- OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS A'TTORNEI GENEtuL Honorable Alton C. Arnold County Attorney Breeorla County Aagleton, Texas Dea: Kr. Arnold: opinion No. o-7144 You request an opinion qaeation fitatsdas tollowar T3ome questlon~he8 tion of Artiel od $500.00. we n upon the fol- correctly states know whether ua- ~wald be authorited are h&e m6ntloned,t Zlth\BoaootJune,'19(6, &use m. lstrlat aourt of Brazoria County, Maxle Lloyd Wt'ilbanks, et al v. ., et 61, aeme up tir hearing ou etween the parties to try ad same in vacation. Maxis Lloyd Wll- lnor, 13 yeartiof a@, cued by next frleizdas authorfxsd by Rule 44, Vernen's Tex- e&Rule; OiviZ Proaedure. The father OP the minor was 8180 a party Plaintiff. uJ&gnent was ret&red by the Court ap- proving the agreed esttLement between the par- Honorable Alton C. Arnold - pap;e2 ties and awarding ONE THOUSAND AND X0/100 ($1.000.00)DOLLARS or the recoverygranted plaintltrs to the minor, !daxleLloyd Xllbanke, and awardin ORE TF~OUSLWJEIBRT ?fUNDIiECFIFTY AXa X0/100 7$1,850.00)DSUXl of reaovery to Carl A. Xilbanks, the rather. W. 0. Savage as next rrlendon June 13, 1946, the same date as the jud@xent,rlled his appliaation,mmlng the Court to Invest the #l,OOO.OO reaorery oi the minor in U. S. OOY- ernment bonds, payable to th@ order or said l&xl8 Lloyd Wilbanka, the minor plalntlfr. "On the aam,dete the Court atier a hear- ing on the appl.iaatlon ior the investmentor 8uah runde ordered that the $l,OOO.OO whioh had been pai4 into the nglrtry otthe Court tar suoh miaor bo lnromted In U. S. @oorsrnment bonds ln the name and payable to the order ofhfaxle Lloyd Wilbanks, '"mloh *pplloql3a;~ order to imwt hUId8 "Illrirr 0r'thO eont8nt8 or Artlols ZEtoo, Qertum*8AnnotattiBlril Stattrte8or Texa8 whloh plYHid ror.the&%&d&l& Of rnnb8 dO~8it.d ill the nglst``or the 00~1% pendingthe mxteoms oi lltd~atlon, i8 .thoardor of tbs Ooort aotin#Jun- Qer Section 4* AFtiole 1994 proper, and .ail.l the Distrlat Clerk aot uader 8-h order be then di8Ohargad from liab 9 lity for the 8arekeep5.qof 8tMh rul&S?" Your problan 18 8olwd by a pm or interpretation of. 8Ub4iVi8iOR 4 Of Artlale 1994. The g;rfidJ E0 6W3.8 With tbs 8Ub- je& of 8Ult8 by AleXt friend DE b.h~t Of EhOLOfl, 1WlatiO8, idiot&%, OF &WWSOnSIlOl2 UWigO8 lQMtl8,.diOh8FO M l.s@ ~USlrditUl. Subdi- ti8fOn8 1 end f2are aupmvmdenl bJ Rule 44 Of oar Baotlee a5U Proaodare In Civil Aetlon8~ but *Pate8 S 80 6 or the As%1016 are not ,deemed to be repealed,but am oomaideredbeyond the soope or the rule+aking powerIn (see comment en Rule 44) Honorable klton C. Arnold - page 5 SubdIvIsiona3 and 4 deal with the aontml of fund8 or property recoveradby the next itrlend,and are as fOiiOW8t “3. In 8uah OaaW When a jUd.pmnt IS reaovere~ Tar money or other personal property the value of whloh doas not exoeed five hundred dollars,,the . aourt. may by an order entered OX reoord, authorize suoh next rrIen& or other person to take oharge of euah money or other property for the use and benefit of the plaintiffwheh he has executed a proper bocd in a 8um at least double the value of thz property, pay- abl.et:,the aouhty judge, oondltloned that he will pay said money with lawful interest thereon or de- liver eald propertyand its inoraase to the person entitled to moeive~the mum when ordered by'the OOU~"~to do 80, ahd that he will use suoh money OT property for the benaflt of the owner under the dl- reotfon of the oaurt. I ,Part 8 deals 8peaIfIoallywith a noovery which doe8 hat exoecd $500.00 In value. RIOthat Seotlon Is aut of .theoon`` tion. Part i deal8 IB geucral with any judgment In favor of a sex% friend of such,a&nor, or other Inooapetent, an,4lxprr88l.y provider for a ju4gmeat or the oourt authexlelag the invO8tUUt .0r the rw8 aaarulng un4er sash judgment. ThIe 3eotIan ow0r8 the 0188 stated by you,'nnd Is aontrolling. 'c Article 2290 oitad by ymx ha8 no cpplioatlonto yo& \ 8ituation, for It deala with money, eta., "paid or Qapo8lted in aourt tiring .theprogress of any cause to abide result of e;ly legal prooeeding.R That Ibl'xotthe @a68 before US. PatiUo '1.AllI8on, 51 5.S. (2) 1041, cited by you, I8 In pal&, and supports the oonaluslon we have here ennounoed. So that.,speoitioally,your queetlon Is answered to the effeot thet the jutfigment of the ZIstrIot Oourt authoriz,Ing the in- IiCinorable Alton c. Arnold - page 4 vest&t of tho~mlnor*s’fuw& in U. 5. Oovernmentbonds& pay- able to the order or the m&nor, la ralla, a& the Dfstrlot . clerk roulilbe autholzed,and even bound by ita tams, and ha and his bondfmen would be pmteotd thereunderfMma any and tillllablliiq for bari~ obeyed aad exeouted the-jPgment. Very truly.your8 gppmrsdr Qpitionoonzlllttee ‘: :_ : ‘, ,_
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7144
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017