, 484 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Yonokeblr Gee. r;.COr &ate Health Gffioer Texas Stats Board of iiemlth Auatln, Texas Thlr aoknouledgar ar follow8: rmeetlngof the th8 Stat. Health rcoAb.b, Mid f.810wy 640pt8a or foo4 and drug foroemwt of the Taxa tfon wea taken at tha th Gffloer an& after Purrrunt thbreto thoritg vast66 in the state 108 4465~ =a 6466, of the Statutes of Tex.08,wld ,8tateBalth 8~14adopted aaid definition8and etan- imou8ly adopka and roomu&endadby mld #aid defl.nition8 an& qtanba8&8 80 id Board and made and 8dopted by eafd State liealthOfficer were the followinglr 4.85 486 “(b). whothor a per8on, rbi or wrpor8tiao who ahal, within th18 stete, bmautaotur4 for 8aJ.4, h8VQ in hi8 ~b8fMO8iOAwith fatant to ru, Qr orfor Or apor for self9 or 8el.l or exohang8 any 8rtiol4 of rood eon- taining Anera oil aa PI; inpedient will be dearnedto hare violated,end be aubjeet to pmweution uuder Artiolae 706, 707 and 717 of the Bmal Code of 0~ Stat.63 Of -24X48. *to). Whether any oarbonat8d beroragr, 8oda, 8048 wtsr or other 8brt drink eeatsin* uoeh8pin rill,b8 ebn8idored88 adtitW4t84 unAer GiM&~kt ), Tltla ?A, of th4 I?tcV184d CiQil &tat&48 Of 'POX48,14Id "(a). Whether a prmn, iinn oc aorperatioo wlio 8h8u, Withi fhi8 ?itW, MJ!Mf48hW4 fbr MI&, &t5I8 5D hi8 pO88488iORwith intent tb 4.u. Qr OffW Or 8Xped4 ~fbr Ud, Or iWll Or 4%9-4 Uy wrbonatsd b4V4P884, 8bde, 8448 w8t4r er eort .Arfak other bbntaining uwoborln will be de-d to h4Q4 rtoia&4d, cad be rtrbjq8t u, r08- 4WtiOn kUia4r APttOlQ8 706, ?w? urd 7x7 Sr &8 Pkmu! CoAo or r8~8. .`` ,1. Xn rtnr of the f8bt that qu48i&ri8 (I) URA (b) lre at pWknt the 8UbjOOt Of iitigOtiOB~'WQ do 5Gt ~88 UpOn th4iiI h4Ti. Tit10 71, Aepter 3, if~Wll’8 Amnbtat4a CiVll 3iaAt48, d44la With Food OAd UZW38. Art1014 i&66, W5ttCSl8 2 Etid3 Of f&t ehaptsr, previde in part; "2. \xfAke,pUbu8h ad 4AfWW9 -08 OGUI8i8t4& with thin Law, and adagt~ at*n&rdr far, food foodq, pcodltcte, boverage8, 4zWjs et9., and the siOdea%i zaethods of 4lVh1y8i4 OUthbriebd a8 ,OfffOlal by t&4 Lbtler41 ueaartrnaut of &rioultun. “3. ;uf&iirti~ into the qU4Lity Qf th4 fMd8 4d drug produoto wrrnufeetunb or u%l.dor espo``@dfor 4414 iA th is Sta r ir . . lm ~$fola w;ll of that ohatsr and Arthle 706, ‘J. A, F. @. , provide @at ‘the tbna *food* ehaU l&%lwIo all artlale8 wed by i%an for . md, ‘clrlrzk, .Tlat@ri.&g, ooafaationsr~ or sondFrrntwh%fD*i &q&e, .a &aced ~01 coqmtadod”. Soda *ater, then, fa olaorlSieda8 feed +&thia the nmaning of them two rrrttolar.Artio3.el&75 of Title $1, Chapter 3, opaifioolllyadopts the fenal Code d%finttion of ~@altonttion of Sood en set forth Fr Article 707. The ori(;iaal ,aotd%fialr;(;s edultsrationUS mod l.s’Te.xas me paend .by ths 30th kgta&tur% in 1907 b$ liciupr Ull #o.. 5, sL’* Ohapwr~39, pa&wbZ; Osdkral Larr OY mxaa. It beoane effeetlve ia June, 1907, and wwided a8 ScG.lowaa *In the @aateog towih IFirst. Ii any eubrte~sr has been rpiwd aud pa&d with it so aI’ to n&ma or luwer or lajuricualy asreot It0 quality or 8tmagth. "imaond~. If any aaub#tanw haa, +w8 aub+tutaQ nhetlp or in pazt for the lFtiale. ertt%?% *-, .: : “Foozlth. ?f ft be airad, so&mad, powdered, eeatsd, ur&.