Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  •                                                                             753
    Ron. A. T. Prlbble
    County Attorney
    Hills county
    Ooldthvaite,  Texaa
    Desr Slrr               Opinion   No. O-7166
    same )Qildlng~        Na$ the proceeds of sn
    ' lnsurance',poI&cy         vhtFh vere collected  vhen a
    h uildlng        in (I  &owon  school district  vas destroyed
    b$. fire,      b,e'us&ito pey off outstanding bonds?"
    '..,_ \J,.'       .~
    Article   2753, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes,
    rends as fQ&&ovs:
    "The trustees of sng school district,
    upon the order of the county trustees   prescribing
    the terms thereof, vhen deemed advisable,    may mske
    Hon.   A.   T. Prlbble   - Page 2
    sale of any property belonging     to said school
    diatrlct,  and apply the Proceeds to the purchase
    of necessary  grounds,   or to the build-    or re-
    pairing of school houses, or place the proceeds to
    the credit of the nvellable    school fund of the
    aistrict.”   (Underscoring   oura)
    We think it lr clear that under the provisions        of
    the above article   the school trustees   could purchase or
    build e nev building vith the funds derived from the sale
    you mentioned.    We assume that the trustees have determined
    there is no need for addltlonal    grounds or a nev bulldng and
    that they have complied vith the provlslons      of the article
    tid placed the proceeds to the credit of the available
    school funda of the dlstrlct.     It then rests upon us to
    determine for vhat purposes the available      echo&l fund of the
    district  may be used.
    Article 2827, V. A. C. S., subsections   1 and 2 set
    out the purposes for which State and county and the loca.1
    school funds may be used.  These, tvo sections  read as
    “Sec. 1. The State and county available
    funds shall be used exclusively    for the payment
    of teachers’ and superlntend&ta8      selarles, fees
    for taking the scholastic   census, aud lnterest
    on money borroved on short time to pay salaries
    of teachers and superintendents,    when these ssla-
    rles become due before the school funds for the
    current year become eveileble;    provided that no
    loans for the purpose of payment of teachers shall
    be pald out of funds other than those for the
    then current year.
    “2.   Lacal school funda from district
    taxes, tuition fees of pupils not entitled      to
    free tuition   and other local sources may be l?sed for
    the purposes enumerated for State and county Punds
    and for purchaeing appliances    end supplies.   for the
    payment of insurance premiums, janitors      and other
    emplcyea, for buying school sites,    buying, bullding
    and repairing and ranting school houses, and for other
    purposes necessnry in the conduct of the public
    schools to be determined by the Board of TNstaes,        the
    accounts and vouchers for county districts      to be ap-
    Eon. A.   T. Prlbble   - Page 3
    proved by the county superintendent;   provided,  that
    when the Stnte available   school fund in any city or
    dlstrlct is sufflclant   to mnlntaln the schools
    thereof ln eny yeep for at least eight months, and
    leevs 0 surplus, such surplus mey be expended for the
    purposes mentioned herein.”
    As ve read the above two sections         of Article   2827.
    It is our opinion that the county evalleble            school fund of the ‘-
    district   could be spent for only those purposes enumerated i.n
    Subsectgon 1. Neither the construction          of buildings     nor the
    peymant of outstnnding bonded indebtedness           is amoe the
    authorized   uses.    Hovever, Subsection 2, dealing with the local
    echool funds derived from district         taxes and other local sources
    may be used for “~rchaalng        applis,ncas and eupplles.       for the
    payment of insurance premliias . . . and for oiher piwposes
    necessary   in the conduct of the public schools to be deteraned
    by the Joard of TNstees.       . . .I’     Subsection    2 of the Article
    further provides that *hen ttie Btete avelleble            school fund in
    any city or district     le atiflclent     to maintain the schools for
    at least eight months, and leave a surplus,            such surplus may be
    expended for the pur~oaes mentioned in the subsection.                 This
    deparr;sanr, in construing    the effect    Of this language held:
    “The statutory   euthorlty   concerning
    use of such surplus State available      funds is
    therefore,  in our opinion,   broad enough to permit
    use of such funds in retirement      of bonded lndebted-
    ness of 8 school district.”
    It is our opinion therefore    that the funds you
    received   from the sale of 6 school building,     having been pl&cad
    in the district’s    local funds account, lpeybe expended for the
    retirement    of bonds vhlch vere issued for the purpose of,obtein-
    lng necessary funds to construct     the building.
    In msver to a question regarding the uses for                      .
    vhlch money collected  8s fi?re insurance on the school building
    destroyed by flra,thia  department held, Ln its Opinion No. 3-454,
    es follows:
    “Our pnsver to your first   question la thst
    the money collected   8s fire LnsumU’lce on the school
    building destroyed by fire is 0 local fund and ten
    only be used for those school purposes enumersted in
    section  2 of Article  2827.”
    756 *
    Hon. A. T. Prlbble    - Page 4
    In vlev of our mover to your first   question
    end our rensons therefor,  ve nnsver your second qucstlon
    in the cffirm6tive.
    Truatlng    the above ful17   nnsvers   your questions,
    ve are
    Yours very truly
    -I‘\                               /-              A
    E. n. D&&in          -

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7166

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017