‘a OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATrO”NWGCNLIAL Aon.John C. Marbur@c county Attarno~ PaTotto County LaOrange, Tcxam Dear Slrr oplnlon MO. o-7147 Ret Uhetthm recmiptr of mchool dirt&et 8umt k depomited ln rchool depomltory aad related mttelr "I have Jurt ~eceiv froa the COuzeJ SuperlIlt 14 to l8slrt t vho indicate c recelptr the during tb rchool total amount allotted. Ural Aid rchool dimtrlcta e and loaal maintenance tax These depoalts do not at reported OQ in the Deposlto~'r a copy of vNch 1~ rent to the State Departmnt of Sducatlon. "Deporltlng ncelptr (a&m01 money) in rpeclal lccouatr ir illegal bocaumr the Depomltory mrt ra- port and account for all lohool ronor. But, it 11 papeat&, tbore rmcrlptm am deducted fra the awkmt 659 Hon. John C. Mrburger - Page 2 oi state aid to vNoh ths district is entitled. 'Therefore, the quertlon vNoh ve 001 ask is this - isa7a meadlag school district pa7 bus tMB8pOFtatiOB l~EIS~S, all or part of a teacherto ralaw, etc.. for the recalvlng school district? "For exuple, the LUbaBge Indepetient School District (the reoelvlng dlstrlct) transports all grader above the fifth of the Eolmn School Dls- trict (sends dlstrlct~8M mbs brlilnble to thou 811 tlmlduaatlaml faellltle8 orfered to its mm pupilr. In retum, or a s l amslderatlaa, ths ROU ComMB School Dlstriot pa78 b7 van-ant #l%O.OO to L&ramge for this rerrlce. L&range, it it deporitr thi8 Peeeipt to ltr Available School fuad (ths memo7 Is paid b7 Iiolmn fror its Avall- able School fund and/or it8 Looal ~inteMnc8 tax fund) or its Local Maintenance tax fund, till have $lggO,OO deducted from it8 allotted Rural Aid "Rov - if Bolman r7 pa7 part of one teaoher's salar7 and/or a portion of ths garollne, 011 and repair bills, etc. iOr th8 -range Independrnt School District, this sum of )lg90.00 vi11 not appear as a receipt in the LaDrange Independent School District's port&m of the hpositor7'r ABBual 8tat8- mnt. It vi11 on17 appear as a di8bursemnt b7 Holrsr to an lndlvldual for SOlViCe rendered for the Rolmn colmoo School Dlstrlot iB the Deposltor7'r B Statemat aridtNs practice vlll perult all our Rural Aid Dirtriot: to aontlnue to quallf7 for State Aid rons7. . . . The above oonaluder ttm question propounded to 7ou b7 the Count7 Superinteadait, and four requert and opiaion t&NN WEitiBUO8 a8 fOllOWI don. John C. Marburger - Page 3 "In connection vlth tNs request, I vlsh to refer 7ou to your Opinion lo. O-6931, and it ap- pears to me that the authority thsreln cited ansvers tNs question. In addition I am also herevlth en- closl~g a 0097 of an opinion that the depository received from its attorne7, vNoh u7 also be help- ful in ansvering the above questions. *You am further advlmed that the First IIatloBal Unk of L&r-e is the dul7 #elected and qualified County Deposlto~,aml fbrtherthttha Ldtmnge In- depeldent Sohool Distrlat levies axnloolleotr a maintenance tax for the purpose of supplemefit~ the Availabls School Pund rscelved from the State and CouBt7. "You am further advised th&t The ?lrat !?atlonal Bank of LaDrange la also the dul7 selrcted and qual- ified deposltorJ for the L&range IBdepend&nt School District. *In ldcCorke1v. District Trustee8, etc., 121 S.W. (26) 1048, (no vrlt) it van held that a quasi public corporation, such as a 8chool dlstrlct, vNch oven special dut7 to ths public, ms7 not enter into m7 contract not express17 authorlaed b7 lav or necessarll7 implied from povers expressl7 granted. The same case also holds that "'The statute does Bot luthorlse bfndlng cantracts betveen ths trustees of the tvo dlstrlcts under ths clrcumstaBcesof said case, as contrxts am ordlrurll7 understood.* SO8 also Thompson v. Elmo InbOpOBdOBt School District, 269 S. U. 86. "Therefore, l? the above is true, the Bolmn School Dlstrlct could not oontract vlth the I&range School District for the payment b7 the Holman School Dlrtrlot or the bill8 O? tb LaD-0 Mao01 DlStrlet, vhether vlth or vlthout CoBrideratioB. I? It is slid that the OOBSidOratiOn for ths payment of thse bills ID in- 8tructloB of ths Holvn ptalls, then certain17 the LaDrange School Dlstrlot is Ircelvlng rbluabl8 aonsld8ra- tlon and certain17 must be reported as receipts as la 661 “ BOB. John C. Marburger - Page )4 1, required b7 5. B. 167, 49th Laglslature,Regular c Scsslon, being Article 2, Seotlon 1 of said Bill as it appears on page @I2 0r Volume 5, Vernon'8 i Texas Session Lav Service, vNch article and section . 