-.add ia a abner ‘Mm-ebg baatags or $iyrLoritj fa , 1, . ~a in ths ldulteratlon,ot r o ol ltatuta, nm Arti&i 707. Sinoe the ~langua~8 of' b&h Tedonl &nd Texas statutes m ldentioal~, arLdvainer, the Pedeml l%t was lp rent3.y the baala fox the Texas sot,,M my.l~ook te the oonetruot 4"on plSo%d upon $&a Psderbl enaotrasct as an aid in dstsralnin~the proper oon- Sfruotlm or the Tbua statute. 39 TW. Jur. 264, wot1on 140. se find riowapo law d@h with SSaSharin radar the Zaderal or Teaa aeta. Wweter, tba SUeral 8QPtaiatratlv~ luthorltlea #aaiakntLy deeids@ t&at oh0 tam eZ 8awmrin in feed am- lt& tukadultaxatt~ah d ga%er tha PSbS?SL ltatuk, bsSing thelr ~wlualoaa an 4extaSo findinga, !#a nata the iollewtag Sood forpeotion weirla``r or the ~pma0n* Or bgxiouiturar pvd Inalne~ion &&&tbn l&L ~aaued Bebmaa X9. X,P;LP, reads in paxtr vb6 iwmau OS Ghomiatry er the Departwit 0r &gahulturs reports thet aaoeharin has been f”u.u; g iarc than rirty kinas ar rued8 &II 068wn usa. ar@M3d, ttUr~rr@n,Oh& ir,tM US% 0s SSoOhSrin &2i foods be SlUwSd, the abYgawer rs very eaaUy irtgaat, ai%r bg Ilay,evrr 0.3 ipam, tba quantbty rhiah, So+ oordlng to the ila4lnga ol tb bferee 138*rB, is liable to pro&we %iaturbanw# ot di@atlW. OJi the OtMr &Ad, it lr alslmed by thS aaw~eotfmra that the sweeteaingpew%r OS raooharin IS S@ WSob wit, in dlnormal dietary, tha Sax3uato$ aaeoharin e :. ~. qxltmbl; -0. w. 00x, pgo 7 Jagastod cwly would mot ox4ood a.3 gram, tb mmmt &wan4 to ‘bs hraLa~& by the iiafoiro @axd. 'Wowewir, this arsrb4; it 18 finin, fmm the finab@ Of th0 ddOlu0 Bomrd, that th4 8Ub8tSfutl4%2 of moohlrrinfor 4u(&arloaorr tho quality of th4
id. The oalyuw or Mooharia In rood8 fs 88 a @weetoner,an4 when It i4 80 u84d, It inorltabl~ tli@acor the war of aa equiralwt s#ekning w-r. Sugar ha8 6 fowl value awl rooharln has llOlW. It clpp8u8, th0w0r0, th0t n0mi rma 8woo8en8~with raoharln lr0 lluibsrr;teA un4or t-ho 1aW** To the 8uw ofloot, Me PO& InrpO48i4n DaOl8laa 135, inrum lQll., and Yood Xne~otlon Deoirla@ l&ii, irwuo4 1922. iTa gtd.0 droo a letter, dated July 12, ,+6, t;o 8hJr, do- pirlarnt rraa th0 fr0~48mto iioalthofri0er:l ‘W&8 hsa. FH4t4 Board M Eiealth8nd tb 3tak mm otra.wr bm3 ra2.f 8m of tb, fpn8~8i opinion l8 clX@Z48#Odin 801O~tifi4lik&UtUH lU&Wdil&& th0 U8d oi raoo$rrin an 0 8ubrtitutOror 8wsar h rood ptobuatr Seltithat the SnfrrdL84rialeatr UI of rcroharln40~3.4 b4 dalatoriou8to health, anb, 2'044@11ting their rO&&bBB8i- bilitr in ths &4&i~S4l h4aJth 8nd w4lfaM Of th4 0it1&4n* or all8 utato. ado toa tha regulatiun pro- &lbit&q tar, wo of uoohl rl 11 a8 a rubeti$uto for ruga in fbod pru4uot*.” 3y virtue bf lWAol0 &66, raetioa~ 2 an4%3, the IJt8h H4alth tXfio0~ WI Bteta Boer4 4f s88lth bat4 tha 4tlth4rityt0 mati 8uoh a regulation, and it 4404 not 4ppar on ita ra4a th4t r\rohmgulatlon i8 unr~osanable,crrbitrary, or 44pirici4ur. Ia view of t&8 toregoLa& it la the opinloa or thio 40. partmeat that: (1) t&3 UBB of 86ooharin ia 80411water aonrtitukr adultentfon within t&a fmentng,of krtiolo 707, bs virtue or the 8tendera r*0a by th4 simi3 milth ofri4w 8&d mapQ, rap thrt (2) the orflerof thfis dtats Board of timlth i.8talib.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7105
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017