Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • HonorableOlin Culberson,ChaiI?iWn
    RailroadCowission of Thxas
    Dear Sirs                                 OpinionMO..O-7096
    Ret Whether dasingheadgas, v&%oh
    has not been processed~or+t thfough
    a gasolineplant for thb removal off
    bdrooarbons,mn be legallyutilized
    for the manufactureof cationblack
    where the recoveryis less than 5
    pounds of carbonblack to each 1,000
    cubic feet of cashingheadgase
    Your letterof Februaryll,,1946, reads as follows:
    "The RailroadCommissionof Texas has had a requiestto grant authorityto
    utilizecasingheadgas, which has not been processedor put througha gaso-
    line plant for the removalof hydrocarbons,in a channel-blackplantmaking
    "This oasinghsadgas i8 in the categoryof sweet gas. The ohannelaslrbon
    black plant will not reoovarfive pounds per thousandcubic feet.
    "QUESTIOHI If casingheadgas,which is classifiedas sweat gas, does not
    gg,$hrougha.gasolineplant for the extraotionof hydrooarbxxs,can the
    RailroadConnnissionauthorizeit to be burned for aarbon-blackwhere the
    recoveryis leas than the five pounts par ouMo feet of gas.*
    Your questionis no doubt propoundedin the light of Se&ion 3 of
    Article 6006,Vernon'sAnnotatedCivil Statutes,particularlysubsection(i)
    thereofwhioh provide8:
    Vhs produotion,transportation, or use of naturalgas in suchmanner, in
    auoh amount,or under such oonditionsik to constitutemste is hereby de-
    olaredto be unlawfuland is prohiMted, The tern "waste"among other
    things shall specificallyinclude:               _     .
    .   .   .
    "‘(I) The UQO of naturalgas for the manufactureof carbonblack without
    first.havingextractedthe naturalgasolinecontentfrom such gas, sxospt
    where it is utilizedin a plant produoingan averagerecoveryof 'notless
    than five (5) poundsof carbonblack 'coeach one thousand(1,000)cubic
    -.                              .-.
    -   -,_
    Hon. Olin Culbsrson,Page 2 (o-7095)
    feet of gas it shall not ,benecessaryto first extractthe naturalgasoline
    contentfrom such gas.
    ". . .*
    Prior to its amendmentby the 47th Legislature(Acts 1941, pags
    117, chapter91) Subsection(i) read as follows:
    "(i) The uss of naturalgas for the manufactureof oarbonbla& without
    first havingextxaotedthsnatural gasolineoontentfrom such gas."
    In opinionNo. O-2199,dated April 25, 1940,addressedto I&. John
    E. Taylor,Chief Supervisor,Oil and Gas Division,RailroadCamnissionof
    Texas, this Dspartmsntheld, among other things,that casingheadgrsmay be
    used in the manufaotursof oarbonblack "withoutthe impositionof the linit-
    ationsin subsection(i) of 8sOtiOn3 of.Artiole~6008."This opinionwas
    writtenin the light of Subseotion(i) as it read prior to the 1941 wend-
    ment, but the conolusionappliesto presentSubseotion(i) with equal rele-
    In additionto and apart from thereasons advanoedin OpinionNo.
    O-2199,ws are of the opinionthat its oonolusionis oompslladbythe follow-
    ing additionalstatutes.
    Article 6008, Section3, Subsection(g) provides:
    *(g) The escapeinto the open air, from a well producingboth oil and gas,
    of natural gas in exosss of the snaount
    vhioh is necessaryin the efficient
    drillingor operationof the well." (One of snrnneratedspecificdefinitions
    of Yvaste.")
    &ticle 6014, Section (a) providsss
    "The production,storageor transportationofcrude petrolem oil or of nat-
    ural gas in such manner, in such amount,or under such conditionsas to
    constitutewaste is hereby dealaredto be unlawfuland is prohibited. The
    term "noste"smong otherthings shall speoifioallyincludes
    "(a) The operationof any oil well or walls with an ineffioientgas-oil
    ,ration, and the Commissionis hereby given authorityto fix and dstermineby
    order such ratio)providedthatthe utilizationfor manufactureof natural
