OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorsbli H. Z. raubfoa Xmlrtsnt Fxeoutive 3eorstary CSm, Fish end oyster Comn,lsrion AWti5, lbXS8 rasr sir: r of November 7, 194s. xe are ,attaohing a e type or mlmagel3snt lioense .~ Of the prOXfiPity Of th0 open sOa Fslo >lnto County, ue would eppreoiate 5 nt your earllost 00n~enienoe.~ The l3r8x08 River Con~rvotfon and Reobmation Di8- triot is (1 Stete A@S5Oy areated end employed by the State, wreuant to the provlulonr of srotion 39, Artlole 16, of the State corietitution, to ooneerve and .&velop the wters 0r the Erazos River and tba land sfieoted Wweb:. It ir 15 the nature Of I quasi-publio oorporatlon, and bein@ a component part of Ronorable 11.. E. Faubion - page 2 the state, it derives all of its pokers and. authority by expreos delegation from the state. iLike similar subordinato gtate Agencies, it has only the powe?s and duties which are clearly set forth and defined by the Constitution and Statutes of the state. Titl% 128, oh. 8, special Acts, page 536, v. A* c. s.; Acts 1929, 41St Legislature, 26 C. S.;Sp. I,.. page 22, ch. 13, as anended; 37 Tex. Jur. 065, Lower Colorado River Authority vs. KcGravr, 125 Tax. 268; Crouoh vs. Posey, 69 S. W, 1001; 37 Tax. Jur. 950, Sec. 81. Although we are well aware of the worthiness of the ,~ ,, oause In this case, there is nothing in the 1anSuage of the Act establishing the Erazos River Conservation end Reclamation Distriot whioh either expressly or by olear inp&ication author- izes the proposed contract here. Wha.tever authority the Dis- trict has to dispose of or burden Its property is.derived from Section 12 of Tit10 128, chap. 8, vol. 21, Special Acts, pp 536-546, V. A* d. S., as amended, which is set out in the following language: “Sec. 12. Nothing in this Act shall be oon- strued as authorizing she Distriot, and it shall, not be authorized to mortgage, or otherwise en- ounber any of its property or’ any k ind, real~op;ecr sonal or mixed, or any interest therein, or quire any such property or interest subjeot.to a mortgage or oonditional sale, provided that this section shall not be construed ss prevonting the pledging of the revenue of the Distriot as herein authorized. Nothing in this AOt shall be construed ‘as authorizing the sale, release or othor d’isposition of sny such property or Interest by the Dlstriot, or any receiver of any of the District property, .or ,throug,h any court proceedings, or otherwise; provided, however, that tho District may sell.for .oash any such property or interest in on ag’grogate value not exoeeding the 8um of One Rundrod Thousand (~lOO,OOO.OO) DOllaxS in any one year if the Board by affirmative vote of clevon of its members shall have determined that the property or interest is not necessary to tho business of the District, and shall Ronorable 11. R. Faubion- page 3 . have approved the termsof any such sale it being the intention:of this Act that excipt by sole 06 in this section oxppre3nly auti-iorlzed, no such property or interest shall ever come into the ovtilership or oontrol, directly or indireotly'i of any person, firm or corporation other than a public authority created under the laws of the. state of Texas. All property of the District shall be at all tines exempted from forced sale, :ii.:;i-:_ y;.:~';5~..:.:_ ; and nothing in this Act contained shall authorize the sale of any of the property of the District under any judgment rendered in any suit end such sales are hereby prohibited and forbidden.* (Xm~hasis added) 4s seenfrom the underlined portion of the above Sootion 12, t~he District is expressly limited and cnnnot 'encumbers its property. TGth resyoct to the nature of Iour Droposed Contract, the greet weight of authority In other jurisdictionfi,. and also that vihich we, believe is ;resently the law in the State of Texas, is adequately SfrJted by the Galveston Court of civil Appeals in the case Of Anderson et us v. [Iipson, 144 2. :i'. 2nd 948 (&940), .in :be rOuOme language: .:. ,.:,::~:,:~>: ~. "The rule laid down by the text writers and'supsorted by the great weight of authority frox other juris&iotions is that the right of one person to hunt on premises owned and in the posceseion of another may be acquired by a ernnt or lease of hunting rriviloges, and that vhen so granted it is not a mere license but Is 811 in- terest in tho real estate in the'nature of an incorporeal hereditament, and that, as suoh, it is within the statute of frauds and requiros a writing for its oreatlon." AlSO seo C. J. S. 4; 32 A. L. R. 1527; 17 A?. JUT. 9.57. I. . z-f% 2onorable B. E. Faubion - pace 4 As it is our belief thatthe instrument YOU ;ropose to execute oomes within the determination .of the Soregoing authorities, suah instrument viould then amount to an enoumbrance uPon the property .oS the District, whloh 1s expressly forbidden by the 1onpuac.e of the statute, supre. 42 G. J. s. 549; BouvierlS Law Diotionary, Vol. 2, p. 1530; words and phrases, Vol. 20, p. 605. Further, in a former opinion of this department No. O-1287, dated Xay 15, 1940, addressed to the Honorable Frank I). Quinn, it was held that the Eraxos River Gonservstion and jgeolamation District did not have the power to convey by deed P determinable fee interest in its lands to another state agency because .the District had no pov,er sufficiently speaific to dispose of Its property in such manner. Although the deed therein recited a consideration of Yen Dollzrs and other eood and valuable coilsideration, 11no actual cash consideration ~8s to pass between the parties.' The Distriot aid not have :he power to d:spose of its property by &ift under those provisions of Section 12 of the Act, supra, readins as fol- lors: ". . . . it being the intention.of this Act that exaopt by sale as In this section expressly authorized, no such property or interest shall, ever come into the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, of any person, firm or oorporatlon other than a public authority created under the laws of the state of Texas." The opinion then aonoluded that those provisions Qf Section 12 regarding the value oSproperty which may be *Old for oash in 'any one'year by an eleven member vote of thO.Distrlct provided the property is not ncccssery to the ~;$~%a of the District applied only to sslcs end not to I . AS your proposed'controct here is not 6 sale within the above statutory provisions, and beoause it would result ponorebla H. EL Faubion - page 5 in en encumbrence upon the DistrfLctsC lends, it is not authorized ~by the provisions of Section 12 df the'Act, supra, end we therefore answer your question in the negative. Very truly yours A’JT.IYO~XY G3!.ERALOF TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6926
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017