1s quoted in full in your Oplnlon Ro. O-6931. said + Bill specl?lcall7 requlras that the LaDrange School District is required to report. . . . mlscellaneou8 receipts. It appears to ms that if the LaOrange School Dintriot vere not required to report such payments, evea I? legal, thsB it vould be possible to evade ths real purpose of the Rural Aid Lav. As I understand the Rural Aid Lav, its purpome is to assist all schools in need, and in order to dotemine tNs, said school districts mat report their total as vell as their total reaelpts, a&iii dl ?erence.vlll represent their need, vNch the State =F=' attempts to satisfy. I? ths above mentioned pa7msnts or receipts made by the Holmsn School District for the LaOrange School District vere not required to be reported, it seems to me that the LsGrsnge District vould not be reporting all receipts, because after all, the L&range Dlstrlct 8ould certalnl7 be re- celvlng the benerlt 0r payments made for and in Its behalf. *I did not get to search ths authorltles as thorough17 as I vould have liked to, but it strikes ms that the Rural Aid Lav attempt0 to help schools l.nnoed, and therefore, for the schools to be fair vith tr State, the7 should be required to report a 1 recel ts vhether they am received direct17 or lndu possible, ve vould also like to have your OpiniOB on whether or not the deposltor7 Is authorized to make such payments, and for this purpose and for the othsr ques- tions submttted, I am herevith enclosing the above msntioned cop7 of the opLnion rendered to the depository. “So please let us have 7our oplnlon on ths above matters at the earllest possible dat8.' We quote from thr opinion of ths attorne7 for the bank vNch 7ou sent us, as ?ollovsl "You have asked our oplnlon on certa%n questiQII8, hrelnafter set out, lrl8lng out 0r the r0ii0wkg fact sltuatlon. The LaOraage Independent School Dirtriot has offered for deposit 8 varrant papble to it, issued 662 BOB. JohnC.Rarbu~Re~ - Page 4 by ths Ulncheate~ Comon School Dlstrlct lo. 17, in the Bum 0r f5oo.00, to be paid out or ths Avall- able Fund of the Winchester District as a pa7tsent under its contract for tuition. You vere requested to deposit tNs amount In the Buslneas Admlnlstratlon Fund, vhtoh, I understand, has not been recognlsed as an account covering school ?uads, In explanation or that request 7ou vere advised that if the Qeposlt van m&is to school tunds, thereb7 made to appear OB your snnual report to the State &XpOriBtOBdeBt, the LuOrsnge District vould lose certain State aid. The Flrst Rationat Bank la depositor7 for both dlstrlcts. "You ask, first, vhether the bank can place a varrant payable to a school dlstrlot for vNch it is depositor7 In an bcoount other than an account recog- nlaed a~4 designated as ooverlng sahool ?unda; seaond, vhether the bank can legally pa7 a varrant dravn b7 8 district for vNch it 1s depository, vlthout llsblllty, I? the varrant la deposited by ths payee, school dls- trict, In some other bank, “Ve have had the benefit of an Approved Opinion No. of the, Attorney o-6931 General of Texas, dated November 23, 1945, vhereln he rules that a Rural High School la required to deposit school funds in the de- pository bank and no other. We have cxtenF.ed our search of ths statutes and authorltles to detersline vhether independent school dlatrlcts and COLUSO~school dlstrlcte are subJect to the same restrlctloas. . . . (citing nupbrous luthorltles) n Ye ttirefon l.c~ of the opinion that the W ai tie&x31tory is not required to inquire Into the valldlt7 of a varrmt, but is responsible for the pa7- sent 0r a varrant vhere It has knovledge or fact8 rendering ths transaction Improper, or vhere the varrant OB Its face discloses it Is improper. “The First Aatlmrl 0ank of I&range la depositor7 for both or the districts under considerationhere, 00 that it could not den7 having knovledge of ths lllegallt7 or ths deposit or a varrant 0r the one district in another bank. In our opinion th8 bank r7 not pay such varrant vlthout rirk to ltselr. lie,therefore, snsver ths second question Sn the negative, 663 BOB. John C. Marburger --Page 5 ‘I ‘Ys are not unavare that these trantactlons 1sa7also lmpome llabllltles UPOB the various trustee8 or the oount.7superintendent,but the fact that the trustees 