steam system In question.
    It is well known that it Is the custom with the Legls-
    lature    to appoint     committees      or boards to investigate       the needs
    of public     Institutions       and to pass appropriation       bills   for
    definite    amounts for the support,          maintenance     and erection       of
    bulldlngs    Andy other permanent Improvements therefor.                Articles
    688, 689, 68qa-2,        689a-7,    V.A.C.S.;    State v. Hardeman, 
    163 S.W. 1020
    .     We do not think the passage of the appropriation                 bill,
    above referred       to    wherein the specific       amount of $24,000 was
    appropriated      for ‘steam tunnels        and steam pipes for maln build-
    ings” for the College,           the Legislature     intended   to grant the
    trustees    thereof     discretion     to incur liabilities       on the part of
    the State for more than this amount.
    All public    offices    and officers      are creatures     of the
    law.    The powers and duties        of public    officers     are defined     and
    limited    by law.    22 Ruling Case Law, page 555. Public               officers
    may make only such contract          with the government they represent
    as they are authorized         by law to make.       Fort Worth Cavalry Club
    vs. Sheppard,     125 Texas, 339.        In our   opinion.,,   the approprlatlon
    law authorized     In effect      the proper officials        of the College      to
    make a contract     blnding upon the State for the erection,                con-
    struction    or installation       of the steam system in question            and
    fixing    the amount to be spent therefor,           by impllcatlon,      declared
    that the cost of the steam tunnels            and steam plpes for main
    buildings    should in no case exceed $24,000.               This was a llmita-
    tion on the authority        of the agents~representing           the State,     and
    any efforts     on their    part that would attempt to impose upon the
    Hon.     Paul L. Boynton,      page 3                O-7352
    State a contract     that would Increase   its liability   beyond the
    amount stipulated     In the appropriation    would be clearly   un-
    authorlzed,   and would be an act not binding       on the government.
    Nichols   vs. State,    
    32 S.W. 452
    ; State v. Halderman, 
    163 S.W. 1020
    Considering     the facts     herein quoted,   wherein It Is
    apparent that the College          cannot contract     for the construction
    or installation      of a completed       steam system as contemplated      in
    the quoted appropriation         bill   at a cost of $24,000.00,      or less,
    we are of the opinion        that the College      cannot let a contract
    stipulating     with the bidder       that the total    work done would not
    exceed $24,000 and wherein the bidder would agree to complete
    the unit in its entirety         when moneys are made available,        for
    the reasons     hereinabove     stated.
    Trusting    the   above    satisfactorily      answers   your   in-
    quiry,     we~remain
    Very    truly   yours,
    By s/Chester    E. Ollison,
    Chester E. Ollison
    APPROVEDAUG 19, 1946
    s/Ocle   Speer
    Approved     Opinion    Committee      By s/BWB Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7352

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017