Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

    mlwmble   a. 5. b6sm?enball
    County AudiOor, Chambem County
    Amhuao,   Texas
    Rer   Authorsty     or the ~count~arrk to
    tura   ofor   to tha Tow8 Sat0   Hi*-
    Your npuost   on tha abow   8
    8 the CouutT aidf
    S0Paios10n.r~     ant
    F in8truotlus     th6
    0t!k l   llr
    would like ro%tleflbl
    ., (At?tm 184~) ~Z'Orib~sr
    ho ha8 oattla, boaa, 6becp or .@etr #hall
    roeord bin brand in (18mmg     oountir       68 he tIresaneeeamrr.”
    A>-tio1eaem, V.A.C.z3.* (Aoto 1BM)        pmrlder:
    "The olericaof tke oomty o:,uTt8in their res~eOtiQ4B
    oou:ltties ~shall.keep 8 well bound boo%, in 0%ah
    they aball
    reoonl the onrkn am? bmnda of aaeh indlrfd~ualwho way a:,ply
    for tbet gurpxm*. noting ln *very Inrteaa6 ,thedete
    to the.26
    non. c.     c. Mandanhall - Page e
    on whlob the brand or merk la rrosrdsu.-
    provided for 113the foregoing artlele
    The moor&e                                    here
    bbOoze     Void &U?ff
    of GOfor06 IAte OmOt by Vim0  Or the pXWi4iOtU
    of I<.?.17G, ChsQpter315, hota of the a(3t.h
    Le&lslature, R.S., ~8s
    471 wtziohis 86 follows:
    *An Aot providing for    the x8-moordlw     of mrka and brands;
    amendl+f Chapter 1 of ?ltla 12, Revised Civil 8tatutae or Texee.
    1936, addln~ thereto an Artiole numbered 6899; deobrtao the re-
    cordi*    of 611 mark8 and brands haretorora      made null ani told;
    pXWld~inR right t0 XWOXd bmDd rOX CbXbiII          pOI%Odi pWidiiQ$
    for fmfeltur6 or auoh right ff not exsMl8ed within oartaln per-
    id; prov$dfrq for aale or t:ranafer of brands by owner; provldl~
    for reoordln~ or re-raoordi~       or brand .iar mark lf no other paraon
    ban ~aought to record auoh brand or mark rag4rdlam of whether or
    not, ;tte person aaaklng to reoord suoh bra& or mark her prarloual~
    moordad s~bmxl,      sxosptlng oountlaa imu the pmrldonr         of the
    Rot wtilohahall'hara rs-raoordod brand8 or -:arkai&thin the lea6
    five 45) paare; repealing all laws or part4 of law4 in oonfllot;
    a.zd daolarlng   an ea~i~ganoy.
    *Yaotlon 1~. That Chapter 1, Title 121, Revlsod Civil Set-
    utea :of Texas, 1923, ba emendbtlby adCinpl after Art1010 8898 an
    Artiole    numbered 6899 to rbad (18 follower
    *'Art1018 6898.
    *';,llreoorde of zzarksand brands heretofore made aa pro-
    rldeU ln tk.lsChapter, ewospt all oounty brande, akall beooma
    vollr and of no foroe ‘cad effeot on the let day of Ootober, 1943,
    end avary penon ~20 has oattle,    fiog8, sheep, or goata ahull bare
    kla mark cmtlbrsnd recordsd or ro-rroorded In eooordanae with
    krtlole 6F,PCanC Artlole 68PB.
    "*The 1s;;alowner of t brand and/or mark shall have IIpre-
    ferentlel rl&t to reoort mob brand end/or mark for I perlod of
    two (2) yearab from the 1st day of Ootober,   1943, but if such prt-
    ferentiel rlcht 1s not exemlaeU witkln auoh two (8) peara the
    same s!mll be forfalted    and such brand and/or mark ahsll be aub-
    jeet to re$stmtlon      by my person, end tks first goraon to
    rboord the tatme shall ba Me owner 06 the same.
    *'Any brfm! reaorded in aocordame wltO the requlreinentaof
    Via Aot shell be oonal4e``d es the property of the person eaw-
    1% nuch reoord to be made nnd shall be subjeot to mile, easlgn-
    , transfer, devise end deaoent fhe mme as other geraonal
    .j&n. c. 0.   Bisndenhall- Pag 3
    rbaord 6uah brand and/or msrk as he may
    *‘hng person !:.ay
    desire to use provided no other person has          suah brand
    r eo o r dsd
    and/or mark, without regard to whether or not suoh person her
    previously reoorded a brand and/or mark.
    “*This hot shal,lnot apply to any oountp whlah shall have
    rs-reoorded all brand8 and marks within the past five (5) years.9
    “3eotion E . All lawa or part6 of lawa in oonfllot herawlth
    are hereby repealed.
    Yiaotion 3. The ract that 80 many reoorded marka and brands
    are out of date and have no ownerrhip,and are an nnneooeaary
    enounbemnce on the moordr of the County alerkr or rarlouo    ooun-
    tlea, oreatea an emergenoyan4 an lmpemtio~ pub110 neooeolty
    that the ConatltutlonalRule requiringbllla to be read on three
    several days ln eaoh fioueebe aurpedled,  and said Rule la hereby
    suspended and this AOt ahall take eifefib an4 be in foree irom an4
    after Its passage, and it le 80 enaots4.w
    It 1s a relonp, under Artlole 1002, V,A.>.C., ior any person,
    rlthout authority of law, to destroy any book, paper or reeord required
    ox permitted by law to be kept by any orrlcer wlthln thle state.
    The brand reoord books provided for In ArtlOle dSW3, supm,
    are publla reootia an4 muat ba kept by the County clerk until autborlded
    by the Legislature to dertroy them or turn them over to some other per-
    son or aasoolatlon. AlthouCihF.B. 
    170, supra
    , maker tMad reoords to14
    an4 or no roroe and etfaat, it 414 not authorlea deetruotlon or removal
    or aaid ~-800~68rrom the county clerk``8 orrioe. In the absence or legls-
    latlvs authority it la our opinion that the 014 bran4 noor books oan
    net be given to the Texas RlstorloalAsnoolatlon but must be kept by the
    County Clerk.
    Yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7157

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017