Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1946 )

  • 880 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr.,, Dtreator Departlarnt of rublio Safety Camp hiabry Austin, Texer Dear Sir! Opinion No. o-6987 Your request for our e above questions read8 ar follow81 o truok driven by a mob ambulanos or &arm when on11 a part of hi8 irfng ruoh 8utomobilei” 87b, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil Statutes, ae follow8l waotion 1. Detlnitlon of worda and phraser. *The rouowing word8 ana phrase8 when u80a a thi8 Aot shall, for the purpoas of thir Aot, have the meanLng8 re8peotiVsly a8oribed t0 them in this title. 881 Hon. HOIUerGarri8On, page 2 a* * *’ "(1) tDrirrr.c mory perron who briVO8 or 18 ln aotual phyrioal oontrol oi a vrhiolr. "(la) 'Operator.@ Every person, other than a 0hwr0ur or oommerolal operator, who 18 In aotual phyrioal oontrol~oi a motor rehiolr upon a highway. '*(n) ~Oomerolal Operator.' Every perron who 18 thr driver of a motor vehiole berignea cmmsea ror ths tran8portation of pMperty inoluding al]. vehioler used for delivery purpo888, while 8aia vehlole 18 bdng UWa ror oomaeroial or belivery purpoeer. “(0) *ChaufS8url Every perron who is the driver for wage8 oompenration or hire, or ior fare, oi a motor vehiole tranrporting p~888IlgOrfi. a ** l “(q) ‘rflghway.~ The entire width between property line8 of any road, ntreet, way, thoroughfare, or bridge in this State not privately owned or oontrolled, when any psrt thereof ir open to the publio for vehioular trarfio and over whioh the Stat.0 ha8 legialatlv~ jurie- alotion under it8 polioe power.*' "980, z. Drivers must have lioense. *(a) No perronb exoopt tho8r horelnaiter expre88lp lqmptsd,~ shall drive any motor vehiole u on a highway in thi8 Stat. Utl1OU8 8UOh Qer8OIlh88 l vaP id liOWW@ 88 an operator, a oomaeroial operator, or a ohatifeur under the prO7i8iOll8 Of thi8 Aotr “(b) Any person boiaing a valid ohaufreuP8 or oomaerolal operator’8 lioenn henuaaer neea not proour an operator'8 liosnr*:~ r* * * 'SOO. 3. '#betperronr are exe@ from lioem8e. -The follawlng per80118 are exempt from liOen80 hersunder n* * * - 882 aOn. HOmer Garri8on, Jr., page 3 *+ * *provided, howovor, It rb811 not br tmoe8-~ aary for an eaployer or any Inoorporatra olty, town, or vlllagr or thi8 St8t8, or oounty or thi8 state, when holding an opentort per&t, to obkiri a ohaufr*ur,r lIoen8e in order to operatr m orrl0lal motor vahlolr In tha rerrlor of 8uoh Inoorporatod olty, tovm, villago, or oounty:* It 18 014 Opinion that th0 above qUOt@d prOVi8iOn8 Oi raid statute requlro the drltor or a olty-0wnrd fir0 truok to h8vs 8n operator*8 lIorn88 , unlr88 ho 8hO8dy h4l8 8 Valid ohaurreur~r or oof8a8raIaloperrtor*8 lloen80. If uld drlvor ha8 aither a valid ohautfrur'8 or oommeroial operator’8 110 oenle, he 18 not rrquizvd to 8180 harr 85 operatort ltoenre. A8 to your quO8tion No. 2, w8 are of the opinion that the uoted provlaiona of raid rtatuk require the driver Of lnbul8nor or he8rsa to have a ohaurreur,r a pr4r a tely -o wned lioenre . The faot that 8uOh driver performedOther autler and that the driving of 8aid ambulanor or heam. wa8 only a part 0r hi8 aUti88 would not make any differmoe, a8 ha I8 required to have 8 lloenre when he I8 In aotual phy8leal oontrol of a motor vehlolr upon a highway for any period or time. Your att8ntlon I8 dlnoted to Subdivialon 6 of geotlon 3 or raid Itatute, however a8 to oertaln pr8onr who 8r0 exempt rrof8all r8qulre08ntr rdatii. to reourlng a &river'8 lioense, laid SubdIvIrIon 6 I'.ading88 fOiiOW8: 'Any porron In thr A.rtmd yOZ'o.8or the United Stat88 who i8 on leave or furlough or who m8y br temponrily abwnt rrcm hlr or her post or duty, or who ha8 boon honorably dIroharg8d from the drmodPoroea of the United State8 of Aarsrloa for not more than rlx (6) month81 provided, holever, that thI8 exemption rhall extend Only until the omrsatlon or ho8tllItIea In the present war and for one year thrrcafter.r /7." ..~ ., :.:j Your8 very truly, ,& u ATTOBMY GiJUUL OP T&AS .~. .BY ao, JWBtLJ 8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6987

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1946

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017