    gasolineof gas producedfrom an oilwsll wit&n the permittedgas-oil
    ration shall not be includedwithinthe definitionof waste."
    The foregoingstatutesspecificallyregulatethe productionof
    cashinghead gas and are controllingupon matters of statutorywaste.
    "Casingheadgas is nothingother than gas from an oilwell)" Mussellarm
    v. KagnoliaPetroleumCo., 
    107 Okla. 183
    231 P. 526
    * "There is a ~011~
    defineddistinoti,onin law batwsengas producedfrea a gas wsll and
    oashingheadgas: The latter is that which flows from oil wells . . ."
    .-                           .-
    .   .   -
    Hon. Olin Culberson,Page 3 (O-7096)
    HmableOil & R-finingCOO Vo Poe, 29 s,x (zd) 1019 (Camniesionof Appeals).
    This constructionof the tsm "cashingheadgas" has also been adoptedin the
    followingaascs: Mullendorev. Dennehcrma OU Co. (
    248 P. 837
    )~ Ctilitis*
    ProductionCorp.v. Carter Oil Co*, 72 F&L (2d)'655$GeneralPetroleumCorp.
    of Californiav. United S+ate*,24 Fed, Sup, 2853 Brea CannonOil Co. vo Cam-
    mission of InternalRevenue,77 Fed. (2d) 67*
    Thus it i* that casingheadgas is definedas follows in subsection
    (i), ScctiPn2, Article 60081 "The term 'casinghead baa' shallmean any gas
    and/or vapor indigenousto an oil stratmeand preduoedfrom su~ohstmtm with
    oil." Subsection(h) section2, Article 6008 defines"smet gas" as meaning
    'all.naturalgas except 'sourgas* and 'casingheadgas.," 'Thefactthat the
    oaslngheadgas which is the subjeotof your letter is desoribedas being "in
    the categorywith sweet gas" doesnotaffect the applicationof the statutes
    regulatingcasingheadgas as such. %e held in Opinion Eo. O-1760 dated
    March 13, 1940, addressedto Mr. John E. Taylor,Chief Supervisor,Oil and Gas
    Division,RailroadCanmSssion,that the tens "casinghead   gas" is restrictedto
    gas which is producedfrom an "011 well" as that term 'isdefinedin subsection
    (0) of Section2, Artiole 6008, and the-terms"sweet gas*~and"sour gas" to gas
    producedfrom a "gas well" as that term is d&finedin Subsection(d), Seotion
    2 of Artiole 6008.
    Casingheadgae not being Foduoed separatelybut only as sn incident
    to the productionof oil, section(a) of &tie10 6014 authorisesthe Railroad
    Cammissionto fix the efficientgas-oilratio for such production. The gas
    producedunder the fixed ratio may, under Subseotion(g), Seotion3, Artiole
    6008,be permittedto escapeinto the~openair and the provisoof Section(a),
    &ticle 6014, is a specificlegislativedeclarationthat the utilizationof
    this casingheadgas for the manufactureof naturalgasolineshall not be includ-
    ed within "he definitionof statutorywastei Therefore,easingheadgas is
    removedfrom the operationof subsection(i), sectionS, Article 6008,the
    purposeof which is the conservationof the naturalgasolinecontent.
    It is manifest,however,that any beneficialuse of cashingheadgas
    lawfullyproduced(any productionin exoessof the effioientand fixed gas-oil
    ratio being of courseunlawful),ratherthan its esoape intothe open air,
    would be in the publicinterestand is contemplatedby subreotion(3), Section
    7, article 6008, providingas fellows:
    "(3) Casingheadgas may be used for any beneficialpurpose,which include8
    the manufaotureof naturalgasoljns.!'
    Aacordingly,it is the opinionof this departmentthat cashinghead
    gas which ha8 not been processedfor the removalof bydrooarbws maybe legally
    utilizedfor the manufactureof carbonblaok where the recoverywill be less than
    five poundsof carbonblack to each one thousandoubio feet of cashinghead
    Yours very truly
    APPROVEDFEB 26, 1946                       ATTORNEYGEI?ERAL
    FIRSTASSISTANT   ATTORNEY   GENERAL         By /a/ eo11iec. steak1ey

Document Info

Docket Number: O-7095

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017