- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Shrlbg X. Lang county Attcmay Jefferson County Beauwat, Taaur Eem! sir: opinion 30. o-n19 Rs: County Txrasurar*s Ua*lnitte salary, JaficarsonCoun A* Your lottar of Junr 28 propound the gua8tiona1 is mtitlad to reoefva 0 him to retain Hmorablo Shelby !c.Long. Jrge 2 "The laet prsoedlng *edera Culau~ 0r daifarson County show tha County to hnva 191,942 lnhebl&nk. The Couity Roasure? ha8 boa re8aivl~g uid ratalnlng pttr8mallY $*.OO par swnthealary from oh4 ReMsmut Navigation DI&rlot uadar tha provlslcaa of Artlolo 822l, as mtaadod. Aote 194l - b7tE Legialatura,P. 752, oh. 471, and $600.00 par m fra Ro8d Dl8trlat Ro. 1 a8 pxovlded antlerArt10183943-b, Y.A.C.S.” As stated in your lottar, the latest pr404dlng l%drml cansue applloabls to Jatf4rnon CoaBty shora th4 Ch&Btl t0 hOV0 8 pO@atiOll Oi 192,942. (AttCWM) @4B4?41*4 0plalon Ho. O-6499). Ia the 0888 of tMttw8t v. Iimrl8 County. 129 5. % (2) S43 (ia whiah a-``. rolt af error), the Qalvrlrtan Co&Fof ~Ci<~-Ap~ppt& b&or8 it the mxirpars crompensati3n allovmblr to the County hueaarer in Couutle8 of am8 t&n 190 000 pepalatlo& unQerthekm8exlstlngLgl936. Seotfon 19, Mtlole J9120, Vernan'B Aonotmted Civil Miatata8, &olamd that: ~ovlslons o? this 3eatlonshell apply to ai?b 00m-d 113 680h 000nty in the st8te or h1a8 bavlog a poptilation la 0x0888 of 0a4 huadred and nlaety (190,OW) thouti lnhabltsnti, 8eeardlrrg - to the lA8b preeedlag ~4d4r4lC4MU8." mlbwotlon (a) or !a8t1un,19. maprcr*pwldrd that thoCwaloolone?oCW~?tof aeh 8whCuantfaohall 44t4mlno annually the oalary to ba paid to thr County Treaoarar at’ 8 reaomabla M sot tn arooad Thrao Thousand, Sir Hun4red (4~,600.00) Ddlaro per annamm. 0thor provl8loa8 of tha offloerswluy 18~ (in 8oocdanoa with tha nquixument at the menbent to Sqtloa 61 of &rtlolo XVI of the ~onstltutlan) roqulrod thatall offlea* omgmuated oaananaual~l.uy beisla~, 88oount for 8nd my into the Offloors* Saluy fund of the eouaty, all Ilass,ommiaslo~ and onqmaetiom of offloe othar than the 8818ry allowed thaa by law. . ..
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7119
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017