OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honoreble Thorn8 H . Robert 8011 County Attorney, Camp County Pitt rburg, Teur Dear Sir: Oplaloa no. o-7153 RI: Cm rharlff iO&aiiJ luk0 charge r0r ltten4lng 8COIa8 q u o ted l 8 sollourt to the 8cene of 1 at the 8cene 1 injured, an4 h8 sherlfr take8 ````````m``- under taker. an r the injured cal attention. over four hours Upon the arrival af the dead man’s fath.d, the next day after the accident, the sheriff &urned .the dead man’s personal effects over to the iabe?, who asked the sheriff, what he owed him. The 8heriff replied that he thought $20.00 would be a lab payment. Honorable Thomas E. Robertron - Page 2 “The qw8tfon 8ubmitted f8: Under these factr, cm the Sheriff legally make a charge for thlr rervlce ren4ere47 “18 thlr collection un4er the above fact8 in vlolatlon of Art. 365 P.C.1” Article 41, Code of Criminal Proce4ure. provides ln part that each 8herlff -11 be a oonwrvetor of the peace ia hlr aount~, an4 rhll lr r er t all offender8 against the laur of the State, in hi8 vlev or hear log, 4114 take them before the proper court Sor exminatlon or trial. Articlee 968-989, Code or Crbnhel nocedure, pro- vider for proosedingr ln lnque8tr upon 4ea4 bodle8. Uhlle the rherlff, a8 l “con8er?ator of the peace” vould 8eem to be within the rcope of hi8 offlclal duty la attending promptly the 8cene of a violent death ulthln his county bad the 8Ub8eqWnt 1nQwrt thereon, yet he 18 not en- titled to a fee of office for r;uch attendance for the rea8on that now Is provided by lnw. See enclo8e4 copy of Opinion No. O-5432 for rlmllar holding in regard to constable ‘8 fees. Of courae, if an lrre8t 18 made by virtue of such lnvestlgation of the fatality than the regular fees provided by law vould be avalleble. It 18 well Irettled a8 law that an officer 18 not entitled to receive any CompenMtioa for hi8 offlclal services other than that which ha8 beea provided by law. Be may not recover from third perscm compensatlm for the perfcrnance of an act within the 8cope of his official duties. See en- closed copy of Opinion 80. O-773, and als3 34 Tex. Jur. 53’;. As to acts which an officer is under n3 o’cligatlzn to perform because of his official character, he stand3 as does any nonof f 1c :a1 person; what such a person may lawfully do he may 40, and contracts vhlch the private lndivldual may make and enforce he may make and enforce. 34 lex. Jur. 534- 535 ; I Honorable Thoma8 E. Robert ran - Page 2 ffter l c a r eful M a r c h 0s the rtatute8 ve are UQ- able to f la4 any off loibl duty placed upon a rher ltf to take charge 0s the perronal belonging8 0s an accident victim or, however laudable it MJ be, to carry the injured to a horpltal or call an undertaker for the dead. Thlr vould seem to be a duty coaunon to all per8on8, private or 0rriciai, owed to any human in di8tre88. Any oharge made for ruch 8ervice8 rendered vould rtaad or fall un4er the civil lav pertaining to recover- le8 on oontraotr or qwntum merult. In no event vould it be COnlridOred a8 a fee Of Off iOe. Article 365, Penal Code of Texar, 18 a8 fOiiOV8: ‘Ifany offlcar or per8oa ruthorlred by lav to dewad or receive fee8 0s 0rrice, 8hall ~iiiruii~ collect for himwlf or for another any fee or fee8 not alloved by lav, or any money a8 a purported fee for a 8ervlee or act not done, or any fee or Seer due him by lav in exca88 0s the fee or fee8 alloved by lav for such aervice8, he shall be confined in the penitentiary not IS88 than ~VO or more than five years for each offense.n It 18 plain that raid next lforementlone4 article deal8 only ulth fee8 for an offlclal act done or for the failure to 40 6n 0rrlciai --- &. - Therefore, unle88 raid 8herlff collect3 or collected 8ald sum of money a8 a fee for the doing of an official act or for his failure to do an official act which it was hLs legal duty to do, we are constrained TV hold that he has not violated any law. Yours very truly ATTORNEYOENZN OF TEXAS By &&-IL+<- ??lgLzGj Robert L. kttlmore, Jr. RLL:zd Assistant Encl. /----- ‘; -1
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7153
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017