587 have to account in their individual capacity for iunds vNoh the7 do not deposit in ths authorlsed deposltorJ, or that they may bs liable to ths authorlsed depositor7 for ten per cent of the 8~ the7 failed to deposit therein, vould BOt avoid the fact that the depositor7 right also be liable. Tha depository could not use ths llablllt7 of an7 other person a8 a defense to an7 claim against it. %e do not undertaka to render an7 oplnlon OPI the duties and llahlllt:es of the various rchool districts or their offlcere since you are lntereertcdb,,le17 ln ths remponslbllltlesand duties of the bank. Eovov,,,. since it has been suggested to you that the one school dis- trlat pays aortain bills of the LaOx+angeDistrict, vs do ma7 that in our opinion, this cannot be done. The POV,,~ of the trustees to SpSBd funds la on17 that vNah 1s granted b7 statute and then, la no authorltatlon of sny dlstriot to pay the debt8 of another." 0plNo1.1Ro. o-6931 of tNs Department holds: 1. It Is not legal for a school district to depnsit school ?unds ln an7 bank other than the school deporltor7. 2. A school dlstrlot seeklng State aid aunt repqpt - all income In order to qualify for State aid. We enclose herevlth a cop7 of Opinion Ao. O-6931. ArtlCl8 II, Section 1, Senate Bill 167, 49th Lrelmlatur8 of Texas, reads aI ?ollovsI "Article II, TRE APPLICATIOR FOR SlYATRAID." %ectloB 1. The trusteer of ths dlstrlcts authorlted to lpp17 for aid under the provlslons of tNs Aat shall soad to the State Superintendent of Public Inrtructloa on font provldad b7 said Authorltl, vNch font have been approved b7 the Isglslatlve Accouttaat, all ln?olstlon that ma7 be rewired. Yslq foru vi11 inolude a budget b7 vNch th8 Wunt Of Sala aid to vNahe~lschool vi11 be lllglble rhall be deterrined. Ths w Ott &a shovn in tald budnet vlu r 664 * Bon. John C. Warburger - Page 6 include the state and county available and local maintenance balances browht forward from the we- ceding year. state and county avallable and local melntenancs receiDt8 for the current Year. tuttlon to be collected locallf. and miscellaneous receipta. The expendltun vi11 iaclude salarler of teacher8 as deterdried b7 tba #alar7 schedule stated herein, and a mxlru of Tvo Hundred Ten Dollars ($210.00) per teaaher per year in lcore6lted schools and OBe XuBdred Hinet Dollars ($190.00) per teacher per year in uaaccredlted 8ohools for other current expenses; provided that I? for either year of the blennllu ths Salary Aid Alloaatlon shall be lnsu??lclentto guarantee the said Tvo Hundred Ten Dollars ($210.00) and f&e IhrndredHinet Dollars ($190.00) for CllPl’OBt operatIng.expeBses,the State Superintendent,vIth the approval of the LeglslatIve Acoountant, is em- povered to reduce all grants for that purpose proportlon- ately. The total amount of amwove emendlture less the total amount of receipt8 vi11 be the Mount of Salary Nd to which a school vi11 be ellalble~ provided in BO ease vi11 8uch amount exceed the approved amount of teachers salaries. The State Superintendent shall, subdect to the provlrlons of tN8 Aot, upon bPPrOVa1 Of tkn Legis- latlve Accountant grant to tb rchool an amount of aid am ~111, vlth state end count7 available funds, together with all other funds including tuition, mslntaln ths school for such a period aad in such e manner am authorized in tN8 Act; provided that 8chool dlstrlcts qurll?yIng for salar7 ald under the provlsloB8 of tNs Act 1~37use this aid either to malnteln a school in the horn district or to provide school ?acllltl8s for ths bona fide szholastlcs of ths dlstrlcts in 8om other school or higher rank. Ths appllcatlons sbll bs SVOA to by the county superlnteadent or all CoaOB School Dlstrlcts and pre#ideBt~aBd secntar7 Of th8 board of trustee8 of all fpdependent School Dlrtrictr appl7Ing for aid. sohool districts lc o ep tlBagla under the provloloBs of this Act shall 8&l% in the dlstrL- butlaa of State and county lvallable sohool vo and in all other funds am herein ma7 br provided. (Pnder- scoring oure). You 8XU respectful17advIsed tht tt 18 tbr 0piJllonor this I 665 Bon. John C. krburgsr - Pqe 7 department th&t you and the attorney for tha bank hvr correctly ansvered the question8 submitted. I Very truly your8 r.------- UJPlbt *
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7147
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017