Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLERS Asmr~rr GMIRAL am. Raymond L. Rillm~I ~b~Lrsmn, Tems State PRrks Board Austin, Texes Denr SLrt Attentlont Mr. E. B. CsPiade Opinion No. O-7120 Ret Icxtensfonof Llen by Stste Parka Board on Palo Duro CenYOn State P8rk "The Texas State Perks Boa oP retaining these lends in In brief meds ths follwlng Trust Conp~nyt opwon from you tnte Parka Boenl mob sn extsnalon ha, may we ml1 your cle No. 607Ob under the authority ume, the orlginsl indebtedness was r the authority of uhlch said ess would be revised and extended. "It it la found t&t the Texes State Perks Board has the authority to enter into ths cantract revising end extending the origins1 tndebtadneas, 8~. myaaad I,. Dlllnrd - .PBgc 2 then C(UI the %x&e 3Lete Parks Boati subjsot to the iadobtednesi, as revlaed aud erteadad, t;ha 120 amw nlesrted from the original LndrbtednessY The aum or $1,200.00 vaa paid to the ll.mt ll~n holder8 to ob- tain the release. and this w&8 a dm8tlon by the Cmrue Trwt Cotqwmy and Fped A. Itmay." In MSVOF t0 YOUX’ fiF6t QU88tiOL4, it i8 t&U O@lkhU Of tfiir officethat tha State Pttrka BOW% Ma the authority to clcaept l redwtlon In prtioipkl and intorest and an extcn8lon oi due &ate of indebtednear and lien as Lt XMW ucista u9on aal% laad and the ~curwa theFnfFoul. Tb818nd herelnvm~ wd untler rutharity of Penate Bill 532 (Art. %ii'Ob,V.A.C.S. . Ssotlano 3 urd 4 provider p"" *bee. 3. Plrojwttt~l.uW~& ta woor%u~ce vith th%r lav 8re hereby declared to be *elf-llquld8tlag In ahamater8nppo*teQby uher&$ssotherthanby tamtlon. %a. 4. lwihiBgh6relB 8hell be aak8tmed 8~8 oreat%ng a debt or btadLag the State of Tru8 in rry WY aCOpt PI to tb0 PlsdgS oi th8 FOPULUbl 68 hl'Oein- befor. 88% forth: It 18 our OpiBhtI tNt so long a8 the llea oc iad8btedn8B8 ia not %XkUreCr8Odia either qu8lity Or aSOUAt, (UIWt63miolk Vouhl be atthoriwd under Art. 607Ob, euthoririqg purohane of tlm land in qtl8StfOB. Ths title to the &ilWlin que8titvihe8 9B8S18d to ttxhlAW -8t8 in the Stete Parka Bourd, subject to be biVtl8teb upon foFe- alo8ure.oP exiclting Uen. T&W 93'0Vi81OlI IB Art. &HOb, 1irmitiSQ pu``hnsc to tuo yesm tro?a date of bill, wo&l not prevent 8x- tenalon of lien dU8 date bnd reduolq 0f~pFiBelQe~ and lnter%8t by lien holders. The Ttmtks Btate Pa%?lCa Baa* would b8 th8 pmper Party to enter into such ngretmmt u8 the pIlrty pciorrily llabla to psy enld lndebtednesa out of the 1ccszit4 , revenues snd incow r6- Ceived from the land in que6tlou. As ta vhether or not the l2@ OCMB m2eamd fmrp the

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7120

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017