- i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTINI gollorableY. D. Bryan cmty Attorney, hst¶n county ~llvllle, Texas mar sir: opinion Ilo. O-7086 Rex Under the oounty olerk ~sxrs, &s.autharl$y to recoa the sboveuatlomd & strumoats ,aad +f ~80, ia vhat records should they be plaoed .l gonombls W. D. Bryan, page The ooplea of the instruments referred to by you In aaid request are ~II follovsx QASIC: Ltr Hqa 1421~3G4neral Hospital, APO 465, dtd 26 Jul 45. Subjt Roquost for Urrirge. 201-Voskanp, Audrey A. (0) (26 Jul 45) 3rd Ind. wU/kcmn &DQlJAlWS,UWISDSTAl3CS FORCES, IRDIARURU TERATRR, APO 885 9 A-t 1945. TOi Ccmundlug Osneral, Base Seotlon, U.S.F., I.&T., APO 465. "1% Permiaslon to mrrJ on or riter date of this lndoreeaiont under the provisions and rostrlotloaa, OS Ciraulrr 37, this Eeadquartors, 19 April 1945. Appll- cud* a,ttentioa vi11 be direote~ partlculmly to pars- graph e&or Clroulrr 37; ‘2. It 1s d&red that..thls e ll&lon be returned bf~Wlorsqmentth.reon indiaatingte f? &to andplroe that rrrlage vas oonsummated. *BT COMJURD OF LIEUlZRAlfT QRNElUL UliXXSRt l 3‘“3:: '57172/2Cl-Vosbrap, Audre; A. (0) 4th lad. Adm/VCI/jdl. HmD@JARl’RRs BARR BECTIOR, IICDIX BUiUU TRRATRR, Iso 465, 1s hguot 194% Toi Comnandlng OfSLoer, l&nd Qenenl Hospltrl, IBT, APO 465. Attention is invited to 3rd Xndorsanent for oacnplirnoe. BY ColQullD OF ~RIQADISCR QHRERAL LIElILMDt xaj. Slg Corps, Aart Dir. Adm Div. gmorable W. 0. Bryan, pags 3 "Mason E. Teylor MA3OR R. TAYLOR 26 Lt, MAC Peru Offloor ------------ UXITHD STATRS ARMY “THIS that on the l3oveatssnthday or Alqlmt CERTIFIRS in the year 1945 Henry Gustav Sohonenberg and Audmy Ann Vodump vem by PLO .rraltedin Holy Xatrlaony at lCalalkuada,Indie, sccolding to the Ordlmu~ce OS Qod awl the Lovs of the Btate of Authority O&.1.% Theater. lUltM SSeS Paul Y. Blcme~or Eduln~..Klmbrough Ruth FLrsohlng ChaplaIn, United States J.r?~y.~ 4~U.U' AAide 4606, VO=-'~ IPnokt0d Cl~ll StrtUtaej whloh bas to do vith the rsoording oi ``rrlaga llosrmse~'by a county clerk, xyada as follows: 'Reoord and mtumqf lloerue. The Clerk-rhll mcord all lliaenrea ~0 lmued by him In 8 Well bound .book kept for that purpom. It aball be the duty of th0 pen~80ie~mi~ing the fit08 0rPrtriPonJt0 in- dona the mame on the lloe~i~urd iMurn it to the countr olerk vltbln slxt~.dnyr-rtter thq oelebntlon Uof0;~i.d; suah return till be reoordedvlth‘the . Artlole 6591, vhlab has to.do with the dutler oi the county ale* +s a reoomlep, 1r.m ?ollovrr lR e a o r .daCounty ?s olerkl mbell be the reoordera for their mspootlve oouutlesj they rhll provide and kse in their offloem veil bound book6 In vhloh they a& record all lmtmmenta of vrltlng ruthorlmd or mqplmd to k reoomled'ln the oounty olerk'e oiiloo ln the namer herel.tufter provided.' Bonoreble W. D. Bryan, pugs 4 In further preaorlbl same of the duties of the county T 1 provides as followst clerk as a recorder, Article 19 'Recorders. They shall be ax-ofSIoIo recorders for their several oountlom, snd (16 such shmll reoord In suitable book6 to be procured for that purpose all dseda, mortgage6 and other ln6trumants required or perPItted by law to be moordedl thay shall be the kespers OS suoh reoord book6, snd shall keep the aame properly Indexid, arrrtlgsdsnd preserved." Under the above stetutss, a oounty olork 18 rsqulred to record all Mrr?.age licenses Issued-by him, but he 1s not raqulrod to record aerrlege lIcen6es issued by 6.n offlof.61 of some other county, state or.aouutry.' lie flad no statute prohlbltlng his re- cording a merrldga lloen6s Issued by 6u oMIol61 OS soae other county, strte or country; neither do vo find 6 st6tuteI;pai~l~;Uly authorizing hia- recording of 6u.d marriage llaensos. oplnIon, however, that he 1s prmlttad to xwoord suoh n6&8g6 lIoen6esS inaludlng thet heiulxaabove miermd to and.sot' out,.@ th4 book ordInarlly used tor that. purpose,.or in the Ds'ed Reaords. Beton roooptlng such U&se for reaoti, it 16 our' Mther oplnlon that the oounty clerk should roqulre m~affldavlt, prw- rokuovledged for reoord``s pmsorlhed in Artlolms 6607 snd.663 , frm.eaeh OS the parties nuod in said lloonse.tbat they am the ldantlcrl p6rtles mod thdw3.a. Ii either of said * p6r?les 1s ~dead, then said llaense sbauld: b6 rooeptod upon such rfildavlt ~belng nurde by the one survlvlng:
Document Info
Docket Number: O-7086
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1